The first thousand five hundred and eighty chapters

Black beard pirate ship.

“Big Brother, what do you say about Brother Zhao?”

Deputy captain Zhao is absolutely empty, and from time to time he looks at the behind endless Wang Yang.

The black beard is eating meat in large chunks and drinking in a large bowl. It seems that the fat oil that was previously burned by the fire will be replenished one by one.

I am eating and enjoying, and there is no reason to be empty.

Only by Zhao’s annoyance, I just said: “The fellow is very weird. The cultivation base has no less than the Ancestral God Initial Stage peak. This Rank natural talent is no less inferior to the Core Disciple of the Ten Holy Lands. The captain could not see through, but it is foreseeable that he will not lose even if he is not defeated by evil dragons!”

The voice is falling.

“hehe, it seems that Captain Black Beard knows the Palace Lord very much.”

The smirk sounded quietly, and the black beard that was screaming was so big that he suddenly rose up.

Even if Zhao is absolutely empty, it is full of solemn, aura outside, and staring at all around!


Void blasts, countless golden light falls, like a ladder, falling from the sky.

Zhao Fang, who is beautiful in white, comes back from the ladder and looks calm.

“hehe, it turned out to be Brother Zhao, and the captain knew that with Brother Zhao, the Great Expert, against the trivial evil dragon, it must be”

Black beard was horrified, his face immediately smiled, and he just wanted to compliment Zhao Fang a few words, but when he saw the majestic silhouette of Zhao Fang behind, the sound immediately stopped.

“Evil dragon?”

The black beard body is slightly trembled, and the complexion is ugly to the extreme.

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

The name of the evil dragon, in the Myriad Worlds sea generation, can be described as fierce, but no one has ever seen him.

Anyone who has seen him is smashed by him.

Nowadays, the fierce dragons of this name are living in front of them in such a way that they are not afraid.

“take action !”

The black beard immediately violently drunk.

The pirate ship array activate, a dozen gods Powerhouse take action, the sky attack, instantly drowning the evil dragon.

See this scene.

The black beard looks a little slower.

The evil dragon is strong again. It is always only one person. Now, the captain returns to the pirate ship and returns to his own territory. Even if he can find the captain, he can help the captain.

It’s not only the evil dragons that have been drowned by the sky attack, but also Zhao Fang.

The black beard picked up his eyes, in the eyes solemn, the cautiousness did not weaken much.

Although just now a dozen gods rely on the power of the pirate ship array to play the Ancestral God Initial Stage peak, but he does not believe that the grand evil dragon, these will be easily killed.


There is also a Zhao Fang that he can’t even see.

“Black beard, what do you mean?”

Under the sky attack, there is a voice of indifference.


Then, a golden dragon fist slammed out, and squatted in the sky to attack the above.

In an instant.

The sky attacked and shattered, and some of them fell on the pirate ship, killing more than a dozen people.

The tall silhouette of the evil dragon appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

The black beard looked shocked and stunned.

When I saw the evil dragon and Zhao Fang at the same time, he was too late to think about the wariness of the evil dragon. What was tricky in the middle.

As he calmed down, he vaguely guessed something.

Can still be uncertain.

Until now, he can finally be sure that the evil dragon and Zhao Fang become a passerby!

Although it is not clear, this is what’s going on.

But the meaning of this matter itself has a great impact on the evil dragon.


The black beard opened his mouth, but there was no word to distinguish. He could only look at Zhao Fang, and he was jealous with a laugh. “Brother Zhao can’t help it. I was tortured by the evil dragon. It became a scared bird. Just now is only subconscious. Counterattack, I didn’t expect you to be affected, but you are not hurt, otherwise

“With this attack, even if it is ten times stronger, it will not threaten my Palace Lord!” The evil dragon is indifferently spoke.

Wen Yan, the black beard looks the same, in the eyes, the color is more intense.

“This this”

The black beard pointed to Zhao Fang and pointed to the evil dragon. He couldn’t speak for a long time.

Not only him, but other Blackbeard pirates on the ship, Powerhouse, were also shocked.

“This is not what you should ask.”

Zhao Fang faint start to talk.

Black beard lips squirmed a few times, and finally nod, lost a smile: “Zhao Young master is really a superman, even this Rank can be surrendered, myself admire.”

“These non-nutritious nonsense, you don’t have to say it.”

Zhao Fang took a look at the black beard and straightened the forehead to see the forehead cold sweat, only slowly and leisurely said: “This Palace Lord is entrusted by your deputy Zhao, and you will go to the Dragon Palace to save you. After you are rescued, you will run the road alone. Lord can not pursue, but this time”

Black Beard smiled bitterly. “This is indeed my recklessness. This way, the captain is willing to take out 50,000 Primal Chaos crystal, as a sin, Zhao Young master, and evil dragon Sir Haihan.”

Black beard can to move unhindered Myriad Worlds sea, but also can flex.

He knows that Zhao Fang and the evil dragons teamed up, even if the destruction black beard pirate group, it is extremely easy.

But they did not do this, obviously there are other purposes.

And this purpose, in addition to seeking money.

And the most important point, through the black-bearded pirate ship, safely arrived at the Primal Chaos.


Zhao Fang calmly said.


Black beard has a sore face, even if he can to move unhindered Myriad Worlds for many years, there is not much in the hands of Primal Chaos.

One hundred thousand Primal Chaos crystal, almost his property one fifth.

“Is there a problem?” The evil dragon crossed the front one step, and the smile was cold.

“Cough is no problem, no problem!”

The black beard’s fear of the evil dragon, simply called deep into the bone marrow, the evil dragon is simple, he has no courage to look at the other side, and shakes his head directly.

Immediately, it was very cooperative with the 100,000 Primal Chaos crystal to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang Satisfied with nod, “I will save you a life, collect 100,000 Primal Chaos crystal, you are not a loss, if it is dead, even if there are more Primal Chaos crystal, what is the use.”

“Yes, Zhao Young master said very much!” Blackbeard can still say anything, can only lose nod to install grandson.

“Little?” Didn’t see Damei in the crowd, Zhao Fang had some doubts.

“Coughing a little girl is doing a guest in our merchant ship, absolutely empty, you personally go to the little girl, please say that Zhao Young master is back, to see her!”

“Yes!” Zhao took the lead and went away.

Xiao Man was quickly brought in, but he was not hurt. He only protested when Black Bear left Zhao Fang to escape alone, but he was quickly suppressed by the Black Beard Pirates.

After all, the black beard has a bit of scruples, so there is no difficulty in making it small, just lock her in the bottom of the pirate group, delicious and entertaining.

In the end, the black beard took out a lot of treasure, only to dispel the little anger.

This is the end.

Zhao Fang Xiao Man has a lot of harvest, conversely is a black beard, and it has broken the money and disasters. The black fat face is depressed all the time.

Simply, his depression is not long.

Primal Chaos, the universe, is here!

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