The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapters are always welcome to find revenge!

“throw it out?”

Jiang Feng stunned, and immediately sneered.

“The Grey Sword is one of the Three Great Swordsmen of our infinite swordsmanship. The Kendo Strong is amazing. Even if Hu Qi is right, it is also a lot of wins and less. You are looking like an Ancestral God, but want to be with us.”

Jiang Feng wants to mock the evil dragon.

But I saw the gray sword look abnormal solemn.

This expression, he was only seen once in the gray sword.

That time, the Grey Sword challenged the Sect Master of the Unlimited Swordsman.

And lost!

The defeat is still terrible!

Could it be said that the fellow in front of the eye is a strong superior existence of Strength?

Jiang Feng is frowned, and the instinct does not believe this fact.

He and Jiang are looking at each other and the two people are sullen.

“No matter who your Your Excellency is, you shouldn’t be impudent in the Primal Chaos world!”

The gray sword looks solemn staring at the evil dragon, said solemnly.

“ha ha ”

The evil dragon laughs, the laughter is mixed with dragon roar, and the Pressure’s Might is full.

“trivial 2-Star Ancestral God, great breath, don’t say it is you, even if you are left to kiss, don’t dare to say this to me.”

“Hey, you are too arrogant!” Gray sword was angry.

The other party shouted the name of the Sect Master, the words are arrogant, without any homage, which makes the Sect Master Lineage, the extreme respect of the gray sword, can not stand.

Since you can’t stand it, it’s only the sword!

The gray sword draws the sword, the wind and cloud change, and the river is swallowed!

All of a sudden, all the light of the ascending building seems to be gathered in his sword, and the sound is amazing.

The evil dragon raises his hand indifferently, and the palm of his hand is hard, and it looks like a dead end.

Can be when the two collide.

An amazing scene appeared.




The evil dragon’s palm is bloody golden, and it is smashed by the gray sword, but the silk does not move. Even a little scar is left, conversely provokes a sword spark.

What is even more shocking is that.

After the sword, the sword of the gray sword appeared several extremely deep cracks.

A rare Tier-7 High Grade divine sword was directly broken in this brief confrontation.

Although not completely left, but the gray sword knows that this sword is abolished and can no longer be used.

Compared to these, the Grey Sword is even more shocked, but also the defense of the other side.

“On the palm of my hand, I will block my sword and even break the Tier-7 divine sword. Are you not?”

The last sentence, at first glance, is a bit horrible.

But everyone has heard the meaning of the gray sword, and it is not easy to see the evil dragon.

The evil dragon looked indifferent and ignored it. The golden palm of the hand directly grabbed the shoulder of the gray sword.

Under the horrified eyes of the other side, he crushed his shoulder bones and then thrown them away, just like throwing garbage, throwing them directly from the window of the ascending building.

From beginning to end.

The Grey Sword did not have a chance to make a second sword.

The sword of the grand swordless sword, in the hands of this one-eyed red-haired man, was actually crushed without any backhand!

Everyone was shocked and inexplicable. They were wide-eyed and unbelievable.

Jiang Fengjiang is smug from the two people’s face, grin hideously, gradually stiff gloomy.

They stepped back two steps and stared at Zhao Fang. “Who is Your Excellency?”

Zhao Fang did not answer.

The evil dragon steps forward two steps.

It’s just two steps of simple, but on the occasion of the outing, its silhouette appears in front of Jiangfeng two people outside the few feet.

When I saw it, the two people, even if they were stunned, knew that they had encountered the iron plate.

“Stop, you can’t do it to us!”

“Yes, we have the first sword of the swordless old school, dare to move us, and the whole swordless sect.”

The two people have not finished, and their shoulders are covered by two iron-like palms.

Then, the shoulder bones were pinched and smashed, and the pain spread throughout the whole body. The two young masters who only knew the bully and bully, almost didn’t pee.

“This Palace Lord Zhao Fang, go back and tell the swordsman, if you are not satisfied, you are welcome to find this Palace Lord revenge!”

Zhao Fang walked past the two people, calming the sound and drifting into the ears of two people.

When the words fall, Zhao Fang passes by.

The river left the two people, only to feel dizzy, they were thrown out of the building.

A moment later, two sullen and serious injuries were heard downstairs, and then the screams of the two people were painful.

The evil dragon followed Zhao Fang and left the building.

Ascending upstairs, everyone is dumbfounded.

No one had thought that the fart that should have been bullied could not be released by Zhao Fang three people, but in a blink of an eye, they hanged Jiang and other people.

This scene is changing too fast, too suddenly

The Strength displayed by the evil dragons is so amazing that they have reacted for a long time.

But at that time, Zhao Fang had already left the ascending building.

“This, this fellow”

Among the people brought by the black beard, except for the majority of the pirate group Powerhouse, there are two national characters face big man.

They are all robbed of Powerhouse, and they are invited to be accompanied by black beards.

After the two people were aware of the Zhao Fang cultivation base, they looked down on him and ignored him. The whole party did not say a few words.

Even if Jiang and other people appear, they are indifferent, and one thing does not care about the indifference that hangs high.

But today, two people regret it.

The intestines are remorseful.

“This Zhao Fang has such a Powerhouse, Hu Qi, why don’t you say it earlier?”

One of them complained.

Hu Qi sneered. “Father didn’t say it early, father almost hung his mouth on your two ears, but you listened, didn’t believe in father, and took the words of father as a whisper.”

“You also moved your own lard-stained brain. If they were average people, I would pull them and invite you to accompany them?”

Thinking of before, it is indeed too much Influence, two people suddenly more annoyed.

One of them saw no hope, and broke the jar. “I missed it, and it was called the evil dragon. It is indeed a Strength. But Zhao Fang is too arrogant. Just three people, I dare to fight against the swordless. I want to See how he will end!”

When the man’s words were finished, he noticed that Black Beard looked at his own eyes, and that look was like watching Idiot.

The man was mad at the moment and was annoyed: “Hook, what do you mean by this expression?”

“You damn Idiot, the sword of the swordless swordsman is easily laid flat. Do you really think that people will be afraid of the swordless?”

“And, do you really think that Zhao Fang only has God Strength?”

The two people were asked, “What do you mean?”


Hu Qi slammed his sleeves and said: “I am damn really in the water, how to call you two idiots.”

When Zhao Fang went downstairs, Jiang and other people fled.

Even if he didn’t escape, Zhao Fang wouldn’t care.

Trivial A Sect of Ancestral God Middle Stage oversee, he can still be in the heart.

“Wow, you can even subdue 2-Star Ancestral God, how can you be so powerful!”

“Can you teach me two tricks?”

“My natural talent is very good, or else I recognize you as Boss.”

Along the way, when the little man is sloppy, the property once again erupts.

But what makes Zhao Fang unexpected is.

The evil dragon, which has always been very cold, seems to be particularly concerned about her, and the two people are very talkative.

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