The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters are too early to be born!

The sky is changing.

The terrifying explosion of extinction echoed in Starry Sky in an instant.


Countless Stars were reinstated and twisted into dust.

虺 Extremely strong, even if the Myriad Domain Territory and the power of heaven and earth are condensed, it is only a heavy injury and it is not completely strangled.

Until the squad of the phantom on the God Slayer Spear burst, a tall fuzzy silhouette appeared.

The fuzzy silhouette seems to be awkward, a path of complicated mysterious character Dao Law, but contains the power to make you extremely frightened.

“This is not the Remnant Spirit. It is you, the old man… your Origin Soul has been reborn…”

It’s shocking to be anomalous. It seems to be a big secret.

It stares deeply at Zhao Fang, and it is a special hatred. “Ancient, this holy underestimated you, but you want to kill this holy, it is still far away!”

I am not actively seeking war, use Secret Art, and prepare to flee.

Tall phantom seems to have been expected for a long time, raising his hand and pointing to the sky.

The previous mysterious pattern, flashing golden glow, will be trapped.

Golden-mark forms a big bell and covers it so that it can’t break free.

In the screaming screams, the big bell, which was made by golden-mark, was refining.

Starry Sky is calm.

However, the impact of the war has not been smoothed for a long time.


Zhao Fang left Tianzhu.

Did not return to Myriad Domain Territory, but came to the bloody sea ruins.

“There is still a broken body, not destroying it. In a sense, it is still alive…”

The bloody sea has already been drained. Except for the rich smell of blood that still fills the air, there is no such thing as a bloody sea.

Zhao Fang Divine Sense spreads.

Soon, I noticed the Space fluctuation somewhere in the bloody sea site, some abnormalities.


Zhao Fang grabbed God Slayer Spear and threw it straight out.

Surprisingly, with the sharpness of God Slayer Spear, even the Scorpio can penetrate, but there is no hole in the Void.


Void tremors like boiling water.

A semi-waste array gradually emerged.

After glanced at it, Zhao Fang smiled.

Array, it is his transmission array that entered the world of killing the day.


As a lord of Myriad Worlds, fix a broken array, which is just like playing, with little effort.

The repair is complete.

Sending the array again produces an amazing rays of light.

Zhao Fang one step step into the array.

When it reappears, it is under a Starry Sky.

Opposite him is a semi-waste Great Array.

Swallow the locks Great Array!


A shot, this Great Array, which has been lingering for many days, finally came to an end, and after a violent vibration, it was completely vain.

“Zhao Fang?”

When Zhao Fang enters the Great Array, there is an incredible sound that is passed to his mind.

In front of the rays of light, a black robed silhouette appears out of thin air.

It is the Great Array of the world.


The actor at the moment is not an entity, but a state of the soul.

“Senior, you didn’t merge with Saint Body? How did it become like this?”

Before leaving, Zhao Fang left the Great Accomplishment Saint Body, the ancient Saint Body with the ancient body Saint Body double bloodline, in the Great Array, in order to continue to suppress the ruin of the Great Array.

The original Array of Great Array, and the Fleshy Body ruined with the Bloody Battle, is housed in the Saint Body Ancient Divine Body.

“It’s really you! You are so powerful!”

The black robed spirit did not dare to confirm at the beginning. At this moment, Wen Yan, already sure, did not admit the wrong person.

“hehe, chances are coincident.”

Zhao Fang casually perfunctory.

The black robed madness rolls the eyes, and the words simply become ten thousand gold oil.

However, he did not have a detailed interest in the investigation. It was only shocking when he first saw it. After the time buffer, the shock, the early slowly returned to calm.

“Right, are you here to solve the shackles?”

Waiting for Zhao Fang to answer, the black robed singer said: “I didn’t know why, it was so powerful that I let the Saint Body ancient gods suppress it all, and then split a Dividing Soul to suppress the Great Array.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang is slightly relieved.

He also thought that the black robed gang had a problem with the ancient body of Saint Body, which caused this scene.

“Previously, the Myriad Domain Territory broke out a great war, and it was resurrected. In addition to killing the broken body, all the rest were combined…”


Black robed was shocked. “I should have thought of it, but I still can’t confirm it. According to normal development, it will reorganize the body as soon as possible, and it will have to wait a hundred years.”

“Well, something went wrong. Now, let’s talk while we walk!”

In the place where the smashing of the ruined body was broken, Zhao Fang came once and took the black robed gang on the road, and said what happened in the Myriad Domain Territory in a concise and concise manner.

After listening to it, the black robed spirit was shocked for a long time without a word, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, just like looking at God, full of Revere.

When Zhao Fang left the killing world, he said that he would return.

The black robed spy, although looking forward to it, did not dare to place much hope.

After a hundred years, you will be resurrected.

Time is too short, and Zhao Fang will not help if he comes back.

Exceeding what he expected was.

It has not yet arrived for a hundred years, and it has been resurrected. It has also stirred up the wind in the Myriad Domain Territory, almost reviving the battle of extinction thousands of years ago.

More than he expected.

Zhao Fang smashed out and, with the help of one person, smashed things that were not completed by Ancient Clan.

This made him extremely shocked.

“Don’t he be the ancestors of Ancient Clan, the reincarnation?”

Black robed The glimmer of the glimmer of light, remembering a past event.

Zhao Fang didn’t know his thoughts. After he came to kill the world, even Yu Xi couldn’t wait to see him. He went straight to the abyss and then jumped off his gun.



Under the abyss, bursts of terrifying aura fluctuations broke out.

But not long after, with a fierce and unwilling roar spread all over the world, the smashing body was once again killed!

Since then, all the traces left in the world have been erased by Zhao Fang.

Wipe it clean!


“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed The abyss is too early to be born, with an opportunity value of 100 billion points, 100 million Divine Strength value, 100 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player , obtain 虺 memory fragment, blo bloodline, 初生生榜, 灭世环…”



“congratulations Player level up, promoted to 4-Star God Lord Realm.”


At the moment when the ruined aura was annihilated, the whole killing of Ancient Clan was felt.

For a moment.

Killing the remaining Powerhouses, such as the old witch, the crystal Patriarch, Yu Xi, Dark Moon and others have appeared in the abyss before, excited and shocked looking at the abyss below.

“Someone can killed the shackles of the scorpion, this is really, this has this Rank Wei Li!”

Everyone guessed.

There was a steady footstep under the abyss.

A white silhouette, calmly stepping on the Void, as if stepping on a ladder, slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When I saw that silhouette.

Everyone was shocked, then stunned!

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