The first thousand five hundred and sixty-one chapters are just mole cricket and ants!

Myriad Domain Territory.

Somewhere calm Starry Sky.

Starry Sky trembles, such as ripples, and the power of the majestic Space, a huge star appears.

The star is slowly turning, and the rays of light are big.

When the rays of light are at the extreme, the whole Starry Sky is reflected as white.

The rays of light are dim, the front end of the star, and the countless people appear.

Densely packed ……clothes different people!

“Here is the Myriad Domain Territory? The place of Longxing of Ancient Clan?”

“Don’t leave for a long time, finally set foot on this Continent again!”

“Ha ha ancestor, you saw it, we are Ancient Clan, come back!”


After careful examination for a moment, there was an excitement from Ancient Clan, and there were some tears from Ancient Clan excited to move unhindered.

At the forefront of this group of people.

Standing with a few people.

Among them, the most striking is the middle three people.

One man and two women.

Man has a white dress, handsome and handsome, full of extraordinary morality, and when he is holding his hand, he has a transcendent temperament.

The two women beside him are equally temperamental, but they are all beautiful. The three people stand together, and there is a feeling that they are out of the Immortal Dao Companion.

Zhao Fang looks at Myriad Domain Territory, and looks at the old witch wish and others, smiled and said: “Go, I will take you to meet other Ancient Clan!”


Zhao Fang and the Starry Sky broke out great war.

Although the Myriad Domain Territory, everyone can’t get close, I don’t know the outcome of the battle.

But after sensing that 虺aura disappeared, one by one was very excited.

After waiting for a long time, Zhao Fang did not return, but also let the excited people, the mind cast a trace shadow.


There are also some owners of Influence, and I am very satisfied with this result.

Taking advantage of Myriad Domain Territory Origin Qi, I began to attack the city and take the opportunity to expand my territory.

The Myriad Domain Territory, which had just calmed down, was once again caught in a series of gunfire and battle.

This is especially true for Jia Lan and the Tuoba family.

Without the protection of the remaining Ancient Clan Powerhouse, their Strength has long been a victim of this Myriad Domain Territory Influence.

But Ancient Clan went through Six Great Influences, too early, and two powerful enemy.

The loss is extremely heavy.

I didn’t support it for a long time, and I was defeated.

In the battle with the Taichu lingering battle, the left arm was broken, and the overlord of the tyrant Golden body was broken. At this moment, it is a difficult situation, and it is surrounded by several gods.

“hēi hēi, what the shit’s Ancient Clan Powerhouse is, but that’s it!”

“The killing of this waste, from this Myriad Domain Territory, is the arm of our law.”

“Wan Fa Xian Men, will become Myriad Domain Territory’s only Ruler !ha ha ……bang!”

An 6-Star god sword repairer is laughing and laughing, and the mind is silent.

Like the cracked biscuits, the arrogant look turned into a pile of scum.

“what’s going on, who is moving?”

The Overlord stunned.

He was forced to go nowhere, and was preparing to burn with his opponent’s jade. He never thought about it.

Those pursuits are also stunned.

After looking around for a week, the coldness with a bit of wariness’s gaze fell on the emperor.

“Ancient Clan villain, you use the mean means to plot!”

Hear this, the emperor didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

I really want to be this despicable villain, but what is depressing is that he does not have this Strength at all.

“You just said that Wanfa Xianmen will be the only Ruler of Myriad Domain Territory?”

At the time when everyone was alert and confused, a calm voice was passed on the field.

The followers looked cold and looked for the position of the person who spoke.

The Overlord, Jia Lan, and Touba Guan Feng and others, after hearing this, have a color that is unstoppable.

Three silhouettes, quietly appearing in the field.

One man and two women!

When he saw the white silhouette, Bawang, Touba Guan Feng, and Nan Gongling Zi Shan, who were heavily protected by Ancient Clan Powerhouse, all showed excitement.

Zhao Fang is not dead!

“You, are you still alive?”

Wanfa Xianmen Powerhouse, obviously also knows Zhao Fang.

When Zhao Fang appeared in front of them again, everyone’s smugness in the eyes turned into panic.

Head down one by one, like a frosted eggplant.

Zhao Fang gaze at the Powerhouse of Wanfa Xianmen, smiled, and smiled a little cold. “Before, with 虺great war, I can’t hide in Secret Realm, but at this time, come out and seize the battle, it’s a good calculation Ah!”

“We…” The gods and gods were squinted by Zhao Fang’s cold eyes, and they all bowed their heads.

Zhao Fang is a single-handed horse, fighting in the hundreds of millions of stars river above, sweeping the world invincible.


Even if Wanfa Xianmen Powerhouse is proud again, he will not dare to offend Zhao Fang at this moment.

Zhao Fang glanced at these people and fell into a Void, indifferently said, “When are you going to hide?”

Void is slightly dithered.

A middle-aged man with a complex crown, a complexion refined scholar, came out of Void.

He first like a group of hands clasped together politely, calmly said: “Worthy is the head of the Myriad Domain Territory, even this Sir can be found in the space between the cracks, I really admire, admire!”

“You are the master of Wanfa Xianmen?”

Zhao Fang ignored the high-profile blog with the middle-aged man’s compliment, asked indifferently.

“Yes, this Sir Kong.” Middle-aged man indifferently said.

“I don’t care who you are, making trouble on my site. Is it too much to keep my Master in my eyes?”

Zhao Fang sounds cold, across one step before.

In an instant.

Endless pressure, such as tidal water, flocks to the hole.

Confucius complexion slightly changed, but did not retreat, its behind appeared a large sleeve fluttering old man phantom, resisting the imposing manner of the owner of Zhao Fang Myriad Worlds.

Zhao Fang looks indifferent and imposing manner doubles.

The old man phantom seems to feel something, a plain but sharp gaze, and instantly sweeps to Zhao Fang.


It seems to have a sound of reading, from the mouth of the old man.

“No words, strange power!”

The last four words came out, and the pressure that shrouded the hole in the body seemed to be instantly resolved.

But before this imposing manner dissipated, it still forced Kong Yi to retreat one step.

Zhao Fang raised her eyebrows slightly and looked a little surprised. “You are not a Myriad Domain Territory person!”

As the owner of his Myriad Domain Territory, anyone in Myriad Domain Territory can’t escape his imposing manner, but this person can be unscathed in his imposing manner, and it is somewhat unexpected.

“this Sir, Primal Chaos, the ancient universe, Kongmen, one of the ten holy places, Kong Tong!”

The middle-aged man again hands clasped together politely, but looks much more than the previous solemn.

Zhao Fang’s eyes are slightly stunned, in the eyes, the dangerous rays of light, “I don’t care whether it comes from Primal Chaos, the ancient universe, or the top ten holy places or the twenty great holy places, dare to blame in my territory, even if it is the kingdom of God. The Lord will come and pay the price!”

“ha ha ”

Wen Yan, Kong Tong smiled.

“The Lord of the Kingdom of God, in my eye in the eyes, but the mole cricket and ants!”

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