The first thousand six hundred and one chapter people left, you can roll!

The atmosphere is suddenly dry!

It took a full moment.

The scene was gradually calmed down with the Loose Cultivator hosting start to talk.

“Yes, the 238th lot is the long-awaited anti-slave slave.”

“Inverse slave, within the body contain a trace of the source of the source, as well as the gods bloodline, if you can extract the refining, even Ancestral God also benefited a lot, this is not to say that Old Man does not say”

“Now, four anti-slave slaves, the starting price, 100,000 Primal Chaos crystal, every time the fare increase must not be less than 10,000 Primal Chaos crystal.”


There was a price looting situation on the spot.

Just split second, 100,000 Primal Chaos crystal, notes to the 50 million, 800,000, a million.

And still in the amazing attitude of one kind.

Lei Ze under the stage, staring at the fist, his eyes are scarlet.

As an Ancient Clan Powerhouse, looks at his compatriots and was auctioned as a slave. There is nothing more shameful than this.

“Two million!”

The chaotic scene, instantly inserted into this sentence, immediately became quiet.

Everyone looks at the source of the conversation.

Chu Yunxiao smiled at everyone, full of anger, “two million Primal Chaos crystal.”

Wen Yan.

Many people gave up on the spot.

This price is basically the limit that ordinary small Influence can withstand.

The chaotic price war has recovered a lot.

“Two hundred and one hundred thousand.” 冉 Changling start to talk.

Chu Yunzhen expressionless, “two hundred and twenty thousand.”

“Two hundred and three hundred thousand.” Yin away from start to talk.

Chu Yunqi once again increased the price, “2.4 million.”

Supreme Talent, the two great gods, slammed Chu Yunqi on the price. It was not a fancy slave. It was just a slap in the face of Chu Yun’s disappointment and venting dissatisfaction.

Can take action to discover, with the back of the huge Qingshen Kingdom, this huge existence of Chu Yun smashing financial resources, simply is self-inflicted.

“2.6 million!”

The price soared 200,000 Primal Chaos crystal.

Start to talk, also the gods Supreme Talent.

Night tassels!

Chu Yunyi looked at him, the corner of the mouth was a trace of cold, indifferently said: “Three million!”

The audience is stunned.

No one had thought that Chu Yunqi was so rich and rich.

More importantly, he even has an anasted Three Great gods list Supreme Talent, do not leave them a face, simply arrogant to the extreme.

Night tassels slightlyly frowned.

His emotional family is solid, but three million Primal Chaos crystal, not a small number, plus he also made several exhibits.

There is not much left in Primal Chaos.

Three million is already his limit!

It is a pity that I originally wanted to strike the arrogance of Chu Yunyu on the auction. It seems that I think about it purely.

The night tassel gave up the auction.

The price is based on the three million Primal Chaos crystals in Chuyun.

Loose Cultivator hosted a smile: “Chu Yunhao Young master offers three million Primal Chaos crystal, is there any higher than him?”

“Three million Primal Chaos crystals once.”

“Three million Primal Chaos crystals twice.”

“four million!”

Just as Loose Cultivator hosted the boarding, a plain voice came straight in, instantly interrupting the third sentence that Loose Cultivator hosted to blurt out.

Four million Primal Chaos crystal?

The audience was shocked.

I turned around and wanted to see the fellow, so I wanted to be a big man.

To know.

Even in previous auctions, the ordinary anti-slave slaves are only around a few hundred thousand Primal Chaos crystals.

Only the ancestors.

The price is slightly higher.

But no more than two million.

At the moment, there are four anti-slave slaves, one ancestral slave and three ordinary slaves.

In truth, three million total is the limit.

As for the four million, everyone can’t think about it.

a path of stunned eyes, falling on the talking person, the expression immediately becomes weird.

“It’s him?”

Bai Ziyue is also very incomparable, turned and rushed to the younger sister Bai Xiaochun asked: “What is the identity of the fellow, can you get so many Primal Chaos crystal?”

“I don’t know Zhao Young master very much, very mysterious.”

Bai Xiaochun shook his head.

Quoting four million Primal Chaos crystal, not others, it is Zhao Fang.


The night tassel smiled and looked at Zhao Fang, but the eyes were spinning around several people in Zhao Fang, and the eyes turned, I don’t know what to think.

There are also many people on the field who are worried about Zhao Fang.

Four million Primal Chaos crystals are huge amounts that even the Ancestral God Middle Stage can’t.

If you don’t care about evil dragons.

I am afraid that some people are ready to go and fight nouveau riche.

“Hey, four hundred and three hundred thousand.” Chu Yunyu complexion is not awkward.

“five million!”

Zhao Fang is not surprisingly endless.

Even Chu Yunhao, also stunned by this suffocating, complexion ugly looking at Zhao Fang.

Immediately, I don’t know what to think of, he sneered. “Since you want it, this Young master is not good, and you are perfect!”

Chu Yunqi withdraws from the auction.

The price topped the list of 5 million quoted by Zhao Fang.

Many people have seen Chu Yun’s intentions and can’t help but look at Zhao Fang.

“Hey, this is being counted!”

“After losing the family, five million buy these four slaves, it is a defeated Ah!”



Four Ancient Clan, photographed by Zhao Fang at the price of five million Primal Chaos crystal.

When Loose Cultivator hosted a hammer drop, there was an auction responsible for bringing four Ancient Clans to Zhao Fang.

At this moment, the four heads are removed, as seen from their appearance.

Four Ancient Clans are an ancient god, two Witch Races, and a Futuristic Ancient Clan.

among them.

The ancient god has entered the ranks of Ancestral God.

The four gods were furious and basically forced to push to Zhao Fang. They were very unconvinced.

But when I saw Lei Ze beside Zhao Fang, the four people showed a pause, in the eyes all with a shocked look.

“Reze” that 8-Star ancient god start to talk.

He started this to talk.

Everyone looked at it, and then I saw Lei Ze, who had been hiding in the evil dragon behind.

“He, he seems to be a tribe?”

“Where did his lock soul ring go? Who gave him away!”

The crowd suddenly appeared flustered, and everyone retreated, avoiding Raytheon and others.

It seems that they are plagues.

“No wonder.”

The night tassel saw this scene and thought that Zhao Fang had spent a lot of money to buy Ancient Clan.

“That, if I remember correctly, it should be auctioned to the sword dust of the infinite swordsman. Now, his lock ring has been removed, how can it like this?”

Some auction executives are also somewhat confused.

“First of all, let’s get five million Primal Chaos crystals and wait until the auction is over, then investigate!”



The short-term commotion of the crowd returned to normal.

“Zhao Young master”

The head of the auction just started to talk, Zhao Fang was interrupted directly, and the tone was extremely cold and hard.


The head of the auction has 4-Star Ancestral God Strength, and the Primal Chaos is a side powerhouse. It is publicly reprimanded by Zhao Fang. The complexion suddenly can’t be hanged, and the sound is cold.

“Zhao Young master, your five million Primal Chaos crystal”

“I don’t have money! People stay, you can roll!” Look at the late night welfare movie, please:

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