The first thousand five hundred and ninety-seven chapters are white and purple!

The white women are faint and temperamental, just like the Goddess.

Despite walking the dust, the whole body reveals the feeling of sacred inviolability.

If you look at it, you will be revered and you will not dare to bow.

“Elder Sister!”

Bai Xiaochun threw himself up and cheered.

“Little pure?”

The white women are also a little surprised.

To be sure of the young girl in front of her, when she is a pro-younger sister, her bleak face, rare reveals a trace of gentle smile.

“How come you are here?”

“I heard that you are here, and you sneak out.”

In front of Bai Ziyue, Bai Xiaochun is like a child. When he speaks, he spits out a small Xiangxiang.

Bai Ziyue looked at Bai Xiaochun with a deep impression, and finally gently nod. “You, it was just naughty. This time it was really bold. From here, Crisis is heavy, how can you be alone? Didn’t a escort have anyone?”

Later, when the white purple moon sounds cold, it seems that there is some dissatisfaction with Clan.

Bai Xiaochun is a expression of a glimpse, pointing his fingers to the yin, angry: “Elder Sister, this fellow ambushed my Battleship halfway, they are all dead, if not Zhao Young master rescue, I may already fall into his In the hand.”


Bai Ziyue did not look at the yin, and his eyes fell directly on the yin.

With her identity in the ranks of her gods, she is not inferior to the sinister identity, and she is not in the eyes.


He knows that in this matter, the yin is only an executor.

Really leading this incident, it will be yin!

“hehe, Ziyue, why are you so angry?” The indifference of the appearance of indifference, facing the white purple moon, but the look is gentle, sincere and sincere.

“Why are you angry? You still have a face to say, you are a Supreme Talent, and you have made this Rank to my younger sister. You will not give me an explanation today, I will marry you!”

Bai Ziyue is like a waterfall black hair dancing, the whole person is like a cold fairy, fierce dignity.

Next to Chu Yunxi seeing it, it is also a brow slightly picking up, squinting at the eyes and yin, indifferently said: “From the brother, here is the Territory of the Qing Dynasty, you have done this, is it some?”

Faced with the accusations of two Supreme Talents who are not inferior to themselves, Yin smiled and said: “Ziyue, I am also trying to make my sister good. The frontier of the Qing Dynasty is not too flat. If something happens, I will How can I explain it to you?”

“As for what the sister said, it is definitely a misunderstanding. I swear, my intention is to ask the girl to come to me to fly the fairy to be a guest. There is no other thought, is it ah, away?”

The moment before, the smile was full, and the next time I looked at the yin, the sound was already cold.

The yin 霆 knows that the yin is not satisfied with his Task Failure, causing him to be guilty of being face-to-face by Bai Ziyue. He does not argue with him, but he is respectful.

“I understand that I am wrong. In addition to the special circumstances at that time, I chose the kind of rude way. If there is a place of offending, I would like to make a redemption.”

Yin Yu looked at the Bai Ziyue brother and sister.

Bai Ziyue slightly frowned.

She did not expect that the yin and soft clothes were so crisp, conversely had nothing to say about her.

But I want to end this, obviously not the style of Bai Ziyue.

She is about to start to talk.

“hehe, since the yin 霆already knows the wrong, Ziyue ah, you have to spare people and spare people, let him let him go.”

Chu Yun smiled and said.

White purple moon suddenly stunned, in the eyes flashed a trace strange.

The yin is not moving, and the lips evoke an inexplicable smile.

“If it is still not satisfied, wait for my Transcending Tribulation to finish, and then how to settletle with him?” Chu Yun slammed the sound.

Bai Ziyue deeply looked at Chu Yunxi, and pulled a few steps away from him. The expression is as usual: “many thanks Chu brother cares, this matter, I will handle it myself!”

After that, he will leave the team of the Qing Dynasty gods where Chu Yunqi is located.

Chu Yunyu looked calm, but the smile was a bit more cold.

He doesn’t care too much, indifferently said: “Well, wait for my Transcending Tribulation to succeed, let’s talk about it, and our marriage!”

As soon as this statement came out, the scene was a bit dazed.

No one thought of it, the Supreme Talent, the purple beauty, this big beauty, known for its indifferent power, actually married.

Even more surprising is that.

Bai Ziyue is only frowned and has no rebuttal.

This makes everyone more suspicious.

There are some doubts in the yin and the eyes are small.

“Yin, you and my account, not finished yet!”

Coldly snorted, Bai Ziyue no longer pays attention to everyone, with white Xiaochun will be on the light peak somewhere.

After standing.

Bai Xiaochun whispered a few words to Bai Ziyue, and pointed to the direction of Zhao Fang.

It seems to be telling Bai Ziyue that he can get rid of the yin’s purse, and the other party is indispensable.

When Bai Ziyue looked at Zhao Fang, Chu Yunyi also bowed to Zhao Fang, and his brow was slightly picked.

“brat, why do you have the blood of Prince in the Qing Dynasty? I heard their complaint!”

Chu Yun’s eyes are cold and cold, like Zhao Fang’s unsatisfactory answer, he has to kill on the spot!

Wen Yan, everyone, was even more surprised and stared at Zhao Fang.

I did not expect that this seemingly harmless to human and animals, even the Great Qing Kingdom Prince dare to kill.

Even the overcast, it is slightly surprised, more curious, how can I kill the Prince of the Qing Dynasty with the level of Zhao Fang?

However, when you reach the evil dragon, the yin is relieved.

“What about it?”

Zhao Fang looks dull.

When killing Yu Wenxuan and Yu Wendong, there is blood curse into his within the body.

This kind of curse is hard to get rid of, and it doesn’t hurt the body.

The only function is to remind Yu Wenxuan Yu Wendong’s blood relatives within a certain range, reminding them that Zhao Fang is the murderer of the killed two people.

The mother of Chu Yunhao is the younger sister of the Country Lord today, and Yu Wenxuan Yu Wendongzhou is a cousin.

Although it is not a direct blood relative, the distance between the two sides is too close, Chu Yunyi still perceives.

“Hello, big courage!”

Chu Yunzheng even if angry, expression gloomy.

I really want to start, but after blinking the mountainless dragon, his brows slightly wrinkle, cold said with a laugh, “I said how you are so calm, it turned out to be a helper! But you really thought, with an Ancestral God Middle Stage, can compete with the entire Qing Dynasty! Childish!”

“Young Master, you can’t make a fuss about this kind of person, you are the most important thing to get to Ancestral God!”

I was afraid that Chu Yun couldn’t live with anger, he behind out of a crane man old man, said solemnly.

This old man is introverted by Internal Qi, but the feeling for Zhao Fang is not inferior to the old man behind the yin.

Ancestral God Middle Stage !

Chu Yunzhen thought about it and stared at Zhao Fang badly. He said, “That will let you live for a while!”

His words are confident and arrogant, and he seems to have confidence in crossing Ancestral God.

After all, I no longer pay attention to Zhao Fang and directly board Guangmingfeng.

The evil dragon is unstoppable, just waiting for Zhao Fang to make a slap in the face.

Zhao Fang looked the same and murmured: “If I want to see what kind of bird Ancestral God is robbing, you are now already dead.”


His mind sounded an indifferent female voice.

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