The first thousand five hundred and ninety-three chapters of Bai Xiaochun!

“They, one can’t escape!”

Zhao Fang is cold.

For this, Lei Ze has no doubt.

Zhao Fang cultivation base is flat, but the combat power is abnormal, evildoer, even he does not know, the real limit of the other side.

Even if the previous tyrannical could not be a nebula, relying on the power of the boundary, it was not the same as Zhao Fang killed.

“I’ll go healed.”

See Zhao Fang thinking about things, Lei Ze is interested to leave.

According to the theory of seniority, he is the ancestor of Ancient Clan, and he is the senior of Zhao Fang.

But Zhao Fang Lei Ze is not considering this person.

Both sides treat each other as equals.

Even on some occasions, Reese would also like to ask Zhao Fang for his opinion.

“Good! You are not seriously injured, but they all accumulate the old illness of 1000-year, which is more stubborn. You completely refining the Pill Medicine that I gave you, and you should be able to heal.”

Lei Ze left, Zhao Fang sat on the deck, his brow wrinkled slightly.

Previously in the battle of the heavens, he looks like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, battle is shocking.

But those are built on the heaven and earth, God Slayer Spear, and Primal Chaos Divine Strength.

Any of these three is extremely rare.

Combine the three together and kill the 5-Star Ancestral God.

Zhao Fang Strength is still too weak.

He holds the three treasures, just like a baby holding three pieces of divine weapon, to kill with Sir, if those Sir are already prepared.

Even if Divine Weapon is profitable, it will eventually hurt others.

“Ancestral God Realm is under the mole cricket and ants, which is really not the case. Primal Chaos Divine Strength has recently been consumed too much, and Primal Chaos Divine Strength, which is cultivated by heaven and earth, can’t keep up.”

“At the moment, my Upgrade Strength has only two ways.”

“One is the Upgrade cultivation base, but the means of upgrading. God Slayer Spear can continue to work, but it may be effective against the ordinary Ancestral God Middle Stage. It can be used against the Late Stage.

“It seems that you have to pick up another Divine Artifact.”

Said, Zhao Fang thought of the Holy Dragon Dragon Knife.

“There are still more than two thousand fragments. It seems that the date of the synthesis of the Holy Dragon Sword is not far away.”

Not only to the Holy Dragon’s Knife, the Sacred Object of the Ancient Clan, the floating tower, but also more than a thousand fragments can be synthesized.

By then.

Zhao Fang added two more Tier-8 Divine Artifacts.

In terms of safety, there is a little more protection.

Battleship goes ahead.

Two months later.

From the ridiculous star field, Battleship entered the Territory of the Qing Dynasty.

After entering the Territory of the Qing Dynasty, the inventory between the star fields was significantly more.


As Rayzer took out a Command Token representing the infinite swordsmanship, he was released and unimpeded.

“I used to go to the light peak with the sword dust, every time to the day of the light peak Martial Gathering, the nearby star field, will be very lively, there will be many people come to watch the battle, there are also a lot of sharp and clear investigation, just take out Proving your identity Command Token is generally not going to happen.”

Reze Road.

He did not notice that behind the Wanxian Battleship, a British-style silhouette wearing a golden chain armor and a waist spanning a long sword, coldly at the Wanxian Battleship, twilight, did not know what to think.

The bright world is the Territory of the Qing Dynasty.

Entering the bright world, away from the Guangming Peak, it is no longer far away.

But as Reize said.

The Supreme Talent Summit of Guangming Peak is too special, and the Supreme Talent of Daqing Shenguo will gather here, causing a large number of talents to come onlookers.

Some of the original feelings of Influence, who have not yet reached Guangming Peak, are killed halfway.

All the way, Zhao Fang did not know that he had encountered a few waves of such vendettas.

There are also some unopened Influences, which are staring at the Wanxian Battleship and want to eat black.

But before Zhao Fang started, the evil dragon hit a shot and crushed all the enemies.

After that.

No one dares to come close to Wanxian Battleship.

Until Zhao Fang came to Guangmingfeng billions of miles away.

A leafy boat carrying a flower eclipse, two even the wounded, but still loyal to the Lord’s Guard, headed for the Wanxian Battleship.

Behind the canoe, there is a serpent-shaped giant warship, like a large open Python, biting at the three people who fled.

The danger of three people fleeing.

Especially as the boat approaches the Wanxian Battleship, a snake-shaped Battleship, an Ancestral God Powerhouse, opens directly and instantly kills two gods.

On the lonely boat, there was only the young girl in a white dress and complex complex.

Young girl Strength is flat, just the ordinary god level, facing the even main guard of the gods are easily the second snake-shaped Battleship, the result is self-evident.

“ha ha Bai Xiaochun, this time, see where you are going to escape!”

On the snake-shaped Battleship, a complexion is pale and the eyes have a Python-patterned evil looking youth.

“Yin, I am innocent with you, why do you always hold me?”

Bai Xiaochun, that is the quiet, virgin, seemingly weak and soft young girl, but now stood up, eyes-blood-red, “You mob, I am a self-destruct, will not let you succeed!”

Bai Xiaochun looks weak and his temperament is very strong.

do as promised.

Qi Sea Divine Strength Vibration, burning.

Divine sense also burns.

A tyrannical destructional aura emerged from it.


The yin 霆complexion is ugly.

He tried his best to kill the Powerhouse and guard the Powerhouse. The eyes at the bottom were all done, and the young girl had to be self-destruct.

He underestimated the decisive heart of the young girl and could not stop it.

Eyes at the delicate body, it will be turned into a pile of horrible bloody pieces of meat.

Young girl behind, there is a Ponte great war ship.

On Battleship, there are only a few people.

The headed White robed Youth saw this scene, brows slightly wrinkle, pointing out, pointing his finger at Bai Xiaochun Qi Sea, and instantly dispelling Divine Strength she wants self-destruct.


Bai Xiaochun with the body sent a muffled sound, she himself retired four or five steps before she stabilized the figure, the complexion was paler, and the corner of the mouth revealed a trace of red.


Sudden changes, let the yin away from the slight startled.

Also let Bai Xiaochun stunned.

She turned to see Wan Xian Battleship, Zhao Fang, who saw the white snow, and the charming face was full of despair. “Are you a group with the yin?”

I know, the yin away from the Battleship, flying across, at the same time, screaming, “brat, big Dog’s Courage, actually dare to intervene in the matter of father!”

The sound of the yin is like a thunder, and hōng hōng blasts under Starry Sky.

The circumference of the Powerhouses, all of them, heard, one by one, have come over.

When you look at the scene before you, everyone has stepped back and opened a distance from the yin.

“damn it is the yin of Feixian.”

“This fellow is a sly character, and it is lascivious, but no one who is stared at him has a good end.”

“Looking at this scene, it seems that someone has blocked the yin and rape.”

“Who is the fellow in white, it is a great courage, and I dare to succumb to the sacredness in the Qing Dynasty! Doesn’t he know that the flying fairy who is in the Yin Dynasty is one of the largest in the Qing Dynasty.” teach?”

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