The first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapter shocked!


The merchant ship defense is very strong. This point can be seen from the merchant ship’s repeated withdrawal from the Myriad Worlds sea whole body.

But any powerful is relative.

Compared to the ordinary shark tooth fish, the merchant ship Defense Power is undoubted.

However, when the four heads are comparable to the shark tooth king of the Lord Stage, at the same time, they launched an assault on the merchant ship.

The wreck of the merchant ship is rare and cracks appear.

Although does not burst, but once the number of attacks is more, the defense array will inevitably collapse!

Merchant ship Powerhouse has taken action to suppress.

Although most of them are 7-Star god levels, they can’t stand many people.

Even if the shark tooth king is so thick and thick, it will be rounded up a hundred times.


The enemy that the merchant ship is facing now is not only the shark tooth king, but also the dark bat.


A black ripple visible to the naked eye, as the black cloud surges.

All of a sudden.

But the Martial Artist who heard this voice was screaming and screaming, except for God Powerhouse.

“It is the unique soul attack of the dark bat.”

“damned, the enemy is back!”

The merchant ship backbone Powerhouse complexion is very ugly.

Because, when they were attacked by the dark bat sound waves, the shark-toothed fish group launched a fierce attack, and the merchant ship swayed from side to side and was tortured.

What makes them even more frightened is.

Black cloud arrived, densely packed dark bats, shrouded in merchant ships.

In the same place, there are five hill-like purple-winged black bats.

“Purple Winged Bat King!”

The strength of the five-headed purple-winged bat king is stronger than the four-headed shark-toothed king.

“Get out!”

Mosong took action and wanted to dispel the bat king in front of the merchant ship.

But it was dragged by two bat kings.

Same as for a moment.

The other three bat kings attacked the merchant ship.

at this moment.

Myriad Worlds The two Vicious Beast groups of the seas are rare and tacit.

Cooperation to win the Baiyu Business Alliance merchant ship!

Mosong, as well as other gods, Powerhouse, have also noticed this, complexion is extremely ugly.

God advocates to open inner and earth, cross the bat king, want to rush out of a bloody road.

“The situation is critical, you are careful!”

Big beautiful girl looks solemn, after swearing, struggling to kill.


Everyone is a person on board. At this juncture of life and death, they also don’t care about hiding. They have sacrificed move, madly strangling shark-toothed fish and dark bats.

Blood stained Myriad Worlds sea!

Everyone in the merchant ship was blinded.

However, the shark tooth fish has not been reduced by half, and it is still a source of constant arrival.

Continue this way.

Sooner or later, the entire ship Powerhouse will be exhausted by Divine Strength, or buried in the belly of the fish, or buried in the mouth of the bat.

Zhao Fang is also killing.

At the same time observe all around.

Compared to the other Powerhouse’s face, Zhao Fang is very calm.

He is considering how to kill the group of door-to-door experiences.


There is a familiar cry.

Zhao Fang looked up and just took a look, and the eyes were cold.

Big beautiful girl fell in a pool of blood, and in front of her, attacking her is a bat king and a shark tooth king.

Perhaps it is the same kind of sucking, the enemy of the big beautiful girl, is the most bad luck of the whole ship Powerhouse.

Others are aware of this scene.

But they are not taking action to rescue.

I can only see the shark tooth king, use it to tear the teeth of the array, and bite on the slender legs of the big beautiful girl.

“Get out of the way”

The big beautiful girl is angry and has not taken action. The bat king sings her attack, making her look, and the split second is sluggish.

At this time, the shark tooth king’s sharp mouth, the always silent and close to the big beautiful girl.

Eyes look at the next second, Damei Niu will be buried in the belly.


The sighs suddenly sounded.

In the crowd still wondering, it is the fellow, in such a critical moment and Time sighs, a white silhouette, appeared in front of the big beautiful girl.

The white silhouette slammed a punch at the shark tooth king.

The shark tooth fish king stunned, did not expect to kill a journey bite gold halfway.

But it has not retreated.

In particular, when the other person’s cultivation base is only 4-Star, its expression is more and more cruel.

Other Powerhouses are also frowning. Facing the shark-toothed fish king who is comparable to the Lord’s Last Stage, the entire merchant ship can only be singled out with three or four people.

But among these people, White robed Youth is not included.

“It’s really awkward, and it’s dead!”


What happened in the next scene, but everyone’s eyes fell out.

White robed Youth’s punch, not flashing, slamming on the sword-shaped teeth of the shark-toothed fish king.


White robed Youth’s palm, no injuries and bloody.

Conversely is the figure of the shark tooth king, the tremor, the bloodthirsty in the eyes, revealing a trace shocked.

Kā cā

A subtle voice sounded.

The first row of teeth of the shark tooth king broke.

Followed by.

Kā kā kā

The fangs that the shark tooth king is proud of are like the porcelain that was struck by the stones.

At the end.

Even its own, it also slammed into a pool of blood and water.


“This damn how can it be?”

All Powerhouses are dumbfounded!

Big beautiful girl is also dumbfounded.

A punch hits the head of the shark tooth of the God Stage, this battle, even Mosong can’t do it.

Is this damn still 4-Star God?

Everyone was shocked!

Where do they know that Zhao Fang is a punch, but contains the dark energy of heaven and earth, but it is a powerful killing move that Ancestral God can’t crush, let alone this group of animals.

After a fist to kill the shark tooth king, Zhao Fang stepped forward one step, facing the purple wing bat king.

The Purple Winged Bat King also reacted, shocked Zhao Fang’s powerful strength at the same time, and pulled out the suddenly retreat, trying to distance him.

It was slammed by Zhao Fang, and the same shark tooth fish king ended.


Its speed is fast, and how fast has passed the Zhao Fang of the ready punch.


It was also a punch, no Collapsing Mountain, no stars falling apart.

A simple punch, but a hit from the simple!

The Purple Winged Bat King had a reaction in advance, but only half of the body was blown up.

It horrified at the same time, burning the power of the bloodline, and at the same time to stop Zhao Fang.

It does not use the power of the divine sense.

Divine sense Just pierced the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then the flame backlash of the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness, himself conversely injured, and the look of split second is sluggish.

And it is at this time.

Zhao Fang’s second punch came.


This time, the good luck of the Purple Winged Bat King was completely exhausted, followed by its comrade-in-arms Shark-toothed fish king.

Directly blasted into slag!

The deck is full of dumbstruck’s look.

Those who are the most joyful beasts are like the little girls who have been forced up, and their faces are sluggish.

Even in looking at the white silhouette, in the eyes revealed a trace revere.

As if, it is no longer an ordinary white silhouette.

It is an invincible War God!

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