The first thousand five hundred and sixty-two chapters

The Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Primal Chaos is one of the most powerful of the universe, and the weakest of the members is the Ancestral God level.

This Rank is a detached object, standing in the Primal Chaos peak powerhouse, in this high-profile population of Kong Kong, only mole cricket and ants.

Looking at his gesture of expression, Zhao Fang implicitly felt that Kong Tong people were not vocal.

“The Lord of the Kingdom of God is just the mole cricket and ants. What is the way to the top ten holy places?”

Zhao Fang was a little shocked.

He did not expect that this hidden in the Myriad Domain Territory, ready to smash the door of Wanfa Xian, behind the scenes still standing like such a giant.

Seeing Zhao Fang’s look changed slightly, Kong Tong thought that he realized his identity, and thus gave birth to wariness concerns, and could not help but smile.

“this Sir comes from Myriad Domain Territory. It’s really a piece of material. As long as you hand over everything left by the newborn, this Sir guarantees that you can not only continue to be your owner of Myriad Domain Territory, but also Let the holy place senior, accept you as Honorary Disciple !”

The hole squats under the jaw and is proud.

“Honorary Disciple?” The Emperor sneered, “The face of Kongmen is so big.”

“Hey, ignorant villagers, do you think that my Honorary Disciple is so easy to get?”

Powerhouse, the god of the gods of the tyrannical gods, confronts the emperor, and swears over the emperor. When it comes to Confucius, in the eyes is a look of respect and envy.

“In the Primal Chaos, the ancient universe, even if it is the Lord of the Kingdom of God, want to ask for the Honorary Disciple identity, it is also a must, can give you, it is a big chance.”

“Hurry up kneel down, thank you Sect Master!”

The gods Powerhouse called.

The tyrants are unstoppable, even though they know that they are letting Zhao Fang kneel down, but he still feels that this group of people’s faces are too odious.

If the injury is not too heavy, and even the action has some problems, he has long been slap in the face of this snobbery.


Myriad Domain Territory Other Powerhouses are also clear headed from the shock.

Vaguely guessing the detachment of Confucius, and knowing that the background of Confucius is extraordinary, the attitude of treating Wanfa Xianmen one by one is no longer the same hatred as before, but with a bit of knotty and flattering.

It is the change of attitudes of all people that makes Confucius and other Powerhouses more proud and proud.

One by one, Zhao Fang, seems to force him to yield.

“Overlord, how many people killed Ancient Clan!”

Zhao Fang ignored the scream of the Powerhouse of Wanfa Xianmen, turned to look at the overlord, and asked slowly.

The Emperor did not expect that Zhao Fang would ask himself this question.

A slight glimpse, or said, “Ancient Clan was sneak attacked to kill them, no less than 100 people, among them, there are crystals Patriarch and others…”

“Why, do you still want to take revenge for that group of waste?”

“brat, you have to think clearly, we are the people of Wanfa Xianmen. The door of Wanfa Xianmen belongs to the Confucius Gate of the Ten Holy Lands. If you dare to offend us, you can definitely guarantee that you can’t walk in the Myriad Domain Territory!”

Wanfa Xianmen Powerhouse continues to scream.


Zhao Fang glanced at the crowd and waved.




The three gods who confronted the Overlord, also the most popular three people, Fleshy Body was directly crushed by the Myriad Domain Territory Law, even the divine sense is no exception, and there is no scum left in the blink of an eye.

“No matter what identity you are from, which Fluid is from, this is not your arrogant capital in the Myriad Domain Territory.”

“If there is any disobedience, the three of them will be your end!”

Zhao Fang’s gaze dignity’s gaze, sweeping through the Myriad Domain Territory, sweeping through the hole, and the remaining Powerhouse in Wanfa Xianmen.

But those who are locked in by their eyes are bowed and afraid to look at them.

Only the hole brows slightly wrinkle, a touch of gloomy on the face.

“Your Excellency is too mad! Even if you are the owner of Myriad Domain Territory, you can’t help but kill my 10,000-French Powerhouse. What are you like?”

Kong Hao said coldly.

“A glimpse of bullshit. If you don’t come over yourself, do you want the Palace Lord to step on you?”

Zhao Fang’s words, so that Kong Hao can no longer remain calm, his cold eyes, swaying Zhao Fang, coldly said, “You are too arrogant!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang laughed.

Compared with the Powerhouse of Wanfa Xianmen, he is really not at all arrogant.

The other side thinks that he is arrogant.

Since you think so, the Palace Lord will show you one time.

Zhao Fang smiled cold, cold and swaying, and all the powerhouses that he was eyeing, the powerhouse, was in a painful and screaming, the body burst into Blood Mist, dissipated on the spot.

in a blink.

Nearly 10 million Famen Gate Powerhouse, only one hole left.

“I am a man who has always had a clear grievance. The grace of dripping water is reported from the Yongquan Spring. Similarly, if people take me a mile, I will report it ten times!”

Ancient Clan Powerhouse has killed nearly 100 people.

Zhao Fang has slaughtered the thousands of people in Wanfa Xianmen, but it is not exactly ten times!

“You, you court death !”

The sullen body shivered, the bone eyes were scarlet, the former gentle gentleman, now turned into a bloodthirsty madman, “I really thought that you are the owner of the Myriad Domain Territory, you can the life and death of all the people of Ruler?”

“Tell you, impossible!”

The hole is low and the behind’s tall fuzzy phantom reappears.

The second time I saw this silhouette, Zhao Fang was clearly aware of the changes.

This tall silhouette does not have things like heaven and earth, but it does contain the power of one kind that makes him feel wary.

Tall fuzzy silhouette body positive Zhao Fang, seems to be at the at his.

In the midst of it, Zhao Fang also noticed that there was a bolt of light and he was peering at himself.

He stared coldly at the tall silhouette and didn’t back down.

“Zi Zi, a hundred people were bladed, and they were trapped in chaos. Chen Qianren was bladed, and the enemy killed and killed thousands of people, and the world was rampant!”

When I first talked about the backs of the hundred people, there were hundreds of Black Mist coming in, from which hundreds of guns and arrows were shot, and the black armor was awesome.

Thousands of people are bladed… The black armor is turned into a thousand, like a dark night Legion.

Tens of thousands of people have been razed… a group of tens of thousands of people, and they are invincible.

Even Zhao Fang, in the end, was stunned by this stunned imposing manner, his eyes slightly picked up.

“It’s all invincible!”

Look at the eyes of the black armor, Zhao Fang did not come to think of a word.


Kong Tong was low, and the army of thousands of people began to charge and rolled toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang figure does not retreat.

Deceived forward, Void Hand pressed, and there was a large area of ​​black armor and bloody soldiers on the spot.


Zhao Fang’s face is not easy, but reveals a trace solemn.

“Oh… they are all gods!”

He thought that these black soldiers, but the illusory things that Confucius summon came out, after real contact, Zhao Fang discovered that they are all flesh and blood Martial Artist.

“How can it be like this?what is this means? Could it be that there is also a Divine Object like Heavenspan Tower on Confucius, a direct summon army?”

Zhao Fang is still in a suspicion, and Kong Xiao once again squats. “Zi Zi: The country of Wancheng, who is the king of thousands of rides in the country of thousands of riders, the master of the hundred-passenger!”

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