The first thousand five hundred and ninety-one chapters are completely suppressed!

“impudent !”

In the face of Zhao Fang’s provocation without wariness, the straight face of Xingyunzi suddenly appeared a few clouds.

But it is not him who swears at Zhao Fang.

It is a boy.

Although the nebula is only the attendant of Xu Tianhuang.

But as the Great Array of the world of heaven and earth, he is in control of the lives of hundreds of millions of souls in the wilderness world. For the tens of thousands of children and others, its dignity is full, and always is not in Xu Tianhuang.

Even, the faintness is beyond a lot.

Zhao Fang The gun refers to the nebula, and the provocation is not only the nebula itself, but also the face of the whole day.

So they can’t stand it!

Zhao Fang faintly stunned the boy, God Slayer Spear picked up, and when it was curved in the air, it suddenly burst out like a True Dragon, imposing manner, and went straight over the array.


Nebula is coldly snorted, “You want to break array, do you think I will give you this opportunity?”

In the sneer, the terrifying power of the Great Array is superimposed on the God Slayer Spear weekly, crushing the Divine Weapon.

Pā pā pā

God Slayer Spear is still spurting upwards, but the speed is significantly slower than before. Every inch of advancement seems to smash the mountains and make a muffled sound.

The symplectic gun body itself is hard enough not to infer other Tier-8 Divine Artifact.

Otherwise, the Array’s crushing power alone is enough to destroy God Slayer Spear.

“This speed, even if it touches the edge of the array, can you expect it to penetrate the array?”

The boy is sneer.

Zhao Fang didn’t scold him. When God Slayer Spear touched the edge of the array, he directly activated the system to break the array.


“Whether consumes 100 million supreme coins to break the boundaries of the domain.”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth.

But at the thought, even the array that Ancestral God Middle Stage can’t escape is broken by itself, and 100 million supreme coins are worth some.


God Slayer Spear’s smashing gun, hitting the edge of the array, almost tore a hole in the edge of the array, seeing the nebula subtle, staring at God Slayer Spear.

“good Spear !”

“Unfortunately, that brat Strength is too weak!”

“Eable to move unhindered Myriad Worlds The evil dragons of the sea are helpless, trivial a god, and want to break array ?simply not self-contained”

The ridicule of the boy and other people has not been finished.


The loud noise hōng hōng, a Black Dragon seems to be pulled out from the God Slayer Spear, instantly tearing the edge of the array, the sky over the sky, a huge gap immediately.

Divine Strength, which converges in the entire array, is like a leaky pool, rushing out.

“how can it be?”

The nebula complexion has changed dramatically and it has been ugly.

Wan Lao Tongzi, Wu Old Ghost and others were also shocked on the spot, their eyes were round and the face was incredible.

After the reaction.

They only felt the old face burst into flames.

Just now, they also mocked Zhao Fang overestimate one’s capabilities and could not break the Great Array.

I know.

In a blink of an eye, the boundary array was bombarded by Zhao Fang.

Simply is the face-smacking face.

Even if they are shameless again, they are dumbfounded after being beaten like this.

Only the nebula is angry. “You dare to destroy the boundary array, it is a court death!”

“The Great Array has broken, you are the biggest backing, and now it is a broken shell. Where do you have the courage to put a big onion in front of me?”

Zhao Fang Void Hand With a grip, the God Slayer Spear that penetrates the boundary array, is moved and held in his hand.

He looked at the nebula and smiled coldly.


Zhao Fang disappeared in place.

The nebula’s look is slightly changed.

In the case of the cultivation base alone, Zhao Fang did not even give him shoes!

It is conceivable that Zhao Fang broke the picture of the boundary array, and the nebula was worried.

His body, there is no hard reality from the boundary array, if it is a solid shot, the end is definitely not much better than the boundary array!

“Swallowing Star!”

The nebula expression is sinking, the array is broken, and he can use the power to reduce.

At this moment, only use their own power against the enemy.

Therefore, he does not dare to have the slightest Tibetan mastiff, the take action is strongest killing move.

A piece of Xinghai appears in the nebula behind, and the Xinghai iron painting silver hook outlines a lion constellation pattern.

The Leo constellation is integrated into the nebula with the body, and in an instant, his power is mad Berserk.


He slammed God Slayer Spear and wanted to shake it off.

But he still underestimated the God Slayer Spear’s might.

Pū chī !

The icy sharpness of the gun, instantly tearing the power of the stars in front of the nebula, directly into his palm.


The nebula is screaming and screaming.


This is just the beginning.


Zhao Fang silhouette appears on the side of the nebula.

“Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth !”

Zhao Fang took a shot, and the imposing manner is not terrifying.

But in the eyes of everyone, the nebula seems to be stupid, and completely forgot to resist, but instead played with Void.


Unexpectedly, Zhao Fang took a shot in the palm of his hand and flew for three thousand miles.

“you you”

Xingyunzi pointed to Zhao Fang, shocked inexplicable, eyelid abyss, and even filled with a trace.

“Your swallowing is a bit interesting. You put a half foot into 5-Star Ancestral God, and you can push it to the extent of 6-Star Ancestral God.”

Zhao Fang holds a gun and is interested in looks at complexion. A pair of nebula that is greatly scared and expressive.

“But, I want to use it to counter me, it is not enough!”

Without a word, God Slayer Spear has left.

Almost in the blink of an eye, breaking through the layers of the barrier, the moment comes to the front of the nebula.

“Star Shield!”

The nebula complexion has changed dramatically, with a palm of his hand, and the power of the stars in front of him has condensed a starlight giant shield.


Xing Yunzi himself is crazy back.


Star Shield only lasted for two seconds.

It turned into endless starlight, collapsed Starry Sky, and the scene was exceptionally dazzling.

Xingyunzi obviously did not appreciate the feeling of this magnificent scenery, complexion was ugly to the extreme, he had to activate whole body blood essence, cast Secret Art:


An arc light cover condensed by half of the star light plus the star’s own blood essence appears on the side of the nebula.


God Slayer Spear stabbed it, inspiring countless sparks and failed to puncture it in.

But Xing Yunzi himself, also paid a very high price for this, constantly hemoptysis, complexion is ugly to the extreme.

“brat, this time I am miscalculated. I didn’t expect that you have such a strong fighting power!”

The nebula complexion looks ugly at Zhao Fang.

Not only him.

Wan Lao Tongzi, Wu Old Ghost and others, also look ugly.

They thought that Zhao Fang was only an ordinary god who was protected by evil dragons. As long as he took the evil dragon, he would be able to win a victory.

But I did not expect it.

Zhao Fang’s Strength is even more terrifying than the evil dragon.

Not only a single shot breaks the domain array, but also the star cloud that uses the Immemorial star secret technique to play cough up blood.

In the end, Immemorial Forbidden Technique, which has a great load on the body, has to be displayed.

“But you offended the Master and offended the Immemorial Star. Once the Master returns, you will die!”

Even if it is suppressed and beaten like a dead dog, the nebula is still proud.

Because, behind him, stood the Core Disciple Xu Tianhuang of the Immemorial Star.

He did not believe that Zhao Fang dared to kill himself and dared to endure the anger of the Immemorial stars in the ten holy places.

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