The first thousand five hundred and seventy-two chapters



After the shock, the two Great Clan Group Powerhouse quickly responded.

The shark tooth king and the purple wing bat king have retreated and pulled away from Zhao Fang.

At the same time.

Command subordinate large area large area.

Realm can be cultivated to the fish king bat king, as long as you are willing, can be turned into a person at any time, even the mind, is not inferior to ordinary people.

Three punches to explode two kings!

This makes the remaining shark-toothed fish king and purple-winged bat king, all heartwarn, not too close to him.

In an attempt to use the beast sea tactics, Zhao Fang was drowned in the endless beast sea.

“Little brother fast retreat !”

Merchants have seen Powerhouse, and quickly reminded.

They saw the power of Zhao Fang, that simply strong metamorphosis, but there are too many beast tides in front, especially the shark-toothed fish, like the cut-out leeks, cut one after another, killing Not enough.

Once caught in the beast tide, even the Lord Power Powerhouse is fierce.

“Hey, you fast retreat Ah!”

Damei Niu also worried about shouting.

Zhao Fang seems to have not heard the general, his eyes calm at the rear of the purple winged bat king, the distant sea and the sky, the corner of the mouth is a touch of cold.

The two great herds screamed and rushed up, surrounded by Zhao Fang, who had no interest in dodging.


The white silhouette disappeared into the eyes.

Only the head of the Vicious Beast that swayed, the constantly emerged.

“It’s over!”

Someone lamented.

Big beautiful girl is also complexion whitish, struggling to get up.

The purple-winged bat king and the shark-toothed fish king are making a quick smile or even a smug smile.

Can be the next moment.

An extremely ice-cold aura suddenly appeared in the herd abyss.

It seems that there is an indifferent voice followed by an outgoing voice.

Ice Age !

Followed by.

Containing an extremely cold chill, like the smog of the morning, accompanied by the sea breeze that never stops, boasting to the merchant ship all around.

Wherever it is taken care of, Void has some signs of tremors.

This abrupt change has left a group of people waiting.

Next second.

A scene that made them unforgettable and shocking appeared.

Kā kā kā

Void tremor, beast tide abyss, is being frozen into ice by the naked eye.

It’s just the skill of the finger, which pervades the Outer World and permeates the Myriad Worlds.

Myriad Worlds instantly condenses into ice and spreads directly into the circumference.

In an instant, a thousand miles of Icebound!

The blood-stained seawater became a glacier.

In addition to merchant ships and merchants on the merchant ships, all the creatures in the circumference are all frozen into ice, including the bat kings and fish kings who have retreated after several hundred miles.

“This, This is what’s going on?”

“Split second Freeze is a thousand miles, including the bat king and the fish king of the seven-headed Lord Stage, which is how strong Ice Element Heavenly Dao can do.”

The people of the ship were shocked.

Mosong, who was injured in the situation, was shocked by the sight at this scene for a long time.

The Powerhouses, the gods who took the boat, are more complex, envy, admirable, and shocking.


This time, the sound is not as vague as it was before, and it is clearly introduced into everyone’s ears.

In this sentence, this word is like a fuse, let the beast of Icebound burst into the air.

Split second.

The field was flooded with endless Ice Crystal fragments, like the Ice Crystal rain.

In the rain of Ice Crystal, a white silhouette walks in, calm and calm.

All the people who saw this scene were felt by this picture, and their hearts were shaken.

What shocked them even more.

The Icebound technique exploded, not only the group killed the beast tide, but even the remaining seven beastmasters did not escape, also dying on the spot!

The rain of Ice Crystal, when it fell on the condensed ice of the sea, the hustle of huā lā lā.

The previous two families, the countless Vicious Beast, now only have the ice of that place.


Zhao Fang After boarding the ship, the expression is calm.

Mosong looked at him with a complicated look. Finally, he was heavily nod.

The merchant ship has a flight system. After the other gods have smashed the ice layer embedded with the merchant ship, the merchant ship is like a wild horse, and it is rampant in the sky.

After flying out of the ice cover, it fell to the sea again.

At the moment, the deck is still quiet.

Most people have recovered from the previous shocks.

For Aura’s plain White robed Youth, everyone’s face is filled with shock and even fear, as if standing there is not a person, but an invincible God.

Extremely sharp, unmatched!

Even the gods who took the boat had to bow their heads and bow down to show their respect.

But in their hearts, they are extremely curious about Zhao Fang’s Strength.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Fang showed the cultivation base, which is only the 4-Star god.

But the Strength that he broke out made everyone stunned.

“You, what is your strength?”

Someone finally couldn’t hold back, start to talk.

It’s not someone else, it’s a big girl.

Looking at the whole ship, you can ask Zhao Fang this Rank the key question at this moment, or say, dare to ask this question, and only her.

“As you can see, 4-Star God!” Zhao Fang blinked at the boat and pretended to bow, and in fact the ear would look into the front of Powerhouse, indifferently said.

“What a joke. 4-Star God can instantly be the beastmaster of the seven-headed Lord Stage?”

Damei Niu does not believe.

Zhao Fang laughed. “You can even open your mouth. I am a big killer of the seven beastmasters. What’s the big deal?”

Big beautiful girl startled.

At first I didn’t understand the meaning of Zhao Fang.

After awakening, the charming face is rare to reveal a trace ruddy, some martyrdom, “I just said it casually, I did not expect such an efficacious. Xin loss was defeated by you, the only loss is the herd, if it is evil Dragon”

She didn’t finish her words.

I noticed that there were hundreds of cold eyes and staring at myself.

Even if I am not afraid of the temperament of the big beautiful girl, I am embarrassed to be stared at by everyone, 尴尬said with a laugh, “I didn’t say anything, I didn’t say anything.”

Said, she took another look at Zhao Fang, “I blame you.”

Zhao Fang shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “I was originally planning to heal you. Since I blame me, it is not necessary.”

Big beautiful girl turned her eyes and only fell on Zhao Fang under the foot.

Very unpretentious one to keep Zhao Fang thighs, “Don’t tell me, you are my Boss still not, I will be seriously injured, you will look at yourself at this beautiful and invincible long-legged younger sister Xiang Xiaoyu Well?”

“I will close my eyes and not see!”

Zhao Fang is the color road.

Damei Niu was immediately turned over to White Eye.

Today, she finally knows what is a mountain and a mountain high.

I thought of my normally sloppy cheeky **, actually invalidated in Zhao Fang, Damei girl’s face showed a bit of helpless resentment.

“You don’t look at me like this, I don’t do anything to you?” Zhao Fang quickly retreated three steps.

“I am following you now. If Boss wants to do something, I will not resist.”

When I heard this, everyone looked strange and quickly turned around and did everything.

Even Zhao Fang is also a defeated look.

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