The first thousand five hundred ninety-nine chapter Daewoo Qingtian

“This fellow is intentional!”

When everyone was shocked, Yang Jingtian was attacked by tragic death.

Zhao Fang captures the corner of the mouth, the cold smile that flashes away.

Supreme Talents.

Such as night tassels, overcast 殇, 冉 Changling, etc., look a bit ugly.


Yang Jingtian is a member of the Supreme Talent list, representing the overall face of the Supreme Talent.

If he was killed by Ancestral God, they have nothing to say.

Even if it is the Supreme Talent, the death of Ancestral God is not one or two. This is normal and excusable!

Yang Jingtian

It was the success of Transcending Tribulation. It has not yet reshaped Fleshy Body and was killed by Yang Jingtian’s Ancestral God.

It can be said that Ancestral God robbed the first tragic figure.

Once passed out, outsiders must rarely pursue the details.

They will definitely say that the Grand God Supreme Talent, even the Ancestral God Tribulation Thunder, which is not in the list of gods, can’t stop it.

Overall lowered the quality of the Supreme Talent.

It is also equivalent to beating all the faces of Supreme Talent.

“This fellow”

“Is it because we declare war?act recklessly!”

Overcast and others or sneer, or disdain, eyelids emerge.



God Thunder Tribulation continues, and Power continues to upgrade.

Chu Yunqi seems to be reckless and arrogant, but can face Ancestral God robbery, but it is very cautious, and the preparation is very sufficient. In terms of treasure, it is not inferior to Yang Jingtian.

This is also understandable.

Yang Jingtian is not a sanctuary disciple, but a super Great Influences disciple in the Kingdom of God.

On the single background, Chu Yunyu with the background of the godland, simply can explode Yang Jingtian.

“The last one.” The evil dragon muttered.

The Thunder Tribulation falls down and seems to engulf the entire Bright Peak.

The terrifying power, even if it was encountered by the ordinary Ancestral God Initial Stage, was horrified.

The light peak protector array automatically activates, rays of light dazzling, resisting the power of most Tribulation Thunder.

The remaining Tribulation Thunder, all the brains are on Chu Yunxiao.


Terrifying fluctuation , sweeping half a bright peak.

The earth-shattering explosion, even thousands of miles away, is clearly audible.

It took a full moment.

The smoke is scattered.

Chu Yunqi’s previous position, there was a deep pit that was bottomless.

Chu Yunqi himself disappeared.

The thick cloud of ink on the top of the head, after two consecutive mad vents, seems to be content, and the Tribulation Thunder slowly dissipates.

“Chu Yun is dead?”

“Transcending Tribulation failed? Deserve it!”

The crowd is talking about it.

Some people can’t understand Chu Yun’s powerhouse, but they are unobtrusive and directly cursed.

“Look, it’s the light of God.”

Suddenly, someone pointed to sky, yelled.

Just now Thunder Tribulation appears, now there is a colorful sun light projection, this glow is not ordinary rays of light, intrinsic creation, mysterious abnormal!

The light of God’s robbery is the Heavenly Dao of Primal Chaos. After the Transcending Tribulation became the Ancestral God, it gave the new Ancestral God a chance.

Even if Fleshy Body is shattered into slag in Transcending Tribulation, the spirit is severely weakened. As long as the light of absorb is destroyed, the Fleshy Body can be reshaped and the divine sense recovered.

Not only that, but also strengthen the body of Ancestral God.

Even for Ancestral God, the light of God’s robbery is not a small chance.

The light of God’s robbery was thrown into the deep pit of Thunder Tribulation.

Seeing this scene, everyone did not know, Chu Yunzhen did not die, one by one snoring, only a few people are extremely dissatisfied.

“Yang Jingtian is too bad luck, and the light of God’s robbery has not yet arrived. It is pressed by Chu Yunxi’s Tribulation Thunder, causing it to be killed by Tribulation Thunder!”

“The scene just happened, the coincidence is too strange.”

“I always feel that this is more like Chu Yun’s plan.”

“Hey, a little noise, let Chu Yunxiao hear, I will not let you go.”


The light of God’s robbery is about half the time of time.

“Depending on the Transcending Tribulation, the level of the gods and thunders is different, and the time of the light of the gods is different.”

“Wang Pin inner and earth, basically half an hour to an hour.”

“Ancestral God robbing the heaven and heaven of the royal genre. Once you have passed, it is the light of the three times of the gods, and you think you are envious.”

Evil dragon road.

“Don’t envy. Chu Yunyu is coming out. After the fellow passes through Ancestral God, the strength of the relationship is so strong that it should not be inferior to the ordinary Ancestral God Initial Stage.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“Ancestral God Initial Stage? Is it a bird?”

The evil dragon is extremely disdainful. “If it wasn’t for me that I had been suppressed for a long time, Strength didn’t fully recover, and I could kill him at hand.”

“Even now, it is not difficult to kill him.”

“That is the Country Lord behind him.” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows.

“God country Country Lord, this is a bit of a hassle.”

The evil dragon is also frank, “If you can restore the peak strength, even if it is right, Ben Long is not afraid.”

In this regard, Zhao Fang just smiled and said nothing.

He once asked the evil dragon to restore all the Strength and what he needs.

After asking, Zhao Fang was dumbfounded.

The evil dragon recovered the treasure needed, and most of him did not even hear it.

Even if the System Shop is sold, the price is expensive.

Zhao Fang is not so good at treating himself, how can it be spent so much on the evil dragon.

He is going to stroll through the Primal Chaos and look for these Divine Objects.

This also leads to the evil dragon cultivation base, which can only maintain this awkward Realm.

“Chu Yunyu is coming out.”

In the deep pit, a stock that is as amazing as the tide of the sea aura.

It seems that the circumference countless Divine Strength is the same as that of Chu Yunxuan. The imposing manner is amazing.

Even the Supreme Talents of the gods can’t sit still.

Stand up one by one and look at the direction of the deep pit.


A peerless silhouette in the sky, flying from the abyss, rushing into the sky, the amazing aura, filled in an instant.

“It’s Chu Yunhao!”

“Sure enough, Worthy is the character of Supreme Talent, who just stepped into Ancestral God Realm and jumped directly to promote to 2-Star Ancestral God, which is amazing!”

“The Divine Object that he wears, if I am not mistaken, it should be the Divine treasure of the Daqing Kingdom, Ranking Top 3.”

“It is said that Daewoo Qingtian is made up of a rare Primal Chaos world, which is made up of tens of thousands of gods refining. Its defense against might, even Ancestral God Late Stage Powerhouse, is difficult to break in the short term!”

“I really didn’t think that the Qing Dynasty God State was so proud, and gave such a great treasure to Chu Yunxi.”

“Dammit, this is cheating. With this Daewoo Qingtian, father can also easily Transcending Tribulation.”

An ordinary god Lord envy envy hate.

“ha ha ha”

Hanging over the sky, Chu Yunzhen, overlooking the crowd, has a kind of God overlooking the feeling of mole cricket and ants, the help of laughter, laughter and extravagant overbearing.

The night tassels, the yin 殇, the 冉 Changling and other gods Supreme Talent look at each other, complexion is not very good-looking.

Originally, they still wanted to find Chu Yunyi’s account, but after seeing the appearance of Chu Yunqi, they all played a retreat.

New to Ancestral God, increase Yuqing Tianzhu.

It is not that they can compete against each other.

“Forget it, the gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late!”

Yin and others comfort themselves. Looking at the late night welfare movie, please:

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