The first thousand five hundred ninety two chapters Ancient Clan

“ha ha ”

“A group of rats, flattering and begging for mercy, and how to compensate for the Treasure, it is not the same death!”

When Xingyunzi saw this scene, she only felt very happy and laughed loudly.

Unfortunately, he ignored him.

Only God Slayer Spear broke the muffled sound and seemed to be echoing him.

The nebula complexion has changed dramatically and does not want this kind of attachment at all.

But he can’t resist.

Kā kā kā !

On the curved light cover of the star-killing technique, there were dozens of cracks.

The crack continues to increase!

The stargazer that makes the nebula proud, today, is like an eggshell that will be crushed at any time.

“how can it like like this?”

The nebula blinks, “In combination with the bloodline of my bloodline, I can completely block the 7-Star Ancestral God Full strength strike. This fellow is stronger, only Ancestral God Middle Stage level, how can it be breaking my star. ?”

Xingyunzi does not believe, it is difficult to accept.

Until the cold guns penetrate the body until the strange power ravages the whole body, the nebula understands the truth, “mix Primal Chaos Divine Strength?”

The nebula’s eyes are like a cow, and the tremors are abyss, full of shock.

The words fall.


The Primal Chaos Divine Strength, which was blessed in the nebula within the body, exploded.

Nebula, dying on the spot, the smoke is gone!


“congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed King level bss nebula, obtaining 500 million Experience Value, 50 million Divine Strength, 50 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player obtain the stars boundary fragment.”

“congratulations Player obtain, stargazing, stargazing.”

“congratulations Player obtain ten thousand Primal Chaos crystals.”

“congratulations Player obtain to the holy dragon knife fragment 500.”


The air is suddenly quiet.

a path of full of shock, stunned, incredible gaze, all gathered into the white Zhao Fang.

Their lips are awkward, like impossible to believe, and Zhao Fang dares to do so.

I have been bowing all the time, my heart is awkward, lest I be completely dumbfounded by Zhao Fang settle accounts!

He knows that with Zhao Fang’s heart, he will not easily let go of the nebula.

Even if the nebula survives, it will be tormented.

But after all, things are beyond his expectations.

Zhao Fang was extremely crisp and neat, and he shot the nebula with a shot.

“If Xu Tianhuang wants revenge, even if he is looking for this Palace Lord. Immortal Palace Palace Lord Zhao Fang, wait for him!”

Zhao Fang is cold.

All around A dead, no one dares to blame Zhao Fang at the moment.


the other side.

The sword dust, Wu Family Old Ghost, single and other, was tormented by the small Barbaric Thunder two people, making a loud and screaming scream.

The voice, that is, some outsiders, all heard the creeps.


The two people who are out of the air, killed three people directly.

Blood is soaked in the wilderness!

At this point, the three days of death in the Peak Powerhouse.

Even if he is a servant of Xu Tianhuang, the nebula of the arcade of the arcade has not escaped this One Tribulation!

Heaven and the wilderness, completely changed!

“He actually did it.”

The black beard hiding in the dark, seeing this scene, took a deep breath, look abnormal solemn.

“Can someone still want to kill me this antifamily?”

Zhao Fang thin smile looks at all around.

Absolute silence !

So Fearful Might, the god of killing, who dares to touch his brow?

I don’t see you, even the tens of thousands of children are shivering by the words of Zhao Fang, let alone other people?

Reizes at the Zhao Fang pressure on the audience, the world is arrogant, can not help but feel inexplicable.

At the beginning, Ancient Clan first came to Primal Chaos. The foundation was shallow, and the bloodline was special. It was scorned by other influences, disgusted, and slave, sold and sold without dignity!

At that time, he expected that Heaven opened his eyes and let Ancient Clan appear a stunningly powerful Powerhouse, saving them from the fire and leading Ancient Clan to glory.

But he knows that Ancient Clan, located in the barren land, is extremely difficult to restore the Ancient glory, let alone the Myriad Domain Territory, and walk to the Primal Chaos.

But today.

Zhao Fang Nabuling shot, killing not only the nebula, but also fulfilled his desires that he had not seen for many years.

“Ancient Clan ancestor bless, my ancient Clan rises hopefully!”

Reze’s tears can be moved to unhindered.

The dust settled.

Zhao Fang looked at the boy who was robbed, and the other person was very interested in dedicating the treasures of his family’s collection to Zhao Fang.

Not only that, but also personally brought people to search for the Wu Jian, Shan Family.

Zhao Fang is satisfied with leaving.

After the event, the murdered boy directly dismissed the tens of thousands of robberies and disappeared from the heavens and the wild.

Even after Xu Tianhuang returned, he used the secret technique of the Immemorial Star to search, and did not search.

The black beard was also afraid of being settled by Xu Tianhuang, with a ticket to the brother, hiding in the Myriad Worlds sea, but also saved the life.

They are all lucky enough to save their lives.

The news that the nebula was killed is still a kind of vibration when it is spread.

Even other domains are unbelievable.

But not only how to say it.

The name of Immortal Palace Zhao Fang is the first time in Primal Chaos!

Ten Thousand Boys presented on the Wanxian Battleship.

Zhao Fang is standing on the Battleship deck and overlooking Starry Sky.

“In another three months, you will be able to reach the Guangming Peak in the bright world, I hope they are still alive!”

Lei Ze looked at the distance and muttered to himself.

Leaving the heavens, Lei Ze told Zhao Fang that there were several Ancient Clan Powerhouses, and Scatter was in several neighborhoods.

“In the past, there were nearly 100 Powerhouses leaving the Myriad Domain Territory, and there were fewer than 30 people who came to the Myriad Worlds Sea.”

“After crossing the Myriad Worlds Sea, there are only a dozen people remaining.”

“After that, we were treated as the native of Primal Chaos and regarded as a barbarian, a tradable slave.”

“We are basically resisting, but at the time of strongest, it was just the ordinary Ancestral God Initial Stage. The gap was too big and it was finally left.”

“The number of 1000-year is slave, there are a few clansman, and the ready to die.”

“There are no more than six people who have survived today!”

Lei Ze’s voice was low, describing the various encounters that the Ancient Clan Powerhouse had when he left the Myriad Domain Territory.

From Myriad Domain Territory to the Myriad Worlds sea experience, he said extremely dull.

When you reach the Primal Chaos, the words are full of hate.

Natural hatred for native Powerhouse one kind!

“At the time, I was taken by the sword dust at Guangming Peak, and the experience of others was also almost.”

“Later, some buyers died and they were sent to Guangmingfeng to re-auction.”

“Constantly repeat the loop and wait until we die!”

Wen Yan, even with Zhao Fang’s heart, can’t help but anger, “What are the influences that caught you?”

“King Kong Gate, Azure Tree, Feixianmen, Ganyang Valley”

These Influence, Zhao Fang are slightly heard.

They are all in the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and the Great Influences are one-on-one.

It is a super existence that Ancient Clan can’t match!

“They, one can’t escape!”

Zhao Fang is cold.

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