The first thousand six hundred and five chapters of the first magic sect!

“Magic Cloud Hall?”

Most of the young Powerhouses are relatively new to these three words.

Demon Qi, who is in front of the emperor emits, makes them feel guilty, frightened, and even stunned, and their looks are somewhat unnatural.

Only the old Powerhouse.

Ancestral God, such as Fan Laozhi, remembers these three words, the wind and rain that was stirred in the Primal Chaos.

“damned, they are actually under the light peak, stealing the power of the light peak?”

“It’s no wonder that in the past few years, the Kingdom of God has been unable to find out their traces, and they have all been hidden by the light!”

Fan old expression gloomy.

Chu Yunxiao also heard the clues, and his feelings were shocked.

“Palace Lord !”

The evil dragon plunged into front of Zhao Fang.

“Magic Cloud Hall, What Influence?” Zhao Fang did not return, calmly asked.

The evil dragon is slightly silent, saying: “Primal Chaos, the first magical universe of the universe, is only slightly weaker than the top ten holy places, and is above the major gods.”

“The magic cloud temple discipline is too overbearing, and the blood is sacrificed. The whole star is angered by the Primal Chaos, but most of the influences are forced by their Strength and dare angry.”

“Later, the Temple of Magic Cloud recklessly offended the Ten Holy Lands, a Powerhouse in the Immemorial Star, and he was united with other holy places and the Kingdom of God.”

“The combination of several holy places, plus the powerhouses of the various kingdoms, the Mountain Gate of the Temple of the Clouds, the Powerhouse of the Temple of the Clouds, was slammed by the major kingdoms, and the influence became weaker and weaker.”

“But rumors, the main force of the Magic Cloud Hall has not been smashed, but it has disappeared bizarrely.”

Said, the evil dragon looked at the main hall of Demon Qi Sensen in front of him. “I really didn’t think that the residual Influence of the Magic Cloud Hall, which was not searched by the countless Powerhouse, was blatantly hidden under the Guangming Peak.”

“Hehe, did you really think about it? Or did someone deliberately do it?”

Zhao Fang has a sneer in the corner of her lips.

“What does the Palace Lord mean?” The evil dragon looked slightly and looked at Zhao Fang.



Demon Qi is deep, magic cloud can to move unhindered the magic hall abyss, suddenly a path of harsh screams that are not like human voices.

This howling is not so loud, but it is directly at the most vulnerable part of the human heart.

Anyone who hears, his mind is not strong, and he is soaked in this whistle in an instant, his eyes are bloodshot, like a wild beast, rushing toward the surroundings.

Even with the suppression of Powerhouse, as the screams became more and more intense, more and more people were affected by howling.

The scene is getting out of hand!

“Bastard of this enchanted temple has always been so despicable!”

The evil dragon is coldly snorted, the tone of disgust and wariness, seems to have suffered a big loss in the hands of the magic hall.


Hundreds of Demon Qi, emerging from the Temple of Magic Cloud, appeared in the sky above the Temple of Magic, opposite Zhao Fang and others.

Demon Qi gradually condenses, condenses into a face gloomy, eyes flashing evil, aura extremely extreme evil Demon Cultivator Powerhouse.

At the forefront of this group of Demon Cultivator Powerhouse is a green robed Demon Cultivator.

Green robed Demon Cultivator Face, if not in the Demon Cultivator, alone in one place, I am afraid that no one can associate him with the Palace master, which is a moveable to unhindered Primal Chaos.

Green robed middle-aged holding an azure-green addicted scepter.

The Scepter is like a dragon.

Or, that is a Divine Artifact made with True Dragon bones.

At the top of the Scepter, there is a purple ball.

The ball is terrifying the power of Thunder!

Sense, the power of Thunder, is the Ancestral God robbery of the two people who had previously passed by Chu Yunyan and Yang Jingtian.

“green robed !”

The evil dragon stares at the green robed, eye reveals.

Green robed The middle-aged also saw the evil dragon, slightly startled, and immediately laughed. “I really didn’t think that this one that greeted the return of this temple is actually your evil dragon.”


The evil dragon sneered, “Is it by your half-residual body?

Green robed The middle-aged look is unchanged, indifferently said: “Even if the strength of the temple is ten, you want to clean up you, and you are not a thing!”

Green robed Middle-aged pointing to the evil dragon, as well as Zhao Fang and others, calm, calm!

Wen Yan.

Everyone complexion has changed, and there is Ancestral God start to talk :

“The Green Devil Palace master, who besieged you in the past, can be without us, even if you want settle accounts, there is no need to impose guilt on our innocent people!”

“Why do you have an excuse for acting in this temple?”

The Green Devil’s Palace Master sounds proudly: “If you really want to find a reason, it can only show that you are too unfortunate, too bad luck, and ruin the shelter of the temple, and naturally have to pay some price.”

“én? Are you a person at the Immemorial Star?”

The Green Devils looked at Fan Lao at once, and the blood on his face was instantly faded.

Although the Green Devil was seriously injured that year, he has not recovered.

After all, the other party is the Lord of the Temple of Devils, the Temple of the Devil at the time of the peak, that is over the major gods of the above, which is not what he can match.

Even now, the aura of emdex on the Green Devil is not inferior to 7-Star Ancestral God.

“In those days, it led me to the destruction of the Temple of Magic Cloud, which is a good thing for the Immemorial Star. If you are the person of the Immemorial Star, then go to hell!”

The words fall.

The Green Devil waved his Scepter.

call out

A touch of the lightning glow is coming out of the Scepter.

When Fan Lao started to talk to the Green Devil, he started the prevention to defend, but it was one step later.


The lighting glow, which is like a fusion with Demon Flame, instantly penetrates the old between the eyebrows and shatters all his consciousness.


Fan old between the eyebrows cracking a fine red line.

In the next moment, the head bursts open and the blood splashes in the wild!

Everyone was shocked.

A look of horrified wariness.

After hearing that the other party is the Palace Master, they know that the other party should not be tempted.

But I did not expect it.

The green robed Palace master in the state of serious injury, just waved, Immemorial Star Line Powerhouse, has reached the 6-Star Ancestral God Realm’s Fan Lao, even the backhand chances are not, directly killed by instant!

This scene has caused an indescribable shock to everyone.

When they faced the Green Devil Palace master again, they could not afford to resist.

“Ancestral home?”

Zhao Fang both eyes little bright.

Unlike other people’s blind pessimism, Zhao Fang is very calm from beginning to end.

Calm, even if Fan Lao was killed in the face, his expression did not change much.

If there is, it can only be regrettable.

Damn it, father’s experience.

However, since the experience is gone, take the artifacts to make up, this artifact, the Palace Lord must be fixed!

Zhao Fang stared and stared at the artifact of the Green Master Palace master.


The Green Devil’s Palace master what kind of character, when even aware of the greed in Zhao Fang’s gaze, was slightly surprised.

Immediately, a sneer, “I want this Palace master, this artifact?”

“Hand over the Scepter, this Palace Lord lets you leave!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

This statement came out.

The silence of the whole game.

Everyone has a damn expression look at Zhao Fang.

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