The first thousand five hundred and ninety-eight chapters of Yang Jingtian


Chu Yunyu boarded the Guangming Peak.

Aura is no longer hidden, peak God Lord Strength, completely burst!

Between all of a sudden, it is felt by this heaven and earth.

A dark cloud, silently drifting to the Guangming Peak.

Followed by.

Second piece, third piece

The blink of the skill, the clear sky, the bright peak of the bright glory, immediately enveloped by thick ink clouds.

Moyun abyss, Thunder lightning intertwined, emits out a stock of extremely dangerous and amazing aura.

Chu Yunxi, directly triggered the Ancestral God robbery!

Zhao Fang looked up and looked at this scene.

Mind, but unexpectedly heard an indifferent female voice, “many thanks your helper!”

Zhao Fang looks at Guangming Peak, Bai Xiaochun Bai Ziyue sister, is looking at himself.

“Hands!” Zhao Fang responded faintly.

“Xiaochun is my younger sister, and it’s not a bigger thing, but since you saved her, it is equivalent to saving me. I don’t like owing to humanity. If you need it, even if you start to talk, I will try my best!”

Paused, Bai Ziyue continues to voice, “I can resolve the contradiction between you and Chu Yunxi!”

“No need!”

Zhao Fang categorically refused, “I will solve it myself.”

Bai Ziyue frowned slightly. “You may not know the background of the Kingdom of God. If they want to deal with a person, let alone 6-Star Ancestral God, even some 7-Star Ancestral God, it is sure to die!”

Obviously, in the eyes of this arrogant woman, all the cuddling of Zhao Fang is the red-haired one-eyed man of 6-Star Ancestral God aura.

“Many thanks, I can solve it myself. Saving Xiaochun is just accidental, don’t ask for a return, you don’t have to care!”Zhao Fang indifferently said.

The white purple moon brows are getting tighter.

“Elder Sister, how’s it?” Bai Xiaochun saw it and asked quickly.

“Zhao Fang, this person, too proud. If there is Strength, it is just the 4-Star cultivation base, and with an 6-Star Ancestral God, can you do whatever you want?”

Bai Ziyue is slightly annoyed.

Her purple moon fairy started to talk, but also helped him to ease the contradiction between Chu and Yu, but was directly rejected by Zhao Fang.

This made her very upset.

Simply ignore it.

She also wants to see how Zhao Fang can be once the conflict really erupts!


In her mind, it is inevitable to give Zhao Fang some comments on blind arrogance and overestimate one’s capabilities.

Hōng hōng

Sky The dark clouds are like an unassailable mountain, pressing against the bright peak.


When the Tribulation Thunder is formed and turned into a Divine Beast, the first one to be smashed is not the arrogant Chu Yun.

Instead, sitting in the Guangming Peak, from the admission to Ancestral God, there is no such thing as Yang Jingtian.


Yang Jingtian’s first Ancestral God robbery is a huge Ancestral God White Tiger.

White Tiger main kill, imposing manner is amazing, even if it is ordinary 1-Star Ancestral God, in this imperative manner, you must be chilly.

“This, This is Five elements God Thunder Tribulation?”

“Heavens, Yang Jingtian is not heaven and earth in the sky, how is it that is the Ancestral God robbery of heaven and earth inside Wang Pin?”

Everyone was shocked.

“Ancestral God is also divided into Grade?” Zhao Fang is stunned.

“of course.”

Evil dragon nod, in this respect, he is the most known of Zhao Fang.

“Depending on the inner and earth grade, Ancestral God is also divided into several grades, each with a corresponding Ancestral God robbery.”

“The weakest of heaven and earth in the character, the strongest strongest!”

“Every first grade within heaven and earth, there is a corresponding Thunder Tribulation Grade.”

“For example, Demon God Thunder Tribulation, Thunder Tribulation, Destruction Thunder Tribulation, Five Elements Tribulation, Magnetic Essence Thunder Tribulation, etc.”

“Five elements God Thunder Tribulation, originally belonged to the heaven and earth Ancestral God robbery, a total of six bolts of Tribulation Lightning, the first five, are various Five elements properties Tribulation Thunder, each bolts of Tribulation Lightning, not inferior ordinary Ancestral God.”

“The first five bolts of Tribulation Lightning, if the preparation is sufficient, the possibility of crossing the past is great, the only trouble is the last bolts of Tribulation Lightning.”

“The last bolts of Tribulation Lightning, the power of the condensed Five elements, the might is almost comparable to the 4-Star Ancestral God peak.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang was a little surprised. “So, Yang Jingtian is dead this time?”

Supreme Talent, the top 100 in the list of gods, has the strength to defeat Ancestral God Initial Stage.

After a hundred, most of them can only compete with 3-Star Ancestral God for a while, and strongest is just a draw.

Even if Yang Jingtian plays Defying the Heavens, it is only 3-Star Ancestral God level. If it is really hard to resist the Tribulation Thunder that unites the power of Five Elements, it will definitely die!

At this moment, Yang Jingtian, complexion does not look very good.

He originally thought that his own Ancestral God robbery, at best, destroyed the Demon God Thunder Tribulation.

Demon God Thunder Tribulation Although extremely famous in the heaven and earth, he is confident to spend.

What he expected was beyond what he expected.

The ultimate coming is the Five Elements Tribulation.

Even in the heaven and earth Tribulation Thunder, it is one of the best in the Tribulation Thunder.

Yang Jingtian is resentful and wants to swear.

Tribulation Thunder has arrived, he has to resist all the time, dare not have the slightest care.

Yang Jingtian is indeed well prepared. Not only is there a lot of defensive Divine Objects, but also a lot of restorative Divine Objects. With the independent defense of Guangmingfeng, after the first bolts of Tribulation Lightning, he just stumbled, not big. hinder.

Followed by.

The second and third are coming.

Yang Jingtian is a dangerous and dangerous one.

Zhao Fang can see that whenever the Tribulation Thunder falls, the light peak blessing the shield on Yang Jingtian will tremble violently and look like it will burst at any time, but it absorbs the power of the Ancestral God Tribulation Thunder.

That’s right.

It is in absorb, very strange.


With the sixth, the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation strongest falling down, the almost shattered shroud was completely dead and smashed.

not only.

Also smashed the diverse defense Divine Object that Yang Jingtian sacrificed.

Even his Fleshy Body was instantly blasted!

If the non-divine sense is embedded with a very rare divine Object of the divine sense class, I am afraid that it will be destroyed on the spot!

The people were secretly shocked.

Unexpectedly, the ready-to-find Thunder Tribulation, which was the peak of the Tribulation Thunder, was terrifying.

Fortunately, Yang Jingtian is quite over.

But the sad reminder is.

His Ancestral God was just robbed, and Ayunstral God robbed him, followed.

Even more amazing is.

Chu Yunxi’s Ancestral God robbery is also Wang Pin level.

Mighty is not inferior to Five Elements Thunder Tribulation.

Hōng hōng

It is amazing, like a bolts of Tribulation Lightning strike down, Chu Yun 霄 hard to catch.

But there is a bolts of Tribulation Lightning, directly avoiding Chu Yunzhen, squatting on the breath of Yang Jingtian.


When Yang Jingtian was crossing the Five Elements Tribulation, it was already full of light, and at this moment weaked to the extreme.

Where can I bear the power of the Tribulation Thunder?

After being shackled, there was no chance of struggling and screaming, and it was directly smashed!

Everyone is dumbfounded.

More people are sad for Yang Jingtian.

I managed to get through my own Ancestral God robbery, but I was killed by someone else’s Ancestral God.

Yang Jingtian estimates the most bitter and tragic of all Transcending Tribulation.

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