The first thousand five hundred and sixty-six chapters city road slippery


“You This is ignoring me?”

The big girl speed is amazing, but the brain circuit is not flattering. It took a few seconds to react. Some people were surprised to see the old Zhao Fang who was about to get out of the alley.

Zhao Fang did not marry him and rushed to the spaceship.


Damei girl chased it up and glared at Zhao Fang. “What do you mean, I saved you, you don’t say a thank you, actually blame me for it? Is the outside world so complicated?”

“It’s not only complicated, but the road is slippery. Come back to the countryside!”

Big Mei girl’s response is slow, but not stupid, and is stunned by Zhao Fang’s eyes.

Zhao Fang thought it.

In the next second, this big girl will break out and activate the hanging mode.

I thought about it.

She suddenly laughed. “You are very personal, be my younger brother.”

This time, Zhao Fang is speechless.

I saw this silly girl for the first time.

He eccentrically stared at the big beautiful girl, and it was not natural to look at the other side. “What are you staring at?”

“See if you are sick!”

“Do you have medicine?”

“You have no cure!”

In the bickering of two people, Zhao Fang came to the spaceship outside the ancient town.

“You want to go to Primal Chaos?” The big girl turned and smiled and asked.

“What is the relationship with you?”

“You haven’t heard of the evil dragons being born, now going to the sea, is it going to die?”

Zhao Fang Paused, carefully looked at the big girl, “So, for your safety, you still don’t follow me.”

When I first came to the ancient town of the wild sea, I was stunned by such a singer who was in a fire and had a brain-destroyed wind. Zhao Fang was also very tired.

“What about you?” asked Damei.

“I am rushing to Time.”

“Actually, I also rushed to Time.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang no longer cares about him.

Zhao Fang is very interested in going out to sea.

Even if he rumors that Myriad Worlds has a sinister dragon, he doesn’t care.

In Myriad Domain Territory, what winds and waves haven’t seen, and are afraid of turning over the boat in Myriad Worlds?

He can’t care, but those who have been wandering in Primal Chaos and the ancient seas of the ancient seas, especially the Myriad Worlds sea, are full of fear and fear of the evil dragons, but can’t care.

I have asked about a dozen full-time ferries.

They all refused to go out to sea.

Said to wait until the storm subsided.

The storm of Myriad Worlds has basically not subsided.

Some people choose to continue waiting.

But Zhao Fang didn’t want to waste Time in the old town of the sea, he began to ask other paths.

“If you are not afraid of death, you can ask the stronghold of the business alliance. It is said that they will take a merchant ship today. This is the only merchant ship that has recently sailed.”

There was a ferryman who immediately pointed Zhao Ming to a clear road after receiving a Primal Chaos crystal.

Perhaps because of Primal Chaos Jing, before Zhao Fang left, the man said again: “Hundreds of merchant ships, not good, most like slaughtering people, I heard that they often leave the guests halfway, you have to think clearly.”

Zhao Fang said, thank you, and left.

“Do you really want to go to the business alliance?”

Big beautiful girl followed up.

“Big sister, isn’t it tired to follow me?”

Zhao Fang Some people don’t understand why this woman has been following herself. Is it attracted by the imperial emits who are inadvertently emits?

“Not tired!”

Damei girl answered simply and neatly.

The other party said so, and the death can not keep going, Zhao Fang is too lazy to pay attention.

In front of the Baixun Business Alliance, the voices are full of people.

Look up and see, there are also ** hundred people.

Just knowing it, these people are all ready to take the merchant ship to the sea.

“There are so many people who are not afraid of death.”

Damei girl swept her eyes and shouted.

At this time.

Four or five people came out of the business alliance, all of whom were middle-aged and dressed up by Steward.

One of them is now behind and coughs.

This light cough should have been drowned in the noisy noise, but it clearly sounded in everyone’s ear, such as the thunder.

All of a sudden, the field was quiet.

a path of gaze, falling on the purple clothed middle-aged person with a light cough.

“It is Mosong, the owner of the Baishang Business Alliance!”

“I didn’t expect that he actually came out personally.”

There was a faint discussion in the crowd.

Zhao Fang is also a micro-motion. With his eyesight, it can be seen naturally that this Mosong is an 8-Star god.

Most people are stronger than those present!

Purple clothed Mosong swept his eyes, laughed, and his expression was mild and friendly. He couldn’t imagine it. The famous Influence, such as the One-Way Business Alliance, was like this.

“You have come to know, I already know. The Baixun Business Alliance has made friends all over the world. You are willing to take the merchant ship of our business alliance. The business alliance will not refuse.”

“But now, it is a dangerous period, Myriad Worlds is not peaceful in the sea, and I want to pass the security alliance, and it will cost a lot.”

“Mo Union Lord, if you talk about it, don’t circle.” Someone called.

“it is good!”

Mosong laughed. “I like people who are refreshed.”

After that, he put up three fingers.

“Three hundred Primal Chaos crystal!”

As soon as this statement came out, the complexity of most people on the field changed.

“Mo Union Lord, you This is a bonfire to rob Ah!”

“It’s usually a ferry once, but it’s only thirty Primal Chaos, you actually lifted it up to ten times!”

Many people are angry.

Mosong is said with a laugh. “The merchant ships of my business alliance are all from the Jiashi Kingdom, the manufacturing industry of the Jiashi Shenguo, which ranks first among other gods in terms of defense, performance and other aspects. ”

“Even if the Myriad Worlds encounter an attack, the Union Lord can guarantee that you will be safe to reach the Primal Chaos.”

“Otherwise, once I have been buried in the Myriad Worlds Sea, even if there are more Primal Chaos crystals, what is the use?”

Everyone is silent.

Some people keep complaining that the price is too high.

Momoson does not look the same, and the price does not regress.

“When to set off?”

At this time, the 7-Star God of a back sword asked indifferently.

Mo Songdao: “After two hours.”

“Good! I am waiting for you!”

The backsword 7-Star God said, waving to the three hundred pieces of Primal Chaos divine crystal filled with Primal Chaos Divine Strength.

“ha ha friends are arrogant! Stay inside.”

After Mosong accepted it, he laughed.

Three hundred Primal Chaos crystals are indeed astronomical for the Myriad Domain Territory Powerhouse.

But there are always some people who are exceptions.

The backsword 7-Star is the kind of person.

With this person in the lead, several people have paid three hundred Primal Chaos fees.

Zhao Fang is also in the list.

When paying Primal Chaos, Mosson looked at him with a strange look.

Perhaps it is amazement, Zhao Fang trivial 4-Star God, even if the eyes are not stunned, take out 300 pieces of Primal Chaos crystal.


After seeing the beautiful girl on the side, he seemed to understand something and smiled.

Damei Niu is also a nouveau riche, and she throws it to Mosong 300, Primal Chaos, and follows Zhao Fang into the Bailu Business League.

As for those who can’t afford Primal Chaos, they can only stay in the ancient town of the wild sea, waiting for the ferry to start work.

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