The first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters

The most attractive.

Or the geek neck, set of colorful items.

The ring is unusual, but internal, but contains the Berserk power that Ancestral God is in amazement!

“Lock the soul ring?”

Not far from the gods Powerhouse, seeing the colorful collar of the geek’s neck, seems to think of something, complexion slightly changed.

There were only a few Ancestral Gods, and they looked at the eye-sword dust a little bit. “Looking at the wilderness, there is only Ancestral God who can robant, and only the sword dust brother.”


The geeks intended, and did not want to obey the command of the sword dust, and the expression was even very resistant.

The lockable soul ring contains the power of the gods, such as the billions of steel needles stuck in his soul.

Even if the mind is tough on the Powerhouse, it will be too much to be tortured.

What’s more, his alreadyy was tortured countless times, which almost caused a psychological shadow and stood up reluctantly.

He stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, killing intent and looking at Zhao Fang and others.

Next second.

He is stunned.

Looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, revealing a deep hidden surprise.

“Reno, still don’t do it!”

The grotesque hesitation, the sword dust immediately provoked, coldly snorted, the sound is like a spike, straight into the strange spirit.

The geek screamed, with a look of resentment and hatred, rushed toward Zhao Fang and others.


The evil dragon is scornful, and the Void is broken on one foot, and it is like a dragon, and it fights strange people.

Although the geek has been tortured for a long time, the Strength is extremely deep. When the evil dragon only uses 20% of Strength, he can fight with him for a while.

This makes the evil dragon slightly surprised.

To know.

On the day of the 2-Star Ancestral God sword, the evil dragon used only 20% Strength.

The other party, even the move did not support.

It can be seen that the geek aspect looks strange, but the strength of Strength is not to be underestimated. The Strength that is now erupting is no less inferior to the 3-Star Ancestral God of the ordinary.

“It’s no wonder that dare to be an enemy of the infinite swordsmanship, but there are some means.”

The sword dusted his eyes and his voice was cold.

Zhao Fang does not step on him.

Staring at the geek, in the eyes revealing a thoughtful look.

The geek Strong is tough, and if it meets other Ancestral God Initial Stage Powerhouses, it will definitely be a success.

But unfortunately.

What he encountered was the evil dragon with the strength of the Ancestral God Middle Stage peak.

From the beginning to the end, the geeks have been pressed.

This point is not only the god of the war, but the sword dust has long been discovered. He is as sinking as water, and complex is extremely ugly.

“Reno, this Elder ordered you to kill him at all costs! Otherwise, hey.”

The words of the sword dust, let the geeks take a nap, in the eyes hate more concentrated, but the eyes abyss is a touch of sorrow.

He finally looked at Zhao Fang and bit the clench one’s teeth, which seemed to be a means of burning some kind of jade.

“Evil dragon, take him!”

Zhao Fang is cold.

“it is good!”

The evil dragon shouts, the sound is like a dragon roar, one hand grabs it, and there are bloody dragon claws appearing, carrying a tearing might, immediately holding on to the weirdo.

not only.

Blood-red The power inside the dragon’s claws rushes into the grotesque within the body, directly suppressing his mighty force and binding him.


The evil dragon stepped into the air, and Void appeared a crack in the road. With the amazing momentum, the evil dragon returned to Zhao Fang and pushed the geek to Zhao Fang.

“In an instant, I caught the violent servant?”

“What is this Strong Red Man?”

“Is it, he is Ancestral God Middle Stage Powerhouse?”

The gods were shocked and talked.

“how can it be !”

The sword dust surface sinks like water.

He saw that the Dragon Dragon was amazing and did not use all his strength when fighting against the slave.

But he doesn’t think that the evil dragon is strong, at most half of it is into the 4-Star Ancestral God Realm.

But the means of the evil dragon just now, but the sword dust is shocked.

Reno, who can almost instantly mad, is also said to be 4-Star Ancestral God Realm.

“When did the Primal Chaos community have such a Powerhouse?”

“No, according to Hodge and others, the red-haired big man was met by Zhao Fang in the Myriad Worlds sea. Could it be that the fellow was the Devil Dragon that was suppressed in the Myriad Worlds?”

Out of caution, Hu Qi did not tell the true identity of the evil dragon to the infinite sword.

However, Jian Chenzi practiced for tens of thousands of years, his heart was clear, and Heart Thought moved, he guessed it, and his heart was even more shocked.

“You, who are you, I am on you, feel the aura of my family”

When the geek was brought to Zhao Fang, he almost lost the combat Ability. He looked at Zhao Fang and expressed confusion.

“You are the day Demon Race?”

Zhao Fang start to talk, the first sentence, the stranger was shocked on the spot.

“You” geek looks at Zhao Fang, some shocked, “Are you who?”

“You look carefully!”

Zhao Fang low roaring sound, the between the eyebrows suddenly appeared in the Six Pointed Star pattern, six ancient god star point, appeared in its between the eyebrows.

After the broken star, Zhao Fang merged with the ancient Divine Strength Inheritance, and with the help of Precious Medicine, it has once again condensed the sixth star point.

It is the authentic 6-Star royal god!

“Ancient, ancient god”

The geek is shocked.

When he saw Zhao Fang at first glance, he noticed that there was a familiar aura on the other side.

At that time, he guessed that Zhao Fang might be from the Ancient Clan Lineage.

I can think about it and I think it is unlikely.

One is that the Zhao Fang cultivation base is too weak, and the 4-Star is the Great Influences, which is only used as a discipline.

I can’t go through the Myriad Worlds sea to the Primal Chaos world.

Then there is that the aura of Zhao Fang is too noisy, he did not feel the aura of Ancient Clan Divine Ability.

But now.

After the six star points that filled the pride and power of the ancient gods, he immediately understood everything.

“You really are Ancient Clan clansman.”

The geek looks complicated.

Not far from the gods, the Powerhouses, as well as the sword dust, are also stunned.

“You should have been away from Myriad Domain Territory’s Day Demon Race senior for thousands of years. What is your name?”

Zhao Fang looked at Reese and asked.

Perhaps because they survived for the Myriad Domain Territory, they did not hesitate to take risks and sway the Primal Chaos, so that Zhao Fang had some respect for them.

“I am indeed the group of people who left thousands of years ago. My name is Lei Ze.”

The geek looks complicated. “You are my family clansman, how did you come here?”

From the words of Zhao Fang just now, he heard that Zhao Fang should come from Myriad Domain Territory.

Otherwise, you won’t know some of the secrets of Myriad Domain Territory.

“Reze? Demon Race, the thunder of the three ancestors?”

Zhao Fang expression, he listened to Demon Race Powerhouse and introduced their family Ancestral God.

Among them, there are three famous Ancestral Gods.

And Reese is the most powerful one.

“it’s me.”

Lei Ze smiled, smiled, and there was a family of Ancestral God’s arrogance and confidence.

“hehe, it turns out that you are also a reverse family, very good, very good!”

Zhao Fang is about to ask Reze a few more words. The sword dust on the side is cold to start to talk. “Listing, killing the tribe, you can get a reward from the kingdom of God. This is just the 4-Star god. Missed this opportunity?”

As soon as this statement came out, the Powerhouses, the gods who did not care about themselves, flashed in the eyes and looked at Zhao Fang’s eyes, which was a little different.

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