The first thousand six hundred chapter auction Ancient Clan

“ha ha !”

After Chu Yunxiao’s mad laughter, the overbearing eyes of the people, like God, swept the crowd.

No one dares to look at it with anyone who is eyeing it.

This allowed Chu Yunqi to win greater vanity and satisfaction, and laughter was even more rampant.

Until, his eyes fell on Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is not retreating, calming at his at.

Chu Yun’s eyes were cold and cold, and turned into anger:

“act recklessly something!”

The yin and other people see this scene, the expression is weird, they are all looking at the gaze, a gesture of watching the drama.

Most other Martial Artists are also in this state of mind.

Only white small pure complex slightly changed.

“Elder Sister!”

She is worried about Zhao Fang.

In particular, I witnessed the success of Transcending Tribulation, and was promoted to 2-Star Ancestral God, the mighty Divine Might.

I don’t want to see Zhao Fang and Chu Yun killing.

White Ziyue is slightly frowned.

She really doesn’t want to mix it up.

The arrogance of Zhao Fang just now made her very hurt.

She knows that once she starts to talk, Chu Yunxi generally does not refuse.

But this is equivalent to owing a favor to Chu Yun.

This has left Bai Ziyue, who has been thinking of getting rid of Chu Yunyu, and is undoubtedly the opportunity to create a closeness to Chu Yunyu.

This is something she can’t tolerate.


She also does not want to save Zhao Fang at this time, even if she wants to save, she has to wait for him to suffer.

The mind is thinking this way, but the mood of the younger sister still has to be taken into consideration, and Bai Ziyue comforts.

“Little pure, don’t worry, if there is danger, I will save him!”


Almost at the same time of Chu Yunxi’s Pressure’s Might Zhao Fang, the evil dragon one step.

The moment the foot landed, its under the foot ground, instantly split, the fierce aura, escaped from the body.

Chu Yunyu, who is full of enthusiasm, was instantly crushed by this aura, and his expression changed slightly.

Not only him.

Most Powerhouses on the scene, even the Ancestral God Middle Stage Powerhouse behind the Supreme Talent, are complexion slightly changed.

This aura is not only fierce, but also filled with the pure and powerful Dragon Prestige.

This feeling of oppression, even if they are, is also a shock.

“Hey, 6-Star Ancestral God nothing more, I thought I could scare me? I am afraid that even my defense can’t break!”

Chu Yunzhen returned to calm, cold said with a laugh.

“Divine Object of Ranking Top 3 in Daqing Shenguo, Daewoo Qingtian? It is indeed a good thing, but if you want to maintain this treasure, it will consume a lot of your Divine Strength.”

“I don’t know, with your strength, you can hold me a few tricks!”

The evil dragon looked indifferent, but the words that were spoken made Chu Yun’s look slightly change.

“Your Excellency is to be an enemy of the Qing Dynasty?”

A thin and ghostly old man is like a gust of wind, quietly appearing in Chuyun霄behind, boring booth eyes staring at the evil dragon, the words reveal the threat.

This old man is exactly the Guardian of Chu Yun’s trip.

It is also the Old Monster of the Qing Dynasty, hidden in the darkness, with several pillars.

His cultivation base is also at 6-Star Ancestral God level.

But obviously staying at the 6-Star Ancestral God Initial Stage.

“Fan old!”

Seeing someone comes, just now, Chu Yun, who is still alive, immediately bows his head and reveals a conspicuous expression.

“Old Man, take the Daqing Kingdom to threaten Father, not to have played!”

The evil dragon sneered and sneered.

Fan old slightly flowned, carefully looked at the evil dragon’s eyes, suddenly looked slightly changed, complexion is somewhat ugly, “Is it you?”

Chu Yunxiao was slightly shocked.

Fan Lao is respected in the domestic status of Daqing.

Not only because of his Strength tyrannical, but also because he has old qualifications, live for a long time, and almost everything.

Speaking of it, Chu Yunqi has never seen each other’s expression since he met each other.

Fan old what is this mean?

Is this red-haired one-eyed man a Hidden World Powerhouse of unknown?

Chu Yunxi secretly guessed.

Not only did Fan recognize that the Ancestral God Middle Stage Powerhouse behind the gods Supreme Talent seems to have guessed the identity of the evil dragon, and the complexion has changed dramatically.

“What’s going on?” Bai Xiaochun looked puzzled.

Bai Ziyue is also suspicious.

Unfortunately, her aspect is also the Supreme Talent, but the environment of the Bai Family is more complicated. There is no such thing as a protector around her. Naturally no one doubts him.

After a deep look at the evil dragon, Fan Lao whispered a few words to Chu Yunxiao.

I don’t know what to say, Chu Yun’s brows are wrinkled, and some doubts look at the evil dragon, eventually nod.

“This Young master has something to do here, you and me, I will talk later.”

Everyone is ashamed.

No one had thought that Chu Yunqi, who had been mad at the beginning, suddenly changed his mouth.


This vertex is somewhat somewhat soft.

They all looked at the evil dragons, guessing what his identity was, and even arrogant Chu Yunyu, scared and fart.

More suspicious, the true identity of Zhao Fang protected by evil dragons.

“It seems that there is nothing to play with.”

“Then activate the auction.”

“Two waves of Anncestral God have benefited me a lot. I am missing a few treasures now, and I can make Strength go one step further. I hope this auction will not let me down!”

“With hope!”


“Palace Lord, can you wait for the auction to be done again?”

The evil dragon asks.

He also wants to see if there is any suitable for the restoration of the cultivation base.

Zhao Fang naturally has no how big is it opinion.

In his opinion, Chu Yunhao alwaysy is the grasshopper after the autumn, and it won’t last long.

Now it’s just to let him live more nothing more.

The auction was hosted by a Loose Cultivator senior.

That Loose Cultivator senior has the ordinary Ancestral God Strength, and all the previous Guangmingfeng auctions are also hosted by him. It is an old river and lake.

After the previous two Ancestral God robberies, the scene is already hot and there is no need to warm up.

Loose Cultivator hosted a stone platform on a ten-mile circumference, directly announcing the auction.

The auction.

It’s just that some of the Supreme Talents of the gods are composed of them. Many of the lots are also from their hands. It is a small auction.

Even so.

The quality of this auction treasure, but to crush any of the previous encounters Zhao Fang encountered.

Only the first treasure is Tier-7 High Grade.

The more precious Divine Object is, the more Rare.


I really came across something useful for the evil dragon to restore the cultivation base.

Zulong bone.

I do not know whether it is a tacit understanding, or some special reasons.

When the evil dragon just joined the auction, the price was lifted to an incredible level.

Even the evil dragons were well-informed and were shocked.

Soon, he also understood.

Behind the Supreme Talent, the Powerhouses are working hard and don’t want to get the ancestral bones.

Or, don’t want the dragon to restore Strength.

“damn it!” The evil dragon is very angry.

“Do not care, whoever wants to let him take it first, the auction is over, and then get it back.”

Zhao Fang said indifferently.


The evil dragon looked fierce, and Moran stared at the sinister ambiguity that eventually won the right to the ancestral bone.

The yin 殇complexion is ugly, coldly snorted.

At this time.

The auction house pushed up four burly, black-clad slaves.

“Counter! Reverse!”

Not yet waiting for Loose Cultivator to host start to talk, under the bright peak, immediately burst into the excitement of countless excitement. Looking at the late night welfare movie, please:

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