The first thousand five hundred and seventy-four chapters of the tiger carving king

For the immediate situation.

Mosong’s heart is fortunate and happy.

He repeatedly invited Zhao Fang to join the Wan Duong Zong, and was rejected.

This made him feel that his face was dull and he was somewhat unhappy with Zhao Fang.

Because of Zhao Fang Strength tyrannical, he did not dare to show it.

But the heart is really uncomfortable.

But with the opening of this scene today, his hatred of Zhao Fang’s savings, split second release, his face is a little happy.

As fortunately, the other party did not agree to join Wan Duong.

Otherwise, he really doesn’t know how to end it!

Although Wan Duan Zong also has an Ancestral God Powerhouse, it is not wise to make a confrontation with the murderous King of the Sea of ​​Myriad Worlds for the sake of a new lord.

It is really the case that his situation will be more difficult and embarrassing than it is now.

“go away!”

Tiger carving king said coldly.

With his Strength of Ancestral God Realm, it is not difficult to go to Mosong.

If it is not the dark bat that costs a lot, he also impossible to come out and deal with a god junior.

“Yes Yes!”

Mosong was busy with nod, and humility came to the extreme.

Can turn to face Zhao Fang.

He didn’t look forward to the warmth and friendliness of Zhao Fang in the past few days, and he was extremely cold. “Zhao Young master, sorry, for the sake of the entire ship, please leave this merchant ship.”

“Mosson, you are the Union Lord as a business alliance. I didn’t expect it to be so timid. It really doesn’t deserve your name.”

Big beautiful girl is too mad, but waits for Zhao Fang start to talk and takes the lead in angering Mosong.

Mosong gloomy, indifferently spoke, “What do you mean, want to let this merchant ship owner bury him?”

This statement came out.

The other gods on the field changed their minds immediately, and they fell into the water.

If you don’t care about Zhao Fang Strength, you have already started to talk.

“Don’t forget, if he had taken the action before, you have already died in the fish and the sea of ​​bats, and will there be now?”

Xiao Man is not good, and his voice is cold. “I am ungrateful. I will cross the river and break the bridge. If you do this, you are not afraid of being tortured by Heavenly Dao in the future. Don’t lose heart?”

The merchant ship’s backbone, Powerhouse, does not look the same, but the gods, they are all slightly frowned.

Being able to stand out from each Myriad Domain Territory, they all have the potential to break through Ancestral God Realm.

The biggest obstacle to Ancestral God Realm is Thunder Tribulation.

Thunder Tribulation has a heart-wrenching, end-to-end magic, and the Martial Artist’s heart of Martial Artist.

If they really leave this way today, they will definitely leave a shadow in their hearts. It will be a huge hidden danger in the future.

“He took action on the day, not only to save us, but also to save himself. Moreover, he obviously has strong strength, why is it hidden, when the beast tide strikes, they will completely annihilate them, and we die so much brother friend”

Mosong sounds cold.

This is completely a slap in the face, saving Zhao Fang, conversely become a cold-blood fellow.

This statement does have some temptation.

The Powerhouse, the original indecisive God, has gradually strengthened his eyes.

“Zhao Young master, on the same day, thank you for saving. If you can get through this robbery, but come to Japan but have instructions, Li Chunyang will give up his life!”

The first person to pay three hundred Primal Chaos crystal back sword middle-aged, expression is serious.

With the first opening, others have started to talk.

Thanks to take out the treasure, and as promised by Li Chunyang, I want to try not to let myself lose money, so as not to affect the aftermath.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at it, just looking at Mosong, calmly said: “Are you sure I will die today?”

Mosong’s eyelids shivered.

The most important thing about his eagerness to communicate with Zhao Fang is that in the face of the strong existence of Tiger King, Zhao Fang will die!

Otherwise, give him great courage, he did not dare to offend Zhao Fang.

But now, Zhao Fang calmly calms his performance and suddenly makes him a little bit inaccurate.

“I, I” Mosong opened his mouth.

And this time.

The Tiger King is already impatient, he stepped on one step.

It’s just one step of simple, but it makes everyone feel the pressure of the mountain.

“Let you roll, didn’t you hear it? Or want to stay here completely?”

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The tiger carving king contains the slumber of Ancestral God Powerhouse, the all of a sudden, the circumference of the Myriad Worlds within a thousand miles, and the turbulent turmoil, forming a huge current vortex, seems to engulf the merchant ship.

“quickly go !”

The people did not dare to stay again.

The waters here are very close to the Primal Chaos, and the ancients lost their merchant ships, and they will lose a lot of protection.

It can be better than losing your life.


Myriad Worlds The darkest bats of the seas are here, indicating that the future is open and the best time to escape.


All Powerhouses except the Mosong on the merchant ship escaped.

Mosong also wanted to escape, but Heart Thought was first moved, but suddenly found that the body could not move.

Just at this time.

Zhao Fang looked over.

The eyes are cold and cold.

Split second, Mosong understands that complexion is pale.

“although I know that when they escape, they will be attacked by shark-toothed fish, they will die, and they will be buried in Myriad Worlds. But I prefer to be hands-on!”

Zhao Fang smiled silently.

One point is like Mosong Qi Sea.


Mosong within the body passed out a thunderous bang.

He was a tyrannical aura, like a leaking balloon, with the wind.

The love and earth in Mosong’s Qi Sea was completely crushed and turned into a waste person. He was shocked and amazed!

Not even noticed, the black hair turned white, and the one that was quickly and old, like the old face of a person.

“You, you actually ruined my Qi Sea and ruined my cultivation base!”

Mosong trembled.

He feared and looked at Zhao Fang with his cheating hatred. The pair of eyes, sharp as a knife, as if to kill!

But unfortunately, Mo Song is abolished!

In this life, he can no longer kill!

“A good ruthless brat!”

Tiger-carving king, a condensed, in the eyes, two groups of fire micro-motion, imposing manner amazing.

Zhao Fang turned to look at the Tiger King, like a smile, “I know I will be Ice Element Divine Ability, specifically looking for a Fire Element’s Ancestral God, to restrain me?”

“brat is smart! You can instantly Icelande a thousand miles, even the God Stage has not escaped, indicating that you not only have deep insights on Ice Element Heavenly Dao, but also Ice Element Supreme Treasure. But unfortunately, ice fire is incompatible, today, this King I am sure you are!”

“You really are confident ah, this head alone, you son of a bitch eagle, I will be able to backhand shot dead.”

Zhao Fang smiles unabated, this calm look, as if infected with Xiao Man, the original somewhat nervous Meimei, and gradually relaxed.

“act recklessly !”

The tiger-carved king’s eyes are cold, one step is out, and the endless fire field appears after it. After the moment, the tiger-carving king turns into a fire tiger, with a violent roar, and the flame of the sky, cross-border Zhao Fang.

“This time see how you die!”

Mosong screams and screams. He knows that he can no longer take revenge in his life. He can only hope for the Tiger King.

“trivial Tier-8 Initial Stage, not a kill!”

Zhao Fang thin smile, fist out like a dragon, a fist fight!

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