The first thousand five hundred and seventy-nine chapters are trapped in the sea!

Without encountering the evil dragon, Zhao Fang intends to marry this bss.

After the encounter, the evil dragon is not the evil bss he imagined.

Conversely on him, there is a kind of aura that makes Zhao Fang familiar.

Zhao Fang thinks for a long time.

I finally want to understand the source of the aura.

Eight Layer Pagoda !

At that time, he did not intend to launch the Eight Layer Pagoda Task.

Requires a person who surrendered eight fate in one year.

But now one year has passed.

Zhao Fang also found the bears, phoenixes, pigs, tigers, and swords of the eight scorpions.

The remaining dragons, cranes, and rabbits have not yet fallen.

But in front of the situation, there is aura in the evil dragon, similar to Xiong ba and others, which makes Zhao Fang suspect that he is likely to have the remaining three spirits.

This will tell the above words.

Speaking of it, the Eight Layer Pagoda Task has passed the aging time. Even if he gets together, he won’t get Task Reward.

But Zhao Fang is still a bit curious.

He would like to know what happened when the Eight Spirits gathered together.

In general, if you are other Ancestral God Powerhouse, if you hear Zhao Fang, you must be angry, and you must use the blood of Zhao Fang to wash his humiliation.

The evil dragon also has a cold light, such as the wild beast lock Zhao Fang.

But did not take the action immediately, just asked in a deep voice, “Who are you?”

Zhao Fang stunned the gun, the gun body was black and transparent, but it was unpretentious, but it made the evil dragon feel like this: If it is caught in this gun, it will be in a state of full prosperity, and it will be seriously injured, even Death!

“This Palace Lord, Zhao Fang!”

Zhao Fang is slow.

“Zhao Fang?”

Evil dragon gaze shimmers, “I want Benlong to serve you very simple, as long as you can save Benlong.”

“I must have seen it, and Ben Long’s body was suppressed under this Dragon Palace array. You can’t leave this place for thousands of miles. As long as you break the array, Ben Long is willing to follow you!”

The evil dragon is frank.

I am not afraid of Zhao Fang to use this strategy to deal with myself.

Or, he already thought about retreating, even if Zhao Fang bound him with array, he could calmly deal with it.

“Break array, what’s the problem!”

Zhao Fang didn’t even think about it. God Slayer Spear pulled out a black and shiny gun flower, and the long spear skyrocketed and madly swallowed Heaven and Earth Origin Qi near the Dragon Palace.

“Don’t be underestimated. It’s made up of a number of Xerix-8 Divine Array Masters led by a Tier-7 Divine Array Master. It’s awesome, common Ancestral God Realm Late Stage Powerhouse, can’t break open”

The evil dragon is afraid of Zhao Fang, and he reminds me.

Zhao Fang didn’t care. After God Slayer Spear swelled into a thousand zhang rifle, it was like a pinnacle of the sea, suppressing everything in the Dragon Palace.


Zhao Fang bought two Tier-8 charms from the System Shop, squatting in the spear head above of God Slayer Spear.

Spear head shines, it seems to be able to penetrate everything.

The only two Tier-8 charms, the only one is to enhance Divine Artifact’s break prevention Ability.


Zhao Fang is a fierce glimpse.


God Slayer Spear emits hundreds of millions of golden gunshots, instantly moving toward the core of the core.

In the all of a sudden contact between the two sides, hundreds of millions of guns and shadows merge into a single spear qi, like a broken melon chopping vegetables, piercing the core of the array.

In an instant, Boom rumbling spread throughout the Dragon Palace, alarming Myriad Worlds Sea!

The black beard, who had just escaped from the Myriad Worlds Sea, was still lucky enough to return to his life in the future. He was shocked by the behind and quickly let the subordinate retreat thousands of miles.

“I am a grass, this fellow is too fierce, but the evil dragon is not so easy to kill.”

The black beard looked at the sea behind the waves, and the little eyes showed a trace of blackmail.

“Back, leave here!”

“But Big Brother, Brother Zhao hasn’t come out yet.” Zhao is empty.

“Being stared at the evil dragon, do you think he still has a chance to come out? Even if he can come out, with his Strength, it is not a problem to cross the Myriad Worlds sea.”

Black bearded road.

Zhao thought for a moment, “There is nothing wrong with it, but after all, people are trying to save you, they are in danger, so they abandon each other, a little bit”

“Hey, if you can’t bear it, then stay with him!” Black beard was coldly snorted.

Wen Yan, Zhao is a bitter smile, and he dares to talk nonsense.

As for the long-legged protests, there is no more effect.

The pirate ship set sail and headed for the Primal Chaos. As for Zhao Fang, they were completely abandoned in the Myriad Worlds sea ayss.

Hōng hōng

“Ha ha Wan Long’s Bastard, your evil dragon Grandfather is out!”

Among the loud noises, a dragon roar full of excitement and ruthlessness rang through the ruins of the Dragon Palace.

next moment.

A bloody True Dragon, ridden with scars, and even tied by the unknown Divine Mark chain, vacated.

Bang! Bang!

The blood dragon shouts, the Dragon force Vibration whole body, the Divine Mark chain that is blessed on it, is shattered by one by one, no longer bound.

This whistling sound lasted for a while and then gradually calmed down.

The blood dragon squats like a bloody crystal, ice-cold’s eyes look at Zhao Fang, the eyes are turning, seemingly hesitating, do you want to kill Zhao Fang.

But just split second.

Blood Dragon gave up this idea.

Since the other party can easily break the array of 1000-year, it is inevitable that you want to kill yourself.

After a few 1000-year repressions, the evil dragon temperament has been upgraded through a lot of tempering.

If this is a few years years ago, the evil dragon is ready to take action on Zhao Fang!

After making up his mind, the huge body of the blood dragon exploded in an instant, and the essence of countless blood gas poured into the inside of the evil dragon.

Bang! Bang!

The evil dragon aura climbed up, with the body bursting like thunder, it lasted for a while, just now stop.

And after reaching the peak of the evil dragon, it is a great surpass Ancestral God Middle Stage.

Reach the level of 7-Star Ancestral God.

“Evil Dragon, I have seen the Palace Lord!”

Kong Wu’s powerful evil dragon, toward Zhao Fang pico nod.

With his arrogance, he can admit the status of Zhao Fang Palace Lord. It is already rare. He wants to worship Zhao Fang. It is obviously impossible.

“I am very grateful to the Palace Lord for his relief, but I am sorry, I can only stay with you for ten years. After ten years, I am going to kill and take revenge!”

Evil dragon road.

Zhao Fang seems to think of something, the same look: “Wanlong Nest, one of the ten holy places?”

“Not bad!”

The evil dragon looks awkward, killing intent 凛凛.

Like the Wanlong nest, the enmity is like the sea!

“You are trapped here, are you related to them?”

Wen Yan, evil dragon slightly hesitated, nod, “The black hand behind the scenes is Wanlong Nest, but the real implementation is some gods.”

“I am coming out this time, I am coming to the account! If you feel that there are a lot of troubles, let me go to revenge first.”

When the words were not finished, Zhao Fang interrupted. “You are now the Palace Lord subordinate. If there is something wrong, you can find this Palace Lord.”

After that, Zhao Fang turned and said, “Go!”

Then Void Hand grips, and God Slayer Spear, which is inserted in the array of eyes, turns into a common and is caught in the hand.

Sneak forward with your hand.

The spear head squirts a lot of golden glow, swirling like a swept roll of Myriad Worlds in front of the sea.


Where the golden glow passed, a golden ladder appeared immediately to the Myriad Worlds.

Zhao Fang walked on the ladder and disappeared.

The evil dragon suddenly stood up for a while and suddenly grinned. “This fellow, some appetite for me!”

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