The first thousand five hundred and eighty-four chapters of a sword come to the west, sword dust!

Three people In addition to evil dragons, Zhao Fang is two people, first time to Primal Chaos.

Said not nervous and excited, it is completely nonsense.

However, Xiao Man puts all of this emotion on his face.

Zhao Fang is more restrained, at least not on the surface.

The two people are guided by the guide of the evil dragon, and they are looking for the customs of the wilderness.

Day Desolate City is the center of the Primal Chaos world.

The Great Influences Headquarters in the wilderness are basically here.

A single city, its scale is no less inferior to Myriad Domain Territory.

Even if there is a transmission of array everywhere, there is a Vicious Beast, but after a day of sightseeing by Zhao Fang three people, it is still only a small part of sightseeing.

The true core of Desolate City, they have not been exposed.

But the three people were a little tired, mainly because they looked tired, and they found a restaurant to stay.

The next day.

“It seems that the infinite swordsman has to take action.” Zhao Fang looked into the distance and suddenly muttered.


Damei Niu said that she did not understand.

“From the perspective of the performance of our performance yesterday, under normal circumstances, the church will be more hot and woo, even if it is not wooed, it is also indifferent, unless there is external force to stop.” Evil Dragon Road.

“external force?”

“Simple, it is very likely that the infinite swordsman used what means, intimidating or tempting to withdraw from the robbery. Today, there may be a big fight.”

The evil dragon looks indifferent.

Damei Niu thought a little, and some of the stunned looks at two people, “You can think of these attitudes by tens of thousands of robberies. If they are just doctrients, they don’t have time?”

“Sir’s World, you don’t understand!” Zhao Fang said.

Damei Niu was not happy at the moment. “What do you mean, saying that I have no brains?”

“You can hear it, it doesn’t seem to be all.”

The big beautiful girl’s Liu Mei was upright and the silver teeth were biting. The slender legs were like two straight shots, and they were stabbed on Zhao Fang at any time.

At this time.


In the distance, there was a loud noise from the sky.

A sword hit and slammed Myriad Worlds.

at that moment.

Everyone who has a certain strength in the heavens and the realm sees a sword that flies.

Can not help but be shocked.

“This is the first sword of the first sword of the swordless swordsman?”

“I’ll go, who provokes this tempered old devil?”

“This fellow is angry, who can stop him?”

“Well, This is going to have a major event, Ah!”

“damn it, this is what happened.”

Many people are dumbfounded in a face.

There are also some people, figure plundering, rushing to the place driven by Flying Sword.

Before he was near, he heard a loud bang from Boom. The Inn, who occupies a hundred miles, fell in the sword light, obscuring Starry Sky’s at the same time, and turned into a ruin in the Boom explosion.

Most of the creatures in Inn, except for some Strong, are aware of the dangers in time, and the number of people who escaped are innocent.

Most people, even death, have not escaped from Inn, completely eternal!


A containment of the sound of overbearing aura echoed over the heavens.

“Zhao Fang, come out accept death !”

The sound is rolling like a thunder, and there are thousands of sword shadows, which are amazing!

Zhao Fang three people, who avoided this sword beforehand, was calmly standing above a Palace, and Zhao Fang was indifferent at all.

Evil dragon expression cold.

Xiao Man is angry.

“Fairless swordsman’s fellow, it’s really act recklessly!”

The evil dragon sounds cold, and the eye is killing intent.

Sōu sōu sōu

In the distance, hundreds of aura tyrannical silhouettes flew over.

They are the Peak existence in the various events of Desolate City, and they are also famous in Desolate City.

Among them, there are even several instances of Ancestral God Realm’s existence.

Everyone is behind, and their eyes are on Zhao Fang three people.

Other than that.

In the abyss of the wilderness, some Ancestral God did not leave the old nest, just quietly suspended high altitude, calming the look at this scene.

Among them, the most eye-catching is a boy.

The boy’s lips are red and white, and they look good, but their behind, but respectfully stood a group of people.

These people’s Strengths are mostly God’s level, and there are some Ancestral God.

Among them, there is Hu Qi.

“Priest, are we doing this, is it not appropriate?”

Hu Qi asked the words and hesitated.

The boy turned and turned out to be a tender look. At the moment, it was indifferent to the knife. In the eyes of calmness, it was the vicissitudes of the past.

Just a glance, Hu Qi quickly squatted and didn’t dare to look again.

Can make Hu Qi so respectful, look at the whole world, and there is one person!

Priscilla, the boy!

Wan Zaizi no longer looks at Hu Qi, his eyes fall into the field, muttering: “They really have amazing fighting power, but they can’t be used for me, and they have high combat power. What good is it for us?”

“It’s better to take them for something useful.”

“hēi hēi Priest Sir is really far-sighted, just to get their information out, and get a big mine in vain. Speaking of it, the sword is really generous.”

A boy who is behind, an Ancestral God Realm old man squinted.

“Grand?” The boy who robbed the child sneered, not to be convinced.

“Sword dust has always been judged by the situation. If these people are from Myriad Domain Territory, don’t say that they only hurt the river from Jiang Feng, and even if they killed the sword, he wouldn’t dare to put a fart sword!”

“In the end, the sword dust is still bullying them as foreigners!”

There are also thousands of robbery Powerhouse cold said with a laugh.

In this regard.

Hu Qi is very silent.

He looked at the direction of the ruins of Inn and his mind was complicated.

A sword smashes the Inn into ruins, the sword-shaped rays of light dissipate, and two silhouettes appear in the air.

One person’s sword eyebrows, the posture is like a dragon, the sword is four directions, the imposing manner is robbing people, the eyes are sharp and fierce like electricity, the cold look, full of cold killing intent.

When I saw this person, the Powerhouses of the hundreds of gods who came to watch the battle, all hands clasped together politely salute, the first sword was old.

This person is the number one swordhouse, the sword dust.

Sword dust indifference at everyone, ignore it, look to Zhao Fang, “You are hurting Zhao Fang away from the child?”

“What about Hu Qi?”

Zhao Fang did not answer, and asked one.

“You are hard to protect yourself, and there are skills to care for others?”

The sword dust sneered, and immediately the eyes fell on the evil dragon. “Who is Your Excellency?”

His voice is slightly solem, apparently aware of the bad deal of the evil dragon.

The evil dragon does not look at him.

Sword dust complexion gloomy, no more nonsense.

The sword refers to Zhao Fang, indifferently spoke: “Reno, kill him!”

He did not take action, in his behind, a three-footed high silhouette, fierce one step step out.

That is not a person.

To be precise, it is not a normal person!

It is a monster with a dragon body. The dragon body is spread over Dragon Scales. It has an unusually cold and sharpness. In its abdomen, there are occasional hōng hōng thunders.

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