The first thousand six hundred and four chapters of the Guangming Peak are not bright!


“Congratulations Player, to the successful synthesis of the Holy Dragon knife, obtain 10 million experience points.”


Divine Blade is a superb, suspended Starry Sky.

At first glance, it is like a big dragon lying on the bed, the weather is amazing!

“This is Tier-8 artifact!”

Fan old eyes stunned.

Not only him, but also several other Ancestral God Middle Stages, as well as the Ancestral God Initial Stage, were also shocked.

Divine Weapon After Tier-8, according to the might, it is generally divided into Tier-8 Divine Artifact and Tier-8.

Divine Artily might be stronger than Level 7 Divine Weapon.

This is strong and still within acceptable limits.

The Tier-8 artifact is the strong Defying the Heavens.

The artifact, one of the ten thousand Tier-8 Divine Weapon is also difficult.

Any one of them can have the power to destroy the earth!

There are not many artifacts in the integration of Primal Chaos in the universe, and most of them are in the hands of some super Great Influences.

Such as the kingdom of God, holy land

Common people, it is difficult to see the appearance of the artifact, let alone see its might.

In the Primal Chaos, there is such a saying.

Even if you are holding XirX-Star Ancestral God of Tier-8 Divine Artifact, you will have to flee when you encounter 6-Star Ancestral God with Tier-8 artifacts.

Escape late, will be killed at any time!

Killing him is naturally not 1-Star Ancestral God, but Tier-8 artifact.

For Tier-8 artifacts, the leapfrog killer is as simple as eating and drinking.

It can be said.

Everyone who has survived the homelessness is indifferent to the ancestors, and there is one kind of blind revere and reverence.

When they saw the appearance of their ancestors, their wars were greatly weakened.

But very soon.

A more powerful and amazing fighting intent, from their with the body.

“Ancestral, this is the Tier-8 artifact. Once you can master it, Ancestral God Realm can definitely be rampant!”

Fan Lao, and other Ancestral God, have greedy.

I want to be your own!


Zhao Fang laughed and the smile was extraordinarily cold.

“Just with these goods, you dare to hit the idea of ​​the holy dragon knife? It is really a lard, I don’t even know how many pounds I have!”


Even if they are clear headed, they remain sane enough.

There will be some ideas.


These two words alone are enough to make them crazy!

“Zhao Fang, hand over the ancestors, this Elder is in the name of Immemorial stars, let the evil dragons, and these anti-families, leave with you!”

Fan old eyes flashed.

The words just exported.

However, Zhao Fang is looking at himself with one kind of quirky gaze.

That expression is like watching an Idiot!

Even with Fan’s cultivation, after being treated like by Zhao Fang, he was almost spurted.

Complexion abnormal gloomy!

“Old Man, you really are shameless, just for your Strength, this Palace Lord can be killed, what qualification is yelling in front of me?”

“arrogant !”

Fan Laoshen, can’t wait to immediately kill Zhao Fang, but his eyes are fixed on the holy dragon knife.

Obviously it is scrutinizing this ancestor!

Slightly hesitate.

Fan Lao took out twenty-three of the big fists and flashed the amazing star light of the Planet.

Planet is not big.

Looks like ordinary.

But the power of emits extremely terrifying seems to be a domain within the Planet.

“Bounded Divine Array?”

Ancestral God recognized this treasure, and was suddenly shocked.

“refining twenty-three huge stars, complemented by Tier-8 Peak Divine Artifact, which is made up of billions of materials, and Divine Array?”

“Fan Lao is also fighting, actually use this kind of treasure.”

“You are stupid. Divine Array although is very good, compared with the artifact knife, it is obviously much worse. If you can get the ancestor knife, the Divine Array will be destroyed, Fan Lao estimates There is no hesitation!”


After Fan took out the Divine Array, he looked at the other Ancestral God Middle Stage Powerhouse and cried, “List, don’t hide, this is your battle!”

“If you don’t strangle this child, he won’t let us go. Old Man will use the Divine Array to drag the artifact. In the meantime, the position must be speed trapped in the evil dragon, killed the brat!”

While speaking.

Twenty-three Divine Arrays consisting of the stars refining, shrouded toward the Great Dragon.

With the proximity.

Twenty-three stars gradually skyrocketed and eventually returned to the original Planet state.

Twenty-three stars, forming a circle, will be trapped inside the St. Dragon’s knife.

“ha ha ,brat, what else do you see this time!”

Fan Lao was proud of laughing.

“Idiot, you thought I was this artifact Ah!”

Zhao Fang’s words, listening to Fan old complexion a stiff, grin hideously momentary stiffness, horrified staring at Zhao Fang, in the eyes with a shocked look.

“and also?”

Not only Fan old.

Many Powerhouses present are also unable to believe.

The artifacts are all things that can be met without an existence.

Even if it is inside the country, there are no more than two.

Zhao Fang is just the Lord of God. Even the Immortal Palace is an inflation that I have never heard of. Can I get two pieces of artifacts?

Everyone expressed doubts.

But the next moment.

When the flood of hundreds of millions of fragments appears in front of everyone.

Their suspicions turned into deep shock.

The torrents merge with each other

in a blink.

A pure Black, the surface of the seventh floor of the mysterious complex Divine Mark, appears in front of everyone.

The aura of the little tower emits is not inferior to the holy dragon knife.

“Really, really damn is the artifact Ah!”

Everyone dumbstruck, shocked.

“Give me broken!”

Zhao Fang Void Hand Grab the bottom of the floating tower, the whole body Divine Strength bursts, and instantly infuse the inside of the floating tower.


The Futura Tower is close to one of the twenty-three stars.



There are almost no surprises.

The star was instantly collapsed by the shackles and split directly in half.

The original Divine Array, which was unbreakable, also had a trace crack.


Fan old complexion ugly, wants a remedy.

After being trapped, there was no movement to the holy dragon knife, and it was moving at the moment.

Directly turned into a big dragon, rushing to the broken star.


Suddenly bombarded by two pieces of artifacts.

Even if the star is Tier-8 Peak Divine Artifact, it can’t be eaten.

Direct burst!

Same as Time.

On the other 22 stars, there was a deep crack from the top and bottom.

Directly divided into two halves!

The Blade Qi, which came out of it, turned into a shocking knife, and suddenly approached Guangming Peak.

This star-studded star is instantly shredded.

The mountain is flattened!

Hōng hōng collapsed!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they didn’t expect that the grandfather might be terrifying, just the Blade Qi, which shattered the bright peaks that countless years.


The Divine Array was destroyed, and Fan was the heaviest backlash, spurting blood on the spot.

He looked terrified and looked blank.

Other Ancestral God, equally frightened.

They were not horrified by the artifacts, but after the destruction of the Guangming Peak, which stood under the light peak, shrouded the deep peace of the Cloud.

On the forefront of the Palace, there are only three characters of Demon Qi.

Magic Cloud Hall!

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