The first thousand five hundred and sixty-six chapters of the Myriad Domain Territory quartet!

“Cough, the domain owner, the end of the world has always been like this, you should never see him.”

Void Temple Grand Palace master said quickly.

“I understand.”

Zhao Fang smiled. “You are not going to help?”

The Grand Palace master was a bit embarrassing at the moment. “To be honest, building a very large Space array between Myriad Domain Territory and Primal Chaos is not my specialty.”

“I am good at defending arrays in a small area!”

“This way.” Zhao Fang’s gaze, said with a laugh: “In this case, I recommend a little job for you.”

“If you have something to tell, if you can do it, don’t deny it!”

“Good! Next Time, I will try my best to repair the damaged Myriad Domain Territory. Except for the outermost defense array, I will find a way to do it. I want you to arrange a billions of array!”

“One billion!”

The big Palace master was surprised, even the simple Tier-1 Divine Array, with a billion layers, is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, he knows that Zhao Fang asked him to arrange it, certainly not Tier-1 Divine Array.

“has a problem?”

“You really love to joke, the defense array in Myriad Domain Territory, this is not a small job, I…”

Zhao Fang looked at the Grand Palace master and said seriously: “I just want to know, can the Void Temple do it?”

The Grand Palace master was silent and asked: “The billions of array, the materials needed, the amount is not estimated.”

“Materials I am coming to give you a way.”

When it comes to this, the Grand Palace master knows that he has no retreat, and immediately said: “In this case, I have no problem, the Void Temple is no problem, I will go all out!”

“Well. Participating in the repair of the Myriad Domain Territory array is a great benefit to your Void Temple. I don’t need to remind me.”

It is more than good.

Simply is a good day.

It is foreseeable that the Void Temple, which is built in the array, will inevitably become the deepest understanding of Myriad Domain Territory in addition to Zhao Fang.

This is a huge advantage!

In fact, the big Palace master is running this advantage.

If there is no benefit, who is willing to do this kind of thing that is exhausting people.

“There are materials in it, and there is an array of drawings. Just follow the above arrangement. Go back and there will be Ancient Clan Powerhouse to support you.”

After throwing a storage ring to the Grand Palace master, Zhao Fang drifted away.

For the participation of Ancient Clan, the Grand Palace master had expected it, not surprising.

After all, in addition to the Human Race, Zhao Fang has the identity of Ancient Clan.

If he wants Myriad Domain Territory, Human Race and Ancient Clan to coexist peacefully, repair array, rebuild their homeland, and certainly must be Ancient Clan.

The Grand Palace master took over the storage ring and was shocked.

There is no medicinal herb in the storage ring, but it is neatly packed with rows of storage rings, and there are thousands of less.

Divine sense sneaked into one of the storage rings, the big Palace master was immediately shocked by the materials in the storage ring, dumbstruck!

“Big Palace master, what’s wrong with you?”

The Void Temple Powerhouse noticed that the Grand Palace master was different and couldn’t help asking.

“The real Worthy is Myriad Domain Territory’s Master, great handwriting! It is estimated that the entire Myriad Domain Territory, there is no second person, can come up with this big means!”

The Grand Palace master is quite emotional.

Immediately, his mind was put into the array of images called “Quartet” by Zhao Fang.

“It’s just the ordinary Tier-6 array.”

This is the first subjective impression after the Grand Palace master finished reading.

But as he became more and more aware of the discovery, this ordinary Tier-6 Divine Array, after concentrating the power of the Quad Divine Array, might doubled, comparable to Tier-6 Middle Grade.

The power of the 40-layer Divine Array is comparable to the Tier-6 Late Stage.

And the strength of the 40,000 Divine Array is no less than some Tier-7 array.

The strength of the 400 million Divine Array, even the Lord Power Power, is not daring.

As for the power of the Billion Divine Array, once it is started, even if the Ancestral God Initial Stage Powerhouse is caught, it will be dead!

“Trivial an ordinary array, after the blessing of a billion times, there is such a terrifying might?”

These are not the places that really surprised the Grand Palace master.

What really shocks you is this Divine Array, unlike other arrays, there are limits!

It is not exhaustive!

As long as there is enough material, the power of Divine Array can continue to increase, 2 billion, 3 billion, and even 10 Billion!

A billion can block the Anncestral God Initial Stage. If it reaches 10 Billion, what should it be terrifying?

more importantly.

This is just the second defense array of Myriad Domain Territory. The main array is arranged by Zhao Fang, and might is definitely stronger than it.

“This domain master, I really can’t see it!”

The Grand Palace master was shocked for a long time and finally sighed.


In the next month.

Zhao Fang this Venerable oversee Myriad Domain Territory, accompanied by Nan Gongling and other women, Clone sinks into the core of Myriad Domain Territory and repairs the entire Myriad Domain Territory.

Plus the assistance of Ancient Clan and the Void Temple.

The originally chaotic and almost out of control situation was eventually saved!

One month Time , hurried past.

It’s time to leave again.

Heaven is not beautiful, the sky of the entire Myriad Domain Territory is dark.

“I am leaving, you take care!”

Zhao Fang looks at Nan Gongling, Zi Shan, and the newly joined Yu Xi, Dark Moon four girls said with a laugh.

In the end, the eyes fell on Nan Gongling and Zi Shan. To be precise, they fell on their flat, smooth, bellyless belly.

Although the lower abdomen is flat, Zhao Fang is keenly aware that there are two small Lifes in it.

“This month’s hard work has not been in vain.” Zhao Fang laughed.

In this case, the four women’s shy complexion is immediately red.

Although the four are together, they have been ridiculously played with a big sleep.

Even so, it does not mean that their ideas can be opened at once.

“I have something to find Clone, I can detect it.”

Zhao Fang gave four women, as well as close parents, Grandfather Zhao Zhengfeng and others, who made self-defense to ensure their safety.

To tell After a confession, Zhao Fang quietly left.

When it reappeared, it reached the Headquarters of the Void Temple.

“Domain master!”

The Void Temple Master and others, as well as Ancient Clan, the Ancient Clan Lineage, Witch Race Lineage, and the Arrow Powerhouse are also here.

Look at everyone, Zhao Fang smiled. “It’s hard work! This is Jade Talisman, who hosts the Quartet Divine Array. I will hand over the Divine Array and hand it over to you.”

Zhao Fang said that there were eight Jade Talisman flying out, falling into the Void Temple Grand Master and the Powerhouse such as the Ancient Clan.

I don’t know if it is intentional or not, and both sides get four Jade Talisman.

“The domain is polite and guards the territory. This is the responsibility of our influence.”

Big Palace master road.

“I am almost gone, but I have left Clone oversee. If there are problems that cannot be solved, I can go to Jiuyi Palace to find me!”


At the time of the conversation, everyone came with Zhao Fang to the front of the Starry Sky rebuilt by the Second Palace master.

Second Palace master’s eyes are bloody, but the look is not seen, extremely exciting.

When I saw Zhao Fang, this excitement was completely transformed into pride and pride: “Without the mission, Starry Sky has been rebuilt!”

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