The first thousand five hundred and sixty-four chapters of the Ten Holy Land!

Spread the list.

The first thing that Zhao Fang saw was not the name of the first-born spirit on the list, but the arrogance of the head, terrifying abnormality, the ability to scare most of the gods Powerhouse, the limbs of the scared, and the dying phantom.


The fierce snoring echoed in Zhao Fang’s ear.

Even Zhao Fang, for the first time facing such a large number of early-born creatures, was shocked and stunned.

“There is no aura inferior, damn it, so there are so many terrifying things!”

Zhao Fang wiped his forehead sweat and cursed a few words in a low voice.

The phantom of the first birth, did not dissipate, still echoed in the list World.

On the list of World’s Scorpio, the words began to appear.

At the beginning of the year, the soul list is twenty, oh, shaped like a Flood Dragon.

The list is more detailed.

Introduced the name, shape, and main fighting methods of the early birth, and finally explained the source of the early life.

Too early ancient times!


Zhao Fang couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

“The peak of the time, even the top ten Ancient Clan have been disabled, in the early life, the list is only 20, there are so many in front, it is more terrifying existence!”

The beginning of the birth of the soul of the list of nineteen, hey, shaped like a mysterious turtle from the early ancient times.

At the beginning of the first life, the list of eighteen, dark, invisible and invisible from the early ancient times.

At the beginning of the birth of the soul list, the mosquitoes came from the early ancient times.

At the beginning of the first life, the third list, 羲


Zhao Fang felt a move in his heart, remembering what he said before he died.

“Is it ancient? Is it because I came to Myriad Domain Territory because of the struggle with another too young coffin?”

“And, he said that the ancient Origin Soul reincarnation, and seeing my eyes, what does it mean?”

Thinking of the scene of the day, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but frown.

“It seems that if you want to know this, you still need to look at the memories left behind.”

My eyes are moving.

Zhao Fang is a good example of the beginning of the birth.

But the eyes, but always on the top two names on the list.

In the beginning, the second generation of the soul list is second, the wasteland, known as the wild god, the war is too early to be born, no defeat, the first time the soul of the first battle!

At the beginning of the first life, the list is the first, the disk.

Somewhat strangely, the history of the gods is remarkable, and it is nothing to lose.

But it is such a powerful wild god, but in the early life, but only in the second.

Conversely is the information 寥寥, only the name of the disk, crouching tiger first.


Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows. “And there is a time in the early days, this is a place, there is Time, be sure to check it out!”

Zhao Fang has a strong interest in the birthplace of this birth.

In addition to the all of a sudden of the early birth list, Zhao Fang noticed that the name of the cockroach was exceptionally bright and translucent.

Compared to 虺, other primaries are a bit bleak.


Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

call out!

At this time.

The memory fragment of the newborn, who had just been taken out by him, had not yet read it, and he went directly to the spur of the beginning of the birth of the spiritual list.

When Zhao Fang perceives, the memory fragment, the ready and the 虺 merge into one.

There is not much change in the list of the first birth, and only the phantom of the scorpion seems to be a lot of solidity, and there are hidden signs out of the list.

“Fuck, This is what’s going on?” Zhao Fang is on the verge of enemies.

The only thing that is gratifying to him is that he is not hostile to him.

“This list includes the conscious consciousness Remnant Spirit. The host can activate the seals on the list to make it a booster by collecting the things related to the Taishou Spirit.”

System indifferently said.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang stunned and immediately grinned. “I didn’t expect this list to have this purpose, ha ha, earned, earned!”

Zhao Fang thought this was just a common list.

Absolutely did not expect, there is this Rank difference, can not help but happy!

“Right, I still have a sly blondline.”

Zhao Fang didn’t think about it. How to use the 虺bloodline thing, now all the problems are solved.

With the filling of the bloodline, the rays of light are more dazzling.

“It takes six months to completely integrate?”

Look at the words in the fusion, Zhao Fang is a little depressed, but did not care much.

Six months nothing more, for him, it is just a skill between the fingers.

“Unfortunately, my memory fragment is merged with the Remnant Spirit in the early birth list. I can’t read it.”

Zhao Fang shook his head and flipped over the treasure that broke out in the System package.


Pull out a book.

The book is very ordinary, nowhere.

But the cover of the book is a line of words, but it is not ordinary.

The ten holy places are brief.

Zhao Fang’s heart is moving, turning the first page.

“heaven and earth four directions “The universe has come to the ancient times, there is something mixed, Innate is born, is for the universe”

A huge golden Divine Mark, sparkling, and finally into the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After Zhao Fang finished reading, the book was empty and there was no more words left.

All the text pattern information is injected into Zhao Fang divine sense abyss.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes, and brows slightly wrinkle. “In the early days, it was really one of the ten holy places!”

When looking at the beginning of the birth of the spiritual list, the record of the beginning of the birth of the spirit, are born in the early ancient times.

At that time, Zhao Fang was thinking, the mysterious of the early ancient times, even if it is not the ten holy places, than the top ten holy places, not too much.

Sure enough, he did not expect that, the early ancient times, is one of the ten holy places.

Moreover, it is one of the ten most holy places, deep and unmeasurable.

It is reported that whether it is the other Powerhouse of Primal Chaos, or the rest of the Nine Great Powerhouse, but when they enter the early ancient times, they are basically not alive.


In the Primal Chaos, the ancient Dynasties had the title of the first Danger Zone.

Kongmen, also known as Confucius Palace, one of the ten holy places, believes in the sacredness of Confucianism and Taoism, uses the pen as a knife, writes the years of reincarnation, and the universe

Shake, also known as Yaoguang, one of the ten holy places.

In addition to these, there are Wanlong Nest, as well as Immemorial Star, Zifu Holy Land, Sword


Let Zhao Fang be disappointed.

The ten holy places are brief and indeed brief.

Except for the origin of the names of the top ten holy places, as well as the approximate location, there is no other information.

“It seems that the specific information can only wait for me to go to the Primal Chaos, and check them one by one!”

Primal Chaos The World of the Universe, which is even higher than the Myriad Domain Territory, Zhao Fang will not miss it.


Mu Qingxuan’s business, he always felt that he would find a solution in the Primal Chaos.

After clearing your thoughts.

Zhao Fang once again cultivated Sanqing and separated a Clone, overseeing the core of Myriad Domain Territory.

His this Venerable disappeared into place, and when it reappeared, it came to a slightly broken building.

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