The first thousand five hundred and sixty-eight chapters

The source of the sound.

It is located in Zhao Fang behind a dozen meters away from the table above.

At the side of the table, there are four powerhouses with different looks and extraordinary spirits.

At this moment, the four people frowned and their faces were sad.

There are also diners who hear their conversations. The diners are obviously the same as Zhao Fang. They are all coming to the ancient town of the wilderness. For the so-called evil dragons, they are only heard for the first time.

Now I see the appearance of the four people, I can’t help but ask.

“What is the origin of the evil dragon?”

Among the four people, a man with a slightly thicker appearance: “The specific origin, no one knows, it is said that the evil dragon is a peerless Powerhouse of the Ten Kingdoms, temperament and moodiness, because of the killings in the gods, the gods The host of the country takes the action and drives it out of the kingdom of God.”

The previous encounter with the evil dragon, the whole ship is dead, only the back sword that he came back alive is middle-aged: “There is also rumor that the evil dragon is a dragon born by Myriad Worlds Sea Law, bloodthirsty for life, special robbery A commercial ship passing by Myriad Worlds.”

“There are people who say that the evil dragon is the Wanlong Nest Powerhouse.”

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent.

Wanlong Nest, Primal Chaos The true Giant of the universe, one of the top ten holy places!

Even the aborigines of the ancient towns of the wilderness are often heard.

After getting the information he wanted, Zhao Fang did not continue to stay, called the children to check out, and asked the other party how to ferry through the Myriad Worlds sea.

After getting the information he wanted, Zhao Fang rewarded the little second brother with a Primal Chaos crystal.

Primal Chaos is the currency of Primal Chaos.

However, for the sovereign gods, even the Powerhouse, the god of the Primal Chaos, is not an easy task to get the Primal Chaos crystal.

Primal Chaos contains the Primal Chaos Divine Strength, which is the Divine Strength that only Ancestral God Powerhouse can refining.

Some peak gods, want to speed up the entry into Ancestral God Realm, refining Primal Chaos divine crystal, is a one-of-a-kind choice.


Primal Chaos divine crystal is not common, even the Myriad Domain Territory, together searched, but only two or three hundred nothing more.

The amount of Primal Chaos crystals of other domains is also similar.

Don’t look at two hundred Primal Chaos crystals.

In the Primal Chaos, this is already the equivalent of the owner of the god.

and so.

Taking a piece of Primal Chaos crystal to reward the second child is definitely a very grand and arrogant thing.

This scene.

Being looked at by a few people, they looked at the back of Zhao Fang, and the light flashed, and they left the restaurant and quietly followed.


In the corner of the restaurant, a hot beast girl smashed into this scene, in the innocent and clear eyes, flashed a trace crafty color.

After leaving the restaurant, Zhao Fang turned left and turned right to a remote lane.

“Come out!”

Zhao Fang held his hand in the lane and looked indifferent.

Shuā shuā shuā !

A few silhouettes flashed and blocked in the alley.

“On your six wastes?”

Zhao Fang swept the crowd and saw at a glance that they were all diners in the restaurant, and the cultivation base was not weak, both at the level of God’s Middle Stage.

Among them, the first man who is the lean man is half-footed into the ranks of 7-Star.

In this case, the number of people, placed in the Myriad Domain Territory, can fully support a golden growth.

In the face of Zhao Fang’s ridicule, those people are not angry.

The lean man is cold with a pair: “hēi hēi, brat, you are interested, take the initiative to go to this alley, want to take Primal Chaos crystal for life?”

“My Wang Tianfeng is doing things, to the rules, leaving your storage ring, you can leave!”

“hehe, I will give you a chance, hand over the storage ring, lick three heads, and even say three times Grandfather, I am wrong, Young Master will let you!”

Zhao Fang is surrounded by arms and calms at six people.

“Trivial 4-Star God Lord, dare to be so arrogant, court death!”

The lean man behind came out of a tower big man.

When the man saw it, he knew that Dao Lord had repaired Fleshy Body, his shirtless upper body, and his muscles bulged like a shovel. At first glance, he had a visual impact and shock!

“I have to look at it, you have the ability to say that!”

If the words fall, the whole person is like a fast moving tank, which is swaying toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at it, just wanting to raise his hand and suppress.

Suddenly, he raised his brow and looked a little weird.

Just as the iron tiger’s fierce iron fist, will be rushing to Zhao Fang, a long slender long-legged leg, kicked out, kicked on the outside of the iron tiger’s arm, and directly flew out his entire person.


The iron tiger slammed into the inner wall on one side of the alley, causing the smoke of the sky.


Wang Tianfeng looked a little shocked.

The other four are also looking for solem, alert and alert.

When you see the person taking the action, Wang Tianfeng and others look a little wrong.

Take action is not a powerful Sir in a gas field.

It is a beautiful girl who looks soft and cute and delicate.

The biggest feature of this big girl is that she is taller than 1.7 m, but she has a long leg of one meter.

“This leg I can play one year!” Wang Tianfeng behind one person, the throat swayed, and the booth eyes showed a sinister look.


Wang Tianfeng was slightly startled when he saw the ears of Damei.

When this statement came out, it was a great disaster.

The original face still has a funny and fun look, the smiling face immediately gloomy down, as the storm is approaching, the whole person reveals a ruthless aura.

“Beast your sister, you are the beast, your family is a beast!”

Wang Tianfeng was directly stupid!

Wait until the reaction comes, the same complexion gloomy, “court death!”

He didn’t talk nonsense, just do it!

Wang Tianfeng is not weak, but Damei is stronger.

The two sides played a dozen rounds, Wang Tianfeng did not take any advantage, conversely suppressed myself wind.

“Everyone takes action together!”

Wang Tianfeng shouted.

The remaining four, and the iron tiger that had just climbed out of the ruins, with a full-fledged killing intent, killed the big beautiful girl.

“Hey, don’t bully, grandma is not afraid!”

Big beautiful girl is extremely disdainful, and the Strength broke out, and all of Wang Tianfeng’s six people were suppressed.

Plus her superb speed, six people in front of her, being beaten with a bruised face and no backhand power.

Zhao Fang Bystander clear, can not help but be shocked.

This big girl within the body seems to have an extremely powerful seal, but with the current emits aura, it is not inferior to the dominant God Stage.




In the end, the six people were like garbage, and they were kicked out by the big girl.

The six people also know that the big beautiful girl is out of the ordinary. After leaving a few words, he left.

In the end, they did not look at Zhao Fang again.

“Cut, this kind of Strength, only for the beast.” Big beautiful girl pouting, still hateful.

“I say……”

After watching it for a while, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but start to talk.

“The road is not flat, and the knife is helping. It is the hero of my generation, you don’t have to thank!”

After that, I waved a bit of chic.

Zhao Fang has several black lines on his forehead: “Who made you join?”

The arrival of Wang Tianfeng and others is the result of his intention, and he wanted to pack intelligence and treasure from them.

Absolutely, I didn’t expect to kill a long-legged big girl in the sky and stir everything up!

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