The first thousand five hundred 50 nine chapters 斩虺 in the billions of stars above!


At the beginning of the episode, the attack of the spirits is absolutely earth-shattering, and the world is rare.

Not to mention Zhao Fang.

In the Myriad Domain Territory, except for the squadrons and several other participating in the Ancient Powerhouse, most people still see such terrifying images in the first time.

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Halfway through the journey, when Zhao Fang has not been in contact, it will burst open.

The purpose is not Zhao Fang, but the Myriad Domain Territory who are crossing the Divine Strength for Law.



Hundreds of stars burst into flames, and the entire Starry Sky is immersed in the loud Boom.

The power that spreads out, even if the ordinary God Lord is involved, must drink and hate on the spot!

“Cunning’s beast!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are cold and the mind is moving. Law’s fist splits part of the power and turns into a lightable cover that can’t unhindered hundreds of thousands of miles to protect those Myriad Domain Territory Martial Artists.

Same as Time.

Law’s fist hits, punches the lower abdomen and shakes it out of the Myriad Domain Territory.


Zhao Fang stepped up and the fist of Law followed, and the bombardment was constant.

After the first punch, the fresh reaction came over.

The tail is like a giant shield, standing in front of it, blocking the punching of Law’s fists again and again.

But its body, but also because of the giant force in the action of Law, was quickly shaken, and finally shocked Myriad Domain Territory, appeared in Starry Sky.

“Be fooled. This fellow before the storm, is forcing us to defend, so take us away from Myriad Domain Territory!”

“Not fighting in the Myriad Domain Territory, we are less threatening to his capital.”


“However, this is a good thing. After leaving the Myriad Domain Territory, his Ability will be somewhat weakened.”

“Yes, look at him now, marry him!”

Six people are cold and cold, killing intent.

“Then I have to see if you have this ability.”

Zhao Fang sneer, Void Hand grabs, God Slayer Spear in hand.

“God Slayer”


“You are going to die!”

Very little talk, after detecting God Slayer Spear, the emotional fuctuation is fierce, and the killing intent is like a knife.

“Look at the huge hole wound in your chest and abdomen, it should be caused by God Slayer Spear.”

Zhao Fang glanced at it, indifferently said.

In this case, let the madness immediately.

At that time, he and the ancient battlebattle, everywhere in the myself wind, can be described as losing face, it is the biggest shame of being a child.

Now Zhao Fang has revived the old things, which is tantamount to salting the wound and aggravating its killing intent.

“Old, you, die”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang laughed.

“When 10,000 years ago, you should be able to solve even the ancient Clan ten veins at the time of peak. You have also been divided into nine sections. Even now, if you can’t make the body complete, you can rely on your disabled body. The Palace Lord is dead, this Palace Lord is very curious, where do you have the courage and confidence?”


The two sides talked and used the Ancient Clan language.

Even the Myriad Domain Territory heard the sound and didn’t know what they were talking about.

But War God Palace master and others know.

“Old Ancestor, don’t talk nonsense with him, he is dragging Time, kill him now!”

War God Palace is the main shouted.

Zhao Fang stared at the cold, staring at the Lord War God Palace.

“You want to be court death, then the Palace Lord will kill you!”

God Slayer Spear was thrown by him, not to throw the Lord of the War God Palace, six, not too newborn, but to throw the fist of Law.

God Slayer Spear is constantly changing in the air, approaching Law’s fist, its length is approaching 100,000 feet.

Law’s fist spreads out the palm of his hand and grabs God Slayer Spear, slamming his force and stabbing the past.

A shot, the sky is cracking, the stars are back, the space is reversed, and terrifying is at the extreme.

This gun is also the self-repaired peak of the Sd Spear Spear, terrifying exception!

“Get out!”

“Do not!”

God Slayer Spear’s edge is too strong, not yet close to the War God Palace Lord, their body spurs, was broken by this aura inch.

In the end, even their body, there is a crack of a path of ,, looks, very miserable.


This is just the beginning.


虺 began to counterattack and began to prevent the approach of God Slayer Spear, and the power of hundreds of millions of people condensed into a knife.

One can smash the sun and the moon, and open the big knife of the years.

The big knife smashed out and collided with God Slayer Spear.

Heaven and earth all of a sudden.

Only the knife and the gun collide, there is the most dazzling rays of light.

next moment.

The ultimate bright rays of light come to the world.

The same coming, and the sound of the sound alone, shattered Starry Sky’s Boom bang.




Even if there is too much power to condense the big knife and take a hit with the God Slayer Spear peak, the terrifying fluctuation of the double collision, after the spread, still kills the War God Palace main and others.

There is no sign of their death, and the silence is silent.

It is like a pool fish that is caught.

With a lot of unwillingness and grievances, it burst open.

In front of Zhao Fang, there is always the guardian of Myriad Domain Territory Law.

Even if the fluid is fierce, then terrifying, unless the Myriad Domain Territory is destroyed first, it will not hurt him.





The collision between the knife and the gun continues.

Like two peerless Powerhouses, there is no one to kill.

They are in the eyes, except for each other, there is no third person.



God Slayer Spear constantly The block of the long blade, piercing the inside of the soul.

At this time, you will shrink your body and make a scream of sorrow and pain.

At at the same time, the ray of light of Law’s fist, with the reduction of the long blade constantly, is beginning to be a bit bleak.

Zhao Fang understands that the power of This is Law is huge.

He wanted to continue to acquire Law and Spiritual Qi from Myriad Domain Territory.

You can see the depleted mountains and the Milky Way in Myriad Domain Territory, and Zhao Fang frowned.

Even if he can be worried, continue to extract the power of Myriad Domain Territory.

There is also no place to extract.


Suddenly, Zhao Fang eyes shined.

“Inside heaven and earth!”

The heaven and earth inside the emperor are formed in its behind, the miniature of the heaven and earth, turned into a group of flowing light, blessed in the fist of Law.


“There is another World!”

Originally, the early-looking creatures who saw the dawn of victory, after seeing the heaven and earth inside the emperor, the strange shock shouted.

“damned! Actually is the source of the world!”

He shouted and turned and fled. “If this holy is not a broken state, even if it is the origin of World, I would like to kill this holy. This time, you are lucky, see you next time, you must take your life!”

“You are not next time!”

Zhao Fang is cold.


The rare fusion between Heaven and earth and Law’s fist is one.

Its might, already surpass peak.

The huge palm grips the God Slayer Spear, injecting the power into the spear shaft, the God Slayer Spear flowing light, the body emits the terrifying aura at the same time, and even the phantom phantom.

“The soldier phantom, the ancient bastard, left a secret hand before death, this holy is not willing!”

The sound of the moment is no longer so blunt and indifferent, but still hateful.

“Ancient, if this holy is dead, it will not make you better!”

Xiao Xiao, surrounded by blood light.

The next moment.

The God Slayer Spear, which became the giant pillar of the Optimus, is in touch with the blood light.

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