The first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters of the anti-ethnic, lock the soul ring!


“Hello, you have the courage to dare to sway and appear in the wilderness. When I am so scared, Sect, countless Powerhouse is a display?”

Immediately, there was an 6-Star god who jumped out and expression cold and pointed to Zhao Fang.

There is a first one, there is a second one.


In the battle of the gods, there are more than half of the people declared Zhao Fang.

There are also some people who are rational and silent.

They have stepped back and opened a distance with everyone, apparently not wanting to blend into such things.

In their view, Zhao Fang cultivation base is indeed weak, weak is not worth mentioning.

But the explosive power of the evil dragon just now, but they have a lingering fear, have to treat each other seriously.

As long as the evil dragons are not dead, they will not be stupid.


The sword dust sweeps over the escaping gods and looks indifferent.

Seeing the dust of the sword is not pleasing, the divine sword in the hand screams, it seems to be strike down at any time, those people are also very helpless, can only come out and stand opposite the Zhao Fang.

Except for the two Ancestral Gods, the remaining gods almost became the claws of the sword dust against the evil dragons.

Even so.

The sword dust still doesn’t mean to stop. He looks at the distant Void, indifferently said: “Wu Old Ghost, single king, old Monster, what time do you want to see this scene?”


“I originally thought that the Grand One-Swords Number One Powerhouse sword dust, to clean up a few outsiders, is not very easy.”

“But it seems that we have overestimated the strength of the sword’s Strength Ah!”

“It seems that we have to take action on this matter.”

In a ridiculous laughter, several strands of tyrannical appear in the air.

They stand proudly Void, indifferent and proud of the look at it all.

On them, all emits are extremely powerful aura.

Among them, the aura is like a dragon, and it is like a sea. It is not inferior to the sword dust.

The Lords who were either tempted or forced to stand up were shocked to see the three-way influence that appeared.

“Wu Family Shan Family ”

“The two Ancestral God worlds in the heavens and the world have appeared at the same time!”

“Not only they, but also the death of the infinite swordsman.”

“Oh my God, our Peak Influence, almost all come!”


Zhao Fang looked at the three-way influence that suddenly appeared, and looked flat.

It doesn’t matter if the evil dragon looks at it, and even occasionally shoots a fierce killing intent.

Only Xiao Man is nervous.

As for Reese, it is even more desperate.

“It’s over!”

Reize murmured, “Four Great Influences come together, even with 4-Star Ancestral God, it can’t calm the matter.”

Zhao Fang did not seem to hear this sentence, looking at the direction of the robbery.

In the Wanden Powerhouse, he saw the black beard.

Sorry, Zhao Young master, I am not an enemy of you. I really can’t help myself.

Black beard Divine Sense voiced, slightly awkward.

Do they know the identity of the evil dragon? “

Zhao Fang asked calmly.

do not know. Sword dust asked me, I did not tell him the truth. Black bearded road.

You don’t take action, I can’t care about you.

Wen Yan, Blackbeard gave a sigh of relief, and quickly said: many thanks Zhao Young master.

Although in the immediate situation, Zhao Fang is at a completely absolute disadvantage.

But I don’t know why.

Black Beard still chooses to believe Zhao Fang, he feels that an existence that even the evil dragon This Rank Powerhouse can conquer, can not solve the situation?

Don’t say anything else, just the Dragon Strength is fully open, you can kill everyone on the scene.

Unfortunately, on this point, he has concealed the reminder of the boy.

However, the boy who was robbed did not take it seriously, thinking that Blackbeard deliberately raised the other side of Strength.

But Reese does not know the means of Zhao Fang.

Seeing the Heaven Influence, everyone has appeared, and can’t help but panic.

“You are quickly go, once they are caught by them, there is absolutely no death!”

Lei Ze was low and let Zhao Fang leave the place.

“hehe, sword dust, you are a good slave, your elbows are going out!”

The robbed boy looked at the sword dust.

He has always been inconsistent with the sword dust, and now there is a chance to laugh at each other, and he will let go.

Wu Family Old Ancestor and Shan Jun, although there is no start to talk, the two people look at the expression of the sword dust, but also reveal a trace of play.

Sword dust complexion gloomy, “Reno, hello big courage!”

“Now, this Elder orders you, do whatever it takes to give this Elder the brat!”

When the words fall, the sword dust is pouring out of the tyrannical Divine Sense fluctuation.

In an instant.

Lei Ze’s eyes were red, and the whole person was mad with a killing intent. He stared at Zhao Fang and shot it directly.


The evil dragon took action, grabbed Lei Ze’s attack and took him out.

Lei Ze rushed again, and did not fear death, and launched an attack on Zhao Fang.

The evil dragon looked cold and blocked, again and again.

When the sword dust saw it, it seemed to be extremely satisfying and could not help but laugh.

The children and others are even more emotional. “Sure enough, Worthy is the soul ring. Once locked, life and death can’t help but the action.”

“This sword dust is also a means to pass people. I don’t know where to get such a rebellious ancestor. This Monarch is also looking for one.”

Single jade said with a laugh.

“Hehe, why do you have to ask for a far-off, do you have one in front of you?”

Wu Family Old Ancestor, the skinny old man, a pair of phosphorus-like eyes squatting toward Zhao Fang, full of cold and malicious.

“It’s too weak!” Shan Jun shook his head.

“It can be cultivated from a young age. This kind of cultivation is more loyal. Moreover, this brat has entered the Kingdom of God Lord Realm at a young age. The natural talent is extraordinary. Unlike the slave, the number of slaves 1000-year, life essence It’s almost exhausted and it won’t take long.”

Wu Family Old Ancestor haze said with a laugh.

“Listen to you saying this, it’s really like this, just, such a good thing, Wu Old Ghost, you will kindly give this Monarch? Even if you agree, will the Fellow Daoist 让 make this Monarch special?”

“hēi hēi, this Old Ancestor is for you, because I look at the rabbit girl, this Old Ancestor wants her!”

Wu Family Old Ancestor Dry fingers pointing to Xiao Man.

“Wu Old Ghost, how do you give her to this Priest?” Priest start to talk.

Wu Old Ghost was a little surprised, and immediately two people Divine Sense voiced, I don’t know what kind of agreement, and Priest said: “She is yours!”

The three people are unconcealed and full of pride and confidence.

It seems that Zhao Fang three people is already the fish on their chopping board.

Sword dust saw it, just sneer, not much.

And this time.

Razer was once again shackled.

Sword sneer, “How about holding it, his Life Source is in my hands, I let him die, he can’t live!”

The words fall.

Lei Ze within the body thunder is amazing, the next moment, the surface is filled with amazing lightning, thunder and lightning, did not hurt the evil dragon, conversely blow his own arm, the pain of Lei Ze immediately screamed.

Sword dust seems to be deliberate, and he has controlled the backlash of Reze with the body several times in a row, breaking his arms and trying to destroy his Fleshy Body.

“Seeing no, under the lock of the soul ring, he is a waste, a Servant, no one can save him!”

The sword dusty laughs wildly.

The pain made Rayzer’s face distorted, but the words of the sword dust made him desperate.

At this time.

Zhao Fang came out and slowly walked to Reese.

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