The first thousand five hundred and seventy-three chapters died Fellow Daoist is not dead!

“Okay, don’t pretend to be pitiful.”

Zhao Fang slaps a finger, a longan is filled with the rich Divine Strength, and is sent to the big beautiful girl.

The big beautiful girl’s eyes lit up instantly.

The people who turned and left, seeing this scene, are also envied.

Because, it is a Tier-7 High Grade Divine Pill.

For most of God Powerhouses, if you have Tier-7 Divine Pill, it would be great.

Not to mention the surpass Tier-7 Middle Grade, which is already at the top of Pill Medicine at Tier-7.

It can be said.

This quality of Pill Medicine, each one is invaluable and priceless, even the Lord’s Late Stage Powerhouse, will pull down the face to grab.

But they didn’t do it.

Because, This is Zhao Fang’s Pill Medicine!

With a sigh, someone left, and some people turned their eyes, wondering if they could make a deal with Zhao Fang.

“From now on, Xiao Man is a Boss person. What do you want to do?”

After Xiaoman got the benefit, he quickly became loyal, and Zhao Fang sealed her mouth directly and took her off the deck.

Too shameful, too shameful!

Even if you want to trade in a certain nature, even if you want to dedicate yourself to your dear Boss, don’t say it in front of everyone.

Zhao Fang is in the heart.

After the battle of the herd, there was no more wave in the next ten days of sailing.

Zhao Fang rarely went to the deck to blow, and stayed in the passenger ship room.

As for Xiao Man, it is three times and five times to harass Zhao Fang.

I was tempted several times and was almost taken by Zhao Fang.

In short, Zhao Fang’s little days have been very comfortable and comfortable.

But this little day did not last long.

Perhaps because of the Primal Chaos, the atmosphere of the merchant ship is no longer as boring as the somonmn after experiencing the herd. It gradually becomes a lively atmosphere and gradually becomes a relaxed atmosphere.


Mosong has visited Zhao Fang many times and knocked on the identity of Zhao Fang.

After learning that he was only the first time to come to Primal Chaos, he invited him to join the Baidu Business League in the Headquarters of Jiashi Shenuo.

Zhao Fang naturally refused.

However, Mosong did not give up.

After several times, pays respect to Zhao Fang, promised all kinds of benefits, want to pull him into the gang.

But they were all rejected by Zhao Fang.

Jokes, with Zhao Fang Today, there is no problem even if you are alone in the Primal Chaos.

In this case, why join the Sect that is constrained.

Mosong is very helpless. For the big Powerhouse like Zhao Fang, he can only be tempted.

You can’t be afraid to offend.


Let him be a little gratified.

He hit the wall at Zhao Fang, but in the ship’s god Powerhouse, he harvested several people.

Had had the choice of Half-God to join Wanduo, which gave him some gains.

“In three more days, you can break through the Myriad Worlds sea and come to the Primal Chaos. So, what are you doing to the Primal Chaos?”

In the room, Damei Niu stretched out the long legs that had already recovered to the original, even more elastic than the original, and asked at random.

“Save people!”

Zhao Fang Silence for a moment, indifferently said.

“Who?” asked the beautiful girl.

Two people are talking.


A mighty aura, as the storm suddenly came.

The merchant ship that has calmed for a dozen days is shaking under this aura.

The Powerhouses on the merchant ships are even more fearful of face shows. They look at the front of the merchant ship.

There, a black cloud shrouded.

This scene is exactly the same as the one they encountered in the dark bat group a dozen days ago.

the difference is.

The dark bat that struck the merchant ship last time was just the Lord Stage.

But for the time being, obviously not only that!

Because they are all in the near black cloud layer, feel the great pressure, even fear!

“Damned dark bats, is it staring at us? How come again?”

Black cloud hides the sky.

Whether it is an imposing manner or a scale, it is far beyond the day.

The black cloud is asymptotic, and the emits imposing manner is more fiercely terrifying!

Some of the emperors were shivered by the pressure of this aura, the complexion was pale, and the fear reached the extreme.

In the black cloud, a purple-winged bat king is rushed out. It is the blood eyes of the gloomy, coldly sweeping across the merchant ships, coldly said: “The sucking my family’s fellow come out!”

Merchant ships are chilling.

Their eyes saw the tiger head behind standing on the purple winged bat, and the tiger head carving on the face.

Tiger King!

Mosong, who often confuses Myriad Worlds, almost sat down on the ground.

This is one of the Myriad Worlds Overlord, which is known only under the evil dragon.

more importantly.

This tiger carving king, that is the real Tier-8 Divine Beast.

Even if the merchant ship defense array is fully open, it will not last long.

“Day to die, Ah!”

Someone lamented.

The black cloud came down from the city, and the tiger-carving king appeared. Everyone knew that the battle had not yet begun and it was ready to end.

Even if the Lord God took the action, it would not be able to shake a tiger king of Ancestral God Realm.

The gap is too big to resist.

But there are also people who are thinking about the activity, thinking of one person.

Zhao Fang !

“Tiger King, you are always Myriad Worlds Sea Powerhouse, how can you pay for us to deal with these juniors, if there is any offense in the junior, you said that the junior should give the senior an account.”

Mosong stood up and smiled and pleaded.

“Hand over the murder of the dark bats, you can leave!”

The tiger eagle is indifferently said.

Wen Yan, the desperate crowd, flashed a trace surprise in the eyes.

They did not expect that the peaks and turns, there are still opportunities to live.

As for the transfer of Zhao Fang, they did not even think about it, they gave up Zhao Fang.

As the saying goes, the dead Fellow Daoist is not dead, and his life is the most important!

of course.

The only trouble is that Zhao Fang Strength is too strong, they want to pay, and they can’t pay.

“Where is someone else?”

Purple winged bat Wang Hansheng asked.

The crowd did not answer, but the gaze was simple to look at the area of ​​the merchant ship room.

Purple Winged Bat King coldly snorted, “brat, you can’t hide today. I know that I am coming out, maybe I can suffer less.”


Under the eyes of everyone, the room door was opened.

In a white dress, the handsome man who is like a jade, walks out of the room with his negative hand.

Beside him, he followed a pretty, stiff rabbit ear.

“You are the fellow who slaughtered my family of 100,000 children?”

Purple Winged Bat King stares at Zhao Fang, and his eyes are full of bitter hatred.

Zhao Fang ignored him, his eyes crossed the Purple Winged Bat King and fell on the Tiger King.

His look, no one else looked at the revere and fear of the Tiger King, not even the slightest change.

Just when I regained my gaze, I smiled softly. “The dark bat can withstand the real, and can actually invite Ancestral God level helpers.”

Everyone was ashamed, no one thought, this time, Zhao Fang actually laughed.

“Death to the end, but also laugh, it is an arrogant fellow!”

The tiger carving Wang Shuguang is cold and just want to do it.

“The tiger eagle senior, this person has been handed over to you, can you let us go now?” Mosong asked carefully.

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