The first thousand five hundred and seventy-five chapters meet Li Chunyang again

“You have this boxing, some doorways.”

“But it’s still far worse than this King!”

The Tiger King is confident and full of flames, such as a hundred flowers, dazzling at the same time, and full of terrifying destructive power.

Blinking, Zhao Fang is surrounded by endless flame.

See you, the tiger king in the eyes with a smug smile.

“This King’s Heavenly Dao, which is made up of Myriad Beasts fire, is three points stronger than Heavenly Fire, and has been chasing the fire, depending on your trivial god.”

His words have not been finished yet, and the Heavenly Fire Sea has suddenly broken a path.

It is said to be split, but it is more like being opened.

Tekken is unparalleled, crushing all directions, wherever he goes, even if it is flame, he has to shun.

“how can it be like this !”

The tiger-carving Wang Hao’s eyes were full of shock.

Soon, he noticed the out of the ordinary of the boxing, feeling the Divine Strength of the boxing, and couldn’t help but scream: “You, you have the power of Ancestral God Realm!”

A god lord, with the power of Ancestral God Realm that he did not own, Is this a shocking and unacceptable thing?

When he was shocked, the punch came to him calmly.

Tiger carving king complexion big change.

“Get out!”

He instinctively punched and wanted to stop.

As a result, his punch was directly crushed by Zhao Fang, and the bombardment of the remaining body was on the body of the Tiger King.


But listening to a muffled sound, the tiger carving king figure tremble, a strong blood gas spurted from its body surface.

The body of the Tiger Carving is like a mirror. From top to bottom, there is an oblique long crack.

There is a lot of blood coming out from the crack.

Tiger King Wang was shocked and looked down at the crack in his chest. His face was filled with pain and fear, and he wanted to say something.

In the end, it was the lips that squirmed for a long time and nothing was said.

boom! boom! boom!

After a burst of firecrackers, more Blood Mist emerged from the body of the tiger.

The Tiger King became a blood beast.

Not waiting for everyone to be amazed at birth, this head can to move unhindered Myriad Worlds 1000-year generation of the king, the body suddenly burst, burst into a group of Blood Mist, die without a whole corpse!

Bloody and cruel fierce tiger carving king, die!


The purple-winged bat king who had previously screamed was scared.

It thought.

With the strength of Tiger King Ancestral God Realm, against Zhao Fang, it must be very easy.

In fact.

It’s not just him who has this idea. Basically everyone thinks this way.

God Lord, impossible to defeat Ancestral God.

This is the norm.

The scene before us has subverted its cognition.

Grand Ancestral God Powerhouse, was defeated by God, and even killed on the spot!

How sensational this damn is.

That is how terrifying the fellow!

this moment.

The Purple Winged Bat King felt the rich Crisis and Death.

It regretted the extreme.

I regret why I have to lick this drowning, not only did not kill Zhao Fang, conversely put myself in.


The purple-winged bat screamed, and there was a burst of Blood Mist.

When the bats listened to it and launched a general attack on Zhao Fang, it burned the bloodline and accelerated the sudden retreat. He wanted to leave and leave the horrible human.

“If you come to kill me again next time, remember to find a Strength that you can go, like the garbage of the Tiger King, how much, how much to kill!”

Zhao Fang sneered at the corner of his lips.

next moment.

The power of the striking flame, with his body as the center, madly vented.

The dark bats that rushed, not yet close to Zhao Fang, were affected by this flame.

Black bats turn into roasted bats.

After the screams of savage, it became a dead bat.

Even the Purple Winged Bat King is no exception, wrapped in the power of the seven-color flame, and the body suffers from indescribable burns.

“You, even the Heavenly Dao of the fire is so terrifying!”

The purple winged bat king was terrified and completely feared.

Unfortunately, it no longer has the opportunity to go back and correct. In the rolling flame, the purple winged bat king is wrapped in a flame body, emits a smashed meat and falls into the sea of ​​Myriad Worlds.

All around restored calm.

Everything seems to have not happened.

Only the thick meat in the air, but always reminds Mosong, a scene that happened before.

Mosson’s body trembled, the fear of in the eyes, reached a apex.

“you you”

Mosong stretched his finger to Zhao Fang, and it was unfavorable to speak.

If you look carefully, he sees abyss, but it is full of fear and remorse.

Such a peerless Powerhouse, he actually sinned him, this damn is not too old to start.

“Unfortunately, merchant ships cannot continue to ride.”

Zhao Fang ignored Mosong and sighed.

Although Zhao Fang uses dark energy to kill the tiger, he kills the bat group.

After all, the Tiger Carving King is the Ancestral God Powerhouse, and the power of the outside is enough to destroy the merchant ship.

He always tried to protect the merchant ship from the fighting, but still could not avoid its damage.


Zhao Fang rushed to the side, and the same shocked Damei girl Xiao Man said, stepping away, leaving the merchant ship, appeared in the sea of ​​Myriad Worlds.


“Wait for me!”

Xiao Man reacted and called, and he was quick to keep up.

Immediately, if you face the face, you will be desperate to the extreme Mosong. “Just let him go!”

The words fall.


Mosson’s body exploded without warning.

Blood is almost sprayed onto Xiao Man.

Xiaoban licked his mouth, but thought of one thing, figure swayed and disappeared on the merchant ship deck.


There was a loud noise from the bottom of the merchant ship.

Followed by.

Hundreds of thousands of aura burst out.

At the same time, the expressions are dry, the face is like a ghost, the tortured non-adult slaves, walked onto the deck, saw the long-lost sky, and breathed the long-lost air.

“The only thing I can do is this. The merchant ship is about to sink. You can find a way to live.”

After Xiaoman rescued the slave, he left this sentence and left with Zhao Fang.

“many thanks, grace and help!”

The slaves bowed on the deck and watched Xiao Man leave.

Before the two people left, the compass on the merchant ship was removed, and the compass pointed to the position of the Primal Chaos.

In the Myriad Worlds sea, if there is no compass, Zhao Fang will not find an exit if he finds a death.

The volley flew tens of millions of miles.

Zhao Fang suddenly looked awkward and looked at somewhere in the distant waters.

Xiao Man startedled, also looked at the past, a moment, only start to talk said: “There is a fluctuation of battle”

“Looking at the past?”

Xiao Man proposed.

Zhao Fang will leave without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, the fluctuation of the battle spread to the location of the two people.


Dozens of silhouettes, as well as swarms of shark-toothed fish, appear in the sight of two people.

Surrounded by the shark-toothed fish purse, it was Li Chunyang and others who had previously left the merchant ship.

When they saw Zhao Fang, they stopped in an instant.

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