The first thousand five hundred and eighty-seven chapters except the ring sword dust!


Zhao Fang is calm and steady.

The eyes of everyone in the field were instantly attracted and they came over.

Zhao Fang came to the side of Lei Ze, who was suffering from the madness. The evil dragon was on the side of Zhao Fang and watched at Lei Ze.

“Let him, this Palace Lord gives you a happy way to die!”

Zhao Fang looks at Jian Chenzi, looking indifferent.

I heard this.

The sword dust was slightly startled, and immediately laughed, and the laughter was filled with ridiculously flaunting the flavor.

“You really thought that there is an 4-Star Ancestral God escort, you can kill this Elder ?overestimate one’s capabilities, if you really have the ability to save your family from the bitter sea Ah!”

The sound of the sword dust is cold. “It’s a pity that you are powerless. Except for the Spirit of the Refining soul ring, no one can break the soul ring. You can only watch the eyes at the same family and be tortured by this Elder!”


Lei Ze was indeed tortured by the non-adult shape, with the body of the blood vessel bursting, a stock of thick blood, pouring into the body surface of Reze.

His whole person is in the madness of one kind of morbidity, his voice is suddenly roared, the spirit of the spirit is extremely agitated, and the Berserk power with the body is also accumulated to the peak, which seems to burst at any time.

Zhao Fang headed for Reze.

“Palace Lord !”

The evil dragon sees it, brows slightly wrinkle.

Zhao Fang and Lei Ze are too close together. Once Reze is forced to self-destruct, the resulting might, even the evil dragon is not sure to let Zhao Fang whole body retreat.

Zhao Fang seems to have heard him.

His eyes looked at his eyes with blood, and the pain reached the extreme of Reze, his eyes cold to the extreme.

An unprecedented killing intent in the heart!

This killing intent is not aimed at Reese, but the one who brought Rayzer to the front.

He slowly stretched the action action palm, close to the lock soul ring.

Sword dust sees, in the eyes reveals a sloppy cold, “Explosion!”

At the same time, the surface of the lock ring is flashing red, and an inexplicable danger aura emerges from the rainbow light.

The evil dragon is shocked, and it is necessary to spare all efforts to save Zhao Fang.

But the scene that happened in the next moment left him alone.

Zhao Fang grasped the lock soul ring, and then gently pulled it, kā cā, the buckle of the lock soul ring opened, away from the neck of Lei Ze.

Same as Time.

Zhao Fang brought out a clean and handsome Divine Strength, and hit Lei Ze with the body, suppressing his at the same time with the body injury, and let him, in a very short time, restore his reason.


“The fellow has removed the soul ring?”

“How did he do that?”

The Lord Gods were shocked.

The sword dust is also unimaginable. The face is grin hideously and the moment is stiff. In the eyes, even the deep shock, unbelievable to the extreme.


The evil dragon has heard the name of the lock soul ring, knowing that this thing is extremely evil, once it is put on, unless the Refiner himself, or has a separate activate key on hand.

Otherwise, no one can get rid of the soul ring.

Even the Ancestral God Late Stage, so!

In front of the scene, subvert his past cognition.

The soul ring that was regarded as a nightmare was taken down by Zhao Fang with one hand. This is an incredible thing.

My Palace Lord, I really let Ben Long see through!

The evil dragon heart secretly thought.

“I, I am free?”

Reze still did not respond, feeling the shackles of the existence on his neck, muttering to himself.

“From now on, no one can enslave Ancient Clan!”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

This is how Reize responded.

Look at Zhao Fang, look at yourself again, excited tears can move unhindered.

Zhao Fang threw a bottle of Pill Medicine to Reese, turned and looked at the sword dust, calmly said, “As you can see, the lock soul ring is ready to take out, man, I saved it!”

Sword dust complexion gloomy.

“brat, who are you? What method?”

Zhao Fang smiled.

“I am who, you didn’t investigate it early, and asked me what to do? As for what technique, telling you is useless, because even if you know it, you can’t do it!”

The structure of the lock soul ring is extremely complex. If you give Zhao Fang a certain time, he can naturally break.

The sword dust won’t give him this Time.

Therefore, Zhao Fang is destined to take the System road.

Looking at the 10 million supreme coins that were consumed, Zhao Fang was a little distressed and could only scatter the gas on the sword dust.

Therefore, looking at the eyes of the sword dust, extraordinarily indifferent.

“Hey, let’s make a mystery, even if you have Secret Art, you can break the lock ring, how can you? Now you have become a public enemy, not to mention that you only have three people, even if there are thirty people, how can it be difficult? Do you think you can reverse the situation?”

The sword duster vibrates and shouts, and his eyes are indifferent. “Today, let’s see the infinite Sword Art of my infinite swordsman!”

The words fall.

A sword is thrown out, under Starry Sky, there is a countless road word shadow.

The sword shadow is infinite, the offensive is like a slap, and the squad is so powerful that it reaches 4-Star Ancestral God peak.


The evil dragon sneered, single-handedly dispatched, blood-red dragon claws shocked the world, and a grasping broke the killing move of the sword dust.

The sword dust is not too surprised, but the eyes are very cold. “It seems that you are the Myriad Worlds Devil Dragon, you are actually out of trouble!”

“However, as far as the situation is concerned, your Strength has not fully recovered, just 5-Star Ancestral God level.”

He has long guessed the identity of the evil dragon, and now it is more confirmed.

The evil dragon does not mean to hide, indifferently said: “Even if there is only 4-Star Ancestral God, it is more than enough to pack you!”

“Then add us!”

Wu Family Old Ancestor, single king, three people have been stepping on one step.

Just one step, it will be a four-direction formation with the sword dust, and the evil dragon will be locked in it.

Xiaoman complexion has changed dramatically.

Sword dust, Wan Zong boy, Shan Jun, Wu Family Old Ancestor

This is the Great Influences Powerhouse of Peak’s Peak, and they are enemies, almost equal to the enemy of the entire day.

This is obviously not a good thing for her who has not yet been promoted to Ancestral God Realm.

“not enough!”

The evil dragon laughs wildly. “With your 3rd-rate goods, you want to keep this dragon? Unless it is the host of the Kingdom of God, or the Core Disciple of those holy places, even if you are promoted to 5-Star Ancestral God, also impossible!”

“arrogant !”

Everyone sneered.

“Don’t talk nonsense, start!”

Hundreds of gods, nearly ten Ancestral God, no longer speak, direct life and death.

All of a sudden.

This Starry Sky was dyed by a path of 璀璨Berserk’s aura, the sword was able to move unhindered, and the aura was unmatched.

As the evil dragon said, this group of people wants to kill him. It is true that Strength is a little worse.

not only.

The siege of the people, as soon as one person Lei Ze joined the battle circle, smashed the sword dust, forced him to retreat, and directly fell apart.

The evil dragons counterattacked, and in an instant, all the people were seriously injured.

When I went back to find the dust of the sword, I saw that Lei Ze had fallen axe and directly smashed the sword dust into two halves.

Bloody, exceptionally eye-catching!

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