The first thousand six hundred and sixty-six chapters of the knives of the devil!

The crowd is messy.

A god lord threatens a magical master of the 6-Star Ancestral God. Is there a more ridiculous thing about damn?

Supreme Talents.

Such as night tassels, overcast 殇, 冉 Changling, Bai Ziyue, and even Chu Yunyu, all have a dumbstruck expression.

Even the Palace Master himself, I was embarrassed.

Damn it, how is this sentence so familiar?

This is the first instinctive reaction after hearing this sentence.


He reacted.

The expression is a bit weird. “This damn is not the most common sentence in the temple. This brat grabs my line Ah!”

The ancestors of damn are more than the main hall, and they dare to strengthen the lines of the temple. Is this temple a vegetarian?

The Palace Master is also angry.

Determined to rediscover the invincible image of the Lord who shaped his own temple.

“Where is the magic cloud?”

The Lord of the Temple has no nonsense, directly coldly shouted start to talk.


A few tall figures, the face is plain, but the aura gloomy 狰狞silhouette, standing behind the main hall of the demon, sing: “subordinate in!”

“Take them and return to the Primal Chaos for our magical hall, and set off a bloody feast!”

The Lord of the Temple points to Zhao Fang and evil dragons and others.

At the time of appearance, he noticed the two ancestors in front of Zhao Fang.

I am particularly curious about the identity of Zhao Fang and wariness.

after all.

Can at the same time take out two ancestors, look at the entire Primal Chaos universe, only some abnormal tyrannical gods, and holy places, only this background.

With the last Killed Immemorial Star Powerhouse, they were eventually joined together to force Heaven to have no way to go.

The Lord of the Devil is killing some of the Great Influences Powerhouse, exceptional wariness, and even some psychological shadows.

If not necessary, he really does not want to be an enemy of these Great Influences.

after all.

The Temple of Magic Cloud was forced to live, and Strength was very weak. The influence that once had a hatred with the Magic Cloud Hall would not miss this golden opportunity.

Notorious, in the Primal Chaos, the ancient universe is like a street mouse, the magic cloud hall shouted by everyone, the situation is critical, but it can always be preserved.

But if there are ten holy places to intervene, their situation will become very dangerous, even directly destroyed.

But when he saw the evil dragon, he was puzzled.

In the situation of Primal Chaos, the evil dragons were better than their magic cloud temples. They were also the hats of the ten holy places and the key targets.

Moreover, with the hatred of evil dragons, impossible depends on which of the ten holy places.

In this way, Zhao Fang is not the identity of the ten holy places, you can rule out.

This is also the real reason for the Lord of the Temple to dare to do it.


The four magic clouds make it all 6-Star Ancestral God.

Although they have not recovered to peak, they can join forces and can almost sweep everyone on the field.

“Evil dragon, accept death!”

The four-person figure is like electricity, and it is approaching the evil dragon in an instant.

“Oh, it’s you who are dead!”

The evil dragon is also a temper, rushing out directly, and fighting with the four great magic clouds.

With Dragon Race’s unique secret technique and powerful defense, the evil dragon barely dragged four people.

If you want to shorten the time within the time, it is obviously not realistic.

“Evil dragon, evil dragon, your Strength is really amazing. Just this strength, also want to challenge this temple?”

The Lord of the Temple of God glanced at the in the eyes and passed a touch of disdain.


He looked to Zhao Fang.

“Although don’t know, where did you get the two pieces of artifacts? But now, the temple solemnly tells you that they belong to me now!”

The words fall.

There is a strange magical rumor.


Many people screamed.

There are also some people, red eyes, do not avoid life and death, crazy to Zhao Fang.

Dozens, hundreds, hundreds of Martial Artists.

Like a humanoid ball, surrounded Zhao Fang.

At the side of Zhao Fang, Xiao Man and others immediately felt that the entire Space had become suppressed.

Difficult breathing!

This is the pressing of intent.


Lei Ze, Gu Xuanhe and others are not good classes.

It is necessary to use strongest means to clear a path.

At this time.

Zhao Fang reached out and grabbed it.


To the holy dragon knife in hand.

At the moment of holding the handle, Zhao Fang felt the excitement of the blade.

“Longing for slaughter?”

Zhao Fang laughed. “Today, let you kill a happy!”

The words of the fast words have fallen, and Zhao Fang has already taken out five or six knives.

Blade Qi able to move unhindered, flashing away.

It seems to never appear!

The crazy people are getting closer!

Just as they approached Zhao Fang.

There seems to be an invisible Blade Qi thin line that passes through this group of human bodies.

The next moment.

The blood of the thorns, like a heavy rain, poured down.

The body of the group is more like a knives, and instantly split into dozens.


Chu Yunxiao and others eyes are miniature, some shocked.

Conceited like him, when I saw the previous scene, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

He carefully deduced it again, and if he was in that scene, the result would be dead.

Zhao Fang can kill everyone instantly.

Among them, the Divine Blade is a large part of the reason.

But this is also closely related to Zhao Fang’s Strength!

“You are too small to slap the Palace Lord. With this waste, you can also kill the Palace Lord!”

Zhao Fang took the knife out and came to the opposite side of the Lord of the Temple. The blade pointed to the latter, indifferently said: “Let’s die!”

The main expression of the temple is haze, cold said with a laugh, “overestimate one’s capabilities, thinking that killing a group of gods, it is great?”

“Well, you have the heart of court death, then the temple will be yours!”


The main body of the magic hall is the magic cloud, disappearing all of a sudden, and there is a thunder in the original place.

Zhao Fang holds the knife and looks cold.

At the moment, the mind releases the restrictions on the cultivation base.

Strength Instantly from 4-Star God, 飙promotes to 6-Star God level.

Same as for a moment.

His between the eyebrows, there are also six ancient god star points.

6-Star royal god!

6-Star God!

But not enough

Inside the royal product heaven and earth.

Primal Chaos Divine Strength.

Zhao Fang mobilized all the power he could use and integrated it into the Great Dragon Sword.


The shape of the Holy Dragon’s Knife has changed instantly.

at that moment.

Zhao Fang is holding a knife, no longer a knife.

It is a high-spirited overbearing, easy to move unhindered dragon.

The dragon snarls and rushes to the Lord of the Temple, which is not far from the side of Zhao Fang.

The expression of the Lord of the Devil is slightly changed, and the artifact of the Emperor is lifted.

The Scepter is also a dragon, but on the occasion of its appearance, it is directly engulfed by the Divine Blade.

The dragon of Divine Blade, after swallowing the artifact of the ancestors, multiplies the power.

Under the stunned look of the Lord of the Devil, carrying the edge of the earth, and slamming toward his body.

“This, this, impossible!”

The voice of the Lord of the Temple is full of shock and fear.

He even forgot the idea of ​​escape.

It was directly hit by this knife!

Body moment

split into two!

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