The first thousand five hundred 50 eight chapters are the master of Myriad Worlds!

Overlooking Starry Sky.

It is absolutely possible to see that half of the Myriad Domain Territory is surrounded by a ugly and disgusting Monster Beast. Some of the creatures inside are killed by the creature, some attack Monster Beast, and Monster Beast to kill.

Myriad Domain Territory is a mess.

Zhao Fang, a Myriad Domain Territory Ruler, has less than one billionth of itss compared to 虺, which is negligible.

In the face of this Rank powerful enemy, very few people can also raise their fighting spirit.

Ancient Clan, except!

poisonous snake.

The whole body is light gray.

It looks like a dragon, but a terrifying fierce aura is definitely not a race for Dragon Race.

Ancient Clan Powerhouse looked at the front of the head, looks like a fierce, fierce and fierce, with a flawed cockroach, in the eyes slightly stagnation and retreat.

But this retreat, after thinking of the ancient Clan ancestors who had been killed, turned into endless cold and killing intent.

“ha ha ”

“Our Luck, really good.”

“After coming out of nothingness, I will run into a semi-dead scorpion.”

“In that year, it was, almost destruction of our Ancient Clan Lineage.”

“Now, it doesn’t even have half of the strength to recover. Actually, I dare to appear in front of my Ancient Clan. I really look for the dead end.”

“Listing, let us raise the knife in our hands, killed the first-time sorcerer, and pay homage to the ancestors who died in the annihilation!”

“Yes, kill the cockroach and cut its head down as a urinal.”

Ancient Clan everyone, and Inhuman people are warriors, they are still full of wariness and fear for the beginning of life, it is said that this sounds arrogant, really courageous words.

“You, my hegemonic Lineage is up.”

The Overlord took the hegemonic Lineage Powerhouse and took the lead in creating a bloody path to the body.

“hēi hēi, this kind of thing, how can we have less of our crystal armor.”

“Day Demon Race is coming too!”

Ancient Clan’s surviving Powerhouse, flocked to the beginning of the soul.

It seems that in front of them, not the Strength terrifying, can crush any Ancestral God Powerhouse’s early life.

It is a lamb to be slaughtered.

“court death!”

It seems to be a provocation, the dark double in the eyes, and a sound of indifference to the freezing point.



You can do it with your hands.

But there is a large area Ancient Clan Powerhouse dying on the spot.

Just a few breaths, rushed to the Ancient Clan Powerhouse, and died a third.

some of.

Of course, the strength of Strength is strong.

There is another reason. Overlord and others have struggled with Six Great Influences Powerhouse for a long time. They have already been exhausted. At this moment, they will stand again. There is not much Strength except for the blood.

Look at an ancient Clan Powerhouse was swallowed up and killed, Zhao Fang can not sit back and ignore.

“damn it, red and purple bss, I still see first time, say anything to kill him!”

Zhao Fang squinted, and the eyelids abyss had a deep depression.

“ha ha ,Zhao Fang, even if you refining the domain core? In front of Old Ancestor, you are a scum!”

“Zhao Fang, you don’t want to kill us? Come kill, this Sir will have to look at it, who will die first!”

“I have to remember, the chief culprit of all this is him!”

The owners of Six Great Influences have started to talk, arbitrarily accusing ridicule Zhao Fang.

Ancient Clan everyone looked indifferent.

But the other people of Myriad Domain Territory, because of this sudden change, disturbed the mind, confused by the words of War God Palace and others, looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, full of resentment and killing intent.

“ha ha , the owner of Myriad Domain Territory, you are not very good, have the ability to kill this Sir Ah!”

The Strong of the Lord of Great Influences, this is the Myriad Domain Territory, the super bull who is angry and the Star River is cracked.


After the buffalo blessing, they have a higher level of strength and can spread more than half of the Myriad Domain Territory in a single sentence.

When these words were introduced into the ears of the Myriad Domain Territory, the atmosphere of the Myriad Domain Territory became more repressive and more panic.

Countless road with confusion, praying, expecting attention, falling on Zhao Fang.

Myriad Domain Territory is in jeopardy, they need a Guardian.

Zhao Fang blinked at six people, indifferently said: “You really thought that after this person is not a ghost, the Palace Lord can’t kill you?”

Six Great Influences laughter.

They naturally won’t have this stupid cunt idea.

Lord of Myriad Domain Territory.

These six words alone make them feel the pressure of extremes.

Otherwise, they are also impossible, and they will use the identity of Concealment for thousands of years and burn with Zhao Fang.

“In those days, we could even beat the Peak Ancient Clan. It’s not enough to fight you today!”

The six people are in a heavy mood, but the words are not revealing.

“It seems that you have dominated Myriad Domain Territory for too long, I really thought that Myriad Domain Territory is yours. Six people are fighting me, is it more than enough? With you, also with?”

The last two words of the all of a sudden.

There was a punch in the Myriad Domain Territory Law, which was once again inflated, and its size and size were rapidly overtaking the birth of the Tailings.

“You are crazy? Do you want to drain all the power of the Myriad Domain Territory?”

The six saw the rapidly expanding fist, and it was clear that the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Mountain Big River in the Myriad Domain Territory was being pumped out in one of the very fast ways, all in the same.

Myriad Domain Territory Other Powerhouses, who are aware of this anomaly, are not shocked to see Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang indifferently said: “Spiritual Qi is gone, you can raise it again. But you can’t tolerate this kind of alienation and ravage in our home!”

“That’s right, even if you spell Old Man a cultivation base. Don’t, don’t let these dog things act unruly on our site.”

A white-haired god, Powerhouse, low roaring sound, with the body Divine Strength Vibration, as the river rushes out and flocks to the Blade of Myriad Domain Territory.

“It’s a male singular senior rumored that he is ready to sit, I didn’t expect him to be alive!”

Someone recognized the white-haired old man identity and was shocked.

It’s a stalwart, but this has participated in the Battle of Ancient, and many of the ancient Clan’s sirs that died in Powerhouse.

No one thought that the big fish survived in the Myriad Domain Territory, which was notified by the Golden Prime Influence.

“The eight sage seniors are right. Today we can’t back down. Otherwise, I will be the dust of this Starry Sky, and I can’t find my home again!”

“Try hard!”

“kill these aliens!”

Originally, I only intended to watch the Powerhouses, they were all infected, and they sent their Divine Strength to the Blade of Law.

All of a sudden.

In the Myriad Domain Territory, hundreds of millions of roads contain aura of different Divine Strength, and the source is firmly sent to the punch of Law.

Just a moment.

The laughter of Law’s fist is not inferior to the body.

Moreover, it is still exploding!

“damned ,take action !”

Six Powerhouse both shocked and angry.

I know that I can’t wait any longer. I really wait until the fist of Law takes all the Marria Artist Divine Strength of Myriad Domain Territory. That might is terrifying.

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