The first thousand five hundred and eighty-one chapters of Primal Chaos

“Primal Chaos The vast universe is endless, and the composition of the universe is roughly divided into four parts.”

“Myriad Domain Territory, Primal Chaos, Cosmos, Holy Land!”

“Myriad Domain Territory doesn’t need me to say more, you know. In the universe, the Myriad Domain Territory is countless and is the lowest Earth domain unit in the universe.”

“Myriad Domain Territory above is the Primal Chaos world. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of Myriad Domain Territory in each Primal Chaos world. Most of these Primal Chaos circles are in the hands of some Great Influences and some Powerhouses.”

“The cosmic country that goes further up is the kingdom of God that people often say in the mouth. The Lord of the Kingdom of God is also called the universe Country Lord. Every universe country, there are thousands of Primal Chaos, and it is the Giant-class Influence of the universe.”

“Of course, the kingdom of heaven is very famous, but in the universe, there are still quite a few.”

“God country above, that is the true core and peak of the universe, the top ten holy places!”

“The site of the Ten Holy Lands may not be as good as the universe, but it is the place where the peers in the universe have rushed into the universe.”

“Every holy place represents an extremely tyrannical unrivaled Inheritance, even if it is a union of the kingdom of God, it is not easy to provoke, it is the true Overlord Level Influence of the universe!”

“It is said that there is a super existence of surpass Ancestral God Realm in the Holy Land!”

Walking on a certain star named Primal Chaos in the sky, Zhao Fang heard the sound of black beard from time to time.

Zhao Fang For Primal Chaos, only know the Kingdom of God and the Holy Land, the other eyes are black.

The interpretation of Blackbeard finally filled his gap in the understanding of Primal Chaos.

“The Primal Chaos world, the geographical location is quite wonderful, the surroundingings are Daqing, Datang, Jiashi and other tyrannical gods.”

“But it does not belong to this Three Great Kingdom, but an independent competence. Because it belongs to one person!”


Zhao Fang came to the interest. “So, the person behind the Primal Chaos world is like the Lord of the Kingdom of God?”

“The man is not the Lord of the Kingdom of God, but he has a headache for the Lord of God, and he does not dare to neglect him. He comes from the Holy Land!”

Black beard makes a mystery.

In fact, when Black Beard said that the person had a headache for the Lord of God, Zhao Fang implicitly guessed the identity of the other.

In the universe of the universe, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, it is all sitting in the clouds, overlooking the world of Sir.

The entire universe, which can make them wariness, except for other Country Lords, is only a holy place.

Holy Land, the top of the pyramid of Primal Chaos.

Even if it is a Core Disciple of the Holy Land, the identity of Outer World is not inferior to the Lord of the Kingdom of the Ordinary.

The group walked and said.

In the end, come to a vast Palace.

The Palace is beautiful and beautiful, but on the plaque, it has written three very tacky names.

Ascend the building!

The first restaurant in Primal Chaos.

Although Zhao Fang knocked a bamboo stick, but the black beard has been running Myriad Worlds for many years, his mind is open and can be stretched.

Especially now at this juncture.

Zhao Fang However, in the God Lord Realm world, he accepted the evil dragon of Ancestral God level, which shocked him at the same time and was also curious about Zhao Fang’s means.

If these days, Zhao Fang is very upset about the Primal Chaos, and the attitude of a foreigner, even if he is the ten holy places, Black Beard will believe.

Although it is now perceived that the other party is not the top ten holy people.

But when you are young, you have this amazing position. If you grow up in the future, you won’t necessarily become a hero of the universe.

This Rank character, if not used, will only be culled.

But it is a pity.

Black Beard is also Ancestral God Powerhouse, facing Zhao Fang, he can’t do both.

He can only retreat to the next level.

Choose to draw and make friends.

Simply, the previous misunderstandings are always open, he also compensated Zhao Fang’s loss, Zhao Fang words, it seems to no longer care, this is a rare good start for the black beard.

This is not, just through the Sect’s nominal sea defense search, after the actual extortion, the black beard will bring Zhao Fang to the ascendant.

Feast Zhao Fang, evil dragon, little man three people.

One is to plead guilty.

Second, there is also the intention to draw together.

Zhao Fang is very strange to the universe, although the evil dragon is somewhat familiar, but after all, it has been tens of thousands of years, plus his special status, some things really do not come out.

In this respect, you really need the black beard.

The two sides banqueted on the top of the building, ascending the view, overlooking the entire Primal Chaos world.

“hehe, Zhao Young master, you are welcome, despite the need to eat and drink, as long as my black beard can do it, I will not deny it!”

After three rounds of wine, the dishes were over five flavors, and the faces of the people gradually showed a touch of drunken blush.

The black beard is full of spit and flying, while speaking, struggling to beat his chest, almost let Zhao Fang think that this fellow wants to show his uniqueness, to fly in the ascent.

“Zhao Young master, my behind Influence, after can’t compare with God God, can be under the Kingdom of God, is also one of the best exists, you really do not consider?”

The black beard was bald with his tongue, and he seemed to be drunk, but he couldn’t tell, but Zhao Fang clearly saw that the black beard was murky in both eyes, and the bright glow disappeared.

During the dinner, Blackbeard once admitted that he belonged to Influence and euphemistically sent an invitation to Zhao Fang to draw it.

But no accident, was rejected by Zhao Fang.

The black beard is also interesting, and there is no mention later. Until now, it seems that the wine cellar E, this is inadvertently revealed.

Zhao Fang picked up the glass and took a light peek, looking out at the bustling days of Primal Chaos, indifferently said: “The sky is still too small!”

The Primal Chaos world is not small.

Compared to Myriad Domain Territory, at least countless times.

But now, Zhao Fang’s goal is the Kingdom of God, and even the Holy Land.

This is only the equivalent of the Primal Chaos in the Kingdom of God, and naturally it is much smaller.

Wen Yan, the black beard looks as usual, slightly eye-catching abyss, passing a touch of disappointment.

“Hehe is a lot for some people, but for the True Dragon, Zhao Young master, it’s really a little small. Don’t say this, come, let’s drink!”

The black beard is holding a wine cellar and picking up the wine bowl, so he has to drink it.

At this time.

Ascending upstairs, there are several people.

There are men and women, among them, the two are dressed in brocades, and they are full of enthusiasm.

The youth sabre, the imposing manner, has reached the level of the Lord’s Late Stage.

In the two youth behind, followed by a gray-haired middle-aged man, the middle-aged man looks like a machine, followed by two guests.

It seems easy to be ignored, but his terrifying aura, but whoever sees it, can not forget!

Ancestral God !

Gray-haired middle-aged man, Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse, not inferior to black beard.

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