The first thousand five hundred and sixty-five chapters send the ancient array!

Said it is broken.

It is actually not standard.

This group of buildings should have been relatively broken before, but now the immediate has been greatly repaired, except for some traces of the corners, you can still see some traces left behind the great war.

Other places are no different from newly built buildings.

Of course, the biggest feature of this place is not reconstructed by ruins.

Instead, it is tens of millions of miles in Starry Sky, emits a variety of mysterious fluctuation Space array.

Looking at the entire Myriad Domain Territory, there are so many Space array places, only one.

Void Temple!

Sōu sōu sōu

Zhao Fang just showed up for a moment, the rays of light in the Void Temple flashed, and several silent breaking spaces came out, appearing opposite Zhao Fang.

For the first person, tall and tall, the face is dignity, and there is a Grandmaster Bearing.

It is the Void Temple Grand Palace master.

Walking side by side with him is a silver hair youth, youth look indifferent, seems to be indifferent to everything, only when the eyes sweep toward Zhao Fang, slightly revealing some curiosity.

“Void Temple Grand Master, with the Void Temple, met the domain owner Sir!”

The Grand Palace master came to Zhao Fang, and immediately hands clasped together politely salute, the attitude is slightly respectful.

Zhao Fang laughed.

“We should be the first time to meet!”

“hehe, the domain owner Sir memory is not bad, we are indeed the first time, but when the day domain master killed the invincible heroic spirit of the first born, has already spread throughout Myriad Domain Territory, I have been admiring for a long time.”

“Furthermore, although my Void Temple is not famous, but this old nest, not everyone can come in quietly.”

“Looking at the Myriad Domain Territory, you can come here silently, except for the domain owner Sir, no second people!”

“Nothing?” Zhao Fang laughed. “You This is hitting my face. If it’s really silent, why are you so timely?”


The Grand Palace master laughs and says nothing.

Everyone understands people, and some things don’t need to be too thorough.

“Ancient Clan senior once told me that when Ancient Clan fell and was influenced by the Independence of War God Palace, it was only after the Void Temple took action that the Ancient Clan incense was Immortal.”

“I have also passed through the Second Palace master’s ruin, so you don’t have to worry, I am not extinct the Void temple.”

Zhao Fang said.

Wen Yan, the look of the Grand Palace master and others, is obviously soothing and the smile is natural.

Only the Second Palace master breaks the horizon, still expression indifference.

“Dare to ask, is the domain owner here?”

Asked the Grand Palace master.

“There are two things that need to be understood.”

Zhao Fang raised two fingers. “The first thing, I want to ask the Second Palace master, where did the ancient gods go?”

When he went to kill the world, Zhao Fang naturally went to the ancient Inheritance.

But did not find the ancient scorpio.

Later, in a chat with the old witch, it was vaguely known that the ancient Tianzhu and the Void Temple were somewhat familiar with each other, and they guessed that the day when they broke their horizons and sent themselves to the motive of nothingness.

“Go to Primal Chaos!”

It is not concealed to break the horizon, indifferently said.


Zhao Fang has not yet started to talk, and the big Palace master suddenly is not calm.

“How come?”

“How can I go, of course, that ancient array.”

Wen Yan, the Grand Palace master immediately became angry. “The ancient array has long been broken, and it has not been able to transmit normally. You actually carry this Palace master and start quietly? Breaking the horizon, you are so bold!”

Zhao Fang calms at the at, no words.

In the face of Zhao Fang, the big Palace master’s gaze of the two Powerhouses, the expression of the end of the world as usual, indifferently said: “The problem of the ancient array, before the transmission, I detailed with the ancient gods, but he insisted on going.”

“It’s also said that Ancient Clan senior has encountered Great Ominous insurance and can’t wait for a moment.”

The words of breaking the horizon are said to Zhao Fang.

“What is sinister? How did he know?” Zhao Fang stared at the end of the world.

“I don’t know the specifics.”

“Where does the ancient heaven want to go?”

“It seems to be close to the Primal Chaos community in the Myriad Worlds sea.”

Zhao Fang wrote down this place and asked: “Where can you use it again?”

Wen Yan.

It seems to be unexpected again, and it looks as usual.

The big Palace master is startled, “Domain, you ask what you want to do?”

“Want to see!” Zhao Fang laughed.

The Grand Palace master persuaded: “Domains, don’t blame me. Myriad Domain Territory just now has suffered a great war, and it is the domain owner who is doing your best to rebuild Myriad Domain Territory. At this time, is it a bit…”

Zhao Fang looked at the Grand Palace master, looked at him for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

“These words, I would not have said to you, since you are here, the domain owner promised that I will not leave the Myriad Domain Territory.”

Wen Yan, the Grand Palace master, smiled and said no more.

“You want to go and see, I am afraid that it is impossible!”

“what’s going on?”

“The last time I sent the ancient scorpio, I used up the residual power of the ancient squad. Even if I put a lot of manpower and material resources to repair it, I will have a hundred years at the earliest.”

“And, there is no guarantee that it will be used smoothly in a hundred years!”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang frowned.

For a hundred years, he can’t wait!

Moreover, after a hundred years, it is not necessarily successful.

“Is there any other way?” Zhao Fang asked.


Break the horizon with the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Fang eyes shined, “What?”


Wen Yan, Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, “It’s so troublesome to fix it. If you really rebuild, is there this Ability?”

The simpleness of this statement is straightforward.

Straightforward, some hurt people.

Breaking the horizon is not a person who cares about this. He is a little pondered then said: “You can try it. I have an ancient array of pictures in my hand. If the domain owner can provide detailed materials, I might try it.”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

The Grand Palace master also quickly said: “The domain master may not know that the Second Palace master is not only superior in force, but also in the array, it is also the Myriad Domain Territory. If he is sure, he must be sure.”

Zhao Fang simply asked: “What materials are needed.”

“Other materials, I also have storage in the Void Temple. It is really troublesome. It is necessary to jump into the nucleus, because for a large-scale Space hop, this nucleus must not be less.”

“And our Myriad Domain Territory, we can’t find this god core.”

“Yuyang Shennuo?” Zhao Fang’s expression is weird. “Do you see this?”

Zhao Fang took out a beautiful crystal stone from the System package and handed it to the end of the world.

“This, this is the emptiness of the nucleus, where is the domain owner getting such a big piece? Enough enough!”

Breaking the horizon is a bit shocked.

“Since it is enough, then you can!” Zhao Fang laughed.

Breaking the horizon, screaming at the gods, in the eyes revealing a rare excited look, he looked up to Zhao Fang said: “Everything is ready, I am ready to deploy, Time probably takes about one month, the domain owner will come again. “

After that, wait for Zhao Fang to answer, and leave with the emptiness of the gods.

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