The first thousand five hundred and eighty-nine chapters of the guns refer to the nebula, horizontally!

“Awkward and unpredictable?”

Zhao Fang can’t help but smile.

If the nebula is using other means to deal with himself, Zhao Fang may have a headache.

But obviously, Array is not in this column.

When talking to Zhao Fang and others.

The Divine Strength fluctuation in the array is fierce, and the entire array seems to become a boiling oil pan, to burn Zhao Fang and others.

Xiaoman cultivation base is the weakest.

When the Great Array was carried out with the influence of heaven and earth, she was immediately overwhelmed by the pressure, the complexion paled to the extreme, and the footsteps could not help but retreat four or five steps.

She wants to leave here.

The Great Array blocks Void, except for the break array, she has nowhere to go.


Zhao Fang patted the shoulders.

There was a Divine Strength, and I poured in from the shoulders of the moment and suppressed her with the body.

Xiao Man looks a little slow.

The charming face is still solemm, not relaxed.

As long as the array is not broken, everyone Crisis will not be lifted.

“It turned out to be your evil dragon! You don’t have to stay in the Myriad Worlds sea, come to my wilderness?”

The sound of dignity sounded again.

Inside the array of rays of light masterpiece, the center of rays of light, there is a star-studded star.

Stars above, standing a person wearing a star robe, brushing the road, face hard.

Youth aura is not weak, and it is even stronger than the sword dust.

It is a half-footed foot into the 5-Star Ancestral God Realm’s existence.

With this person starting to talk, the Divine Strength in the array is like a raging wave. The source is steadyly tapped to the evil dragon and wants to press the evil dragon.

The evil dragon complexion is cold, stepping on one step, the body is straight as a dragon, smashing cold light, disdainful looking at you wearing a star robes, “I didn’t expect that the little boy who was following in the days of Xu Tianhuang became The Master of Heaven and the Wild is really making people.”

“The creation is indeed unpredictable. Who can think of it, when it was juxtaposed with the Master, the most outstanding Supreme Talent, who is known as Wanlong Nest, actually joined the outsiders and stole the Supreme Treasure. It seems that Wan Long’s nest was against you. Still too clear, you actually have the courage to step into Primal Chaos.”

The robes youth nebula are indifferently said.

The evil dragon’s eyes are slightly cold, “trivial boy, mole cricket and ants-like existence, and dare to talk about Benlong’s private affairs, court death!”

The words, the dragon roar burst, turned into a dragon gun, and went straight to the nebula.

The nebula does not look at it, and the lips are covered with a touch of thin smile. “You are always in line with the Master, but now, you are in my eyes, not even a dog!”

The words fall.

The force of the array was shaken. The dragon gun was not close to the nebula, and it was crushed into slag by the rushing array, leaving only a path of dull sound.

“However, after all, you used to be a holy place, I will give you a chance to kill them and become my mount. I will let you live!”

The nebula is proud of it.

The evil dragon is extremely angry and laughs. “The little boy is really a big tone. Even your master Xu Tianhuang doesn’t dare to say this to me. What qualification do you have? Do you really think that with this trivial boundary? Array, can you sleep me?”

“If you are in the peak period, this line can not trap you, I am not sure. But unfortunately, you no longer peak, not to mention, the Master left this to me before leaving.”

Xing Yunzi said, there is a stone bead of the size of the fist.

The pearl is in the color of Primal Chaos, and it is also a Primal Chaos, but it can be seen faintly, there seems to be World rotation inside.

When I saw the stone bead, the evil dragon complexion changed immediately.

“Definite Boundary? Xu Tianhuang is willing to give this to you?”

The evil dragon complexion is very ugly.

Originally, he didn’t have a big hope for the break array. At most, he only had to fight the fish dies or the net splits.

But the appearance of the delimited bead broke all his hopes.

As the evil dragon who used to be Xu Tianhuang’s opponent, no one knows more than the evil dragon. This definitely marks the terrifying of the bead.

“hehe, since you know, I won’t go into details. With this bead, I can increase the Great Array 50% might and make the Ancestral God Middle Stage Powerhouse in and out.”

The nebula is proud of it.

“Hey, you won’t have this chance.”

The evil dragon looks cold.

At the moment of the export, the whole person turned into a red line, and it turned out to be the body, and directly rushed to the nebula.

“Since I dare to come up, how can I not prevent you from sneak attack?”

The nebula’s look is still calm, and the lips are even a mockery.

In the face of the evil dragon’s Assassin, he did not dodge, just throwing the Soul Lock in his hand, as if the child had thrown stones, extremely free.

However, the evil dragon is like an enemy.

Especially when the demarcation of the jewels came, the evil dragon felt that there was a eternal god on the body, and he could not do anything.


Nothing unexpected.

The evil dragon was directly demarcated by the beaded scorpion, and the Dragon Body was bloody and fuzzy, apparently suffering from a serious injury.

“It seems that I still overestimate you, you don’t even have half of the strength of the peak!”

The nebula was a little surprised, and immediately dismissed with with a laugh.

Wanjue boy and others Seeing this scene, they are all excited and have complimented the nebula.

The nebula smile is self-confident, calmly accepting it, and when looking at the evil dragon and others, the eyes are cold, like watching the dead.

“Give you another chance, kill them, become my mount, otherwise, die!”

Nebula is indifferently said.

“Trivial boy also dares to speak up, Ben Long will die if you die, it will not be your mount!”

The evil dragon is violent and roaring.

“I don’t know the time!”

The nebula looks cold, “If that’s the case, then you can only send you back to the West!”

The words fall.

The delimited ball buzz rotates, suddenly becomes bigger, like a star, and like a piece of World, the inner self-made Primal Chaos, filled with Divine Might, shocked all directions.

“It’s a good Treasure! This thing, how about me!”

At this time, there was a laugh.

Everyone startedled.

At such a critical juncture, there are people who have decided to pay attention to what is the act recklessly.

When they see people talking, their expressions are more weird.

“Ignorance junior, your biggest reliance on evil dragons have been defeated, and actually dare to make a big slogan here.”

“When you need to hold you down, you will be unloaded.”

“Idiot !”

The arrogant boy and others sneered and sneered at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored them, but looked at the evil dragon, saying: “If you have no way to break the array, then step back and protect them!”


The body of the evil dragon moved, and it was circled in a circle, and the two people of Lei Ze and Xiao Man were caged inside.


The nebula raised an eyebrow and the voice was slightly cold. “Trivial God Lord, also want to break array?”

“A break array method, the Palace Lord can raise the hand and blow it up, don’t be too surprised!”

When you hear this, the nebula can no longer maintain calm, complexion gloomy like water.

Surprised your sister.

Even the evil dragons are not there. What is the qualification of a godlord?

But these words, he has not yet exported, then Zhao Fang took out a black and black black gun.

Spear shaft such as dragon, aura far away, spear head to swallow cold light, seems to break all Void.

Good weapon!

The Ancestral God Powerhouse, who was present, saw the gun and felt amazed at it.

Zhao Fang gun, gun pointing to the nebula, killing intent Bilu!

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