The first thousand six hundred and seven chapters of the original True Demon!


The main body of the temple is broken, and there are dozens of houses in the field, Black Mist.

Black Mist slowly condenses, the main silhouette of the Temple of the Reappear.

But compared to the previous, at this moment, whether it is aura, killing intent, or other aspects, it must be weak.

“The Holy Dragon’s Knife is actually in your hand!”

The Lord of the Temple of the Devil is shocked, some incredible, and the voice is a little bit nostalgic and wariness.


Zhao Fang slashed his knife again.

The Lord of the Temple of Devils has a slight look.

He just now already the pro body will arrive, to the sharpness of the Holy Dragon’s knife, simply do not dare to resist.


He opened his arms and the artifacts were hanging in front of him.

In the lightning ball at the top of the Scepter, it is terrifying, and this piece of heaven and earth is trembled with terrifying.

A huge lightning ball appears on the top of the Lord of the Temple.

Crossbar to the overbearing of the St. Dragon’s Knife!




The moment the knife touches the thunder.

The light of the entire sky seems to have been swallowed up.

But myself for a moment, in the collision of the knife and thunder, crazy.

The extremely dazzling picture appears in the collision between the two.

But listen to a big Boom.

The Holy Dragon’s knife broke into the lightning ball.

Lightning ball is too big!

The thunder and lightning fragments that were destroyed were lasing.

This piece not only contains the amazing lightning aura, but also the terrifying killing Blade Intent.

But when it was touched, even some Ancestral God Initial Stage Powerhouse, Fleshy Body collapsed, only the divine sense escaped.

All of a sudden.

Zhao Fang is on the side, except for the small and others who are protected by the floating tower.

The rest of the people, either by the killing ball fragment killing, or escape.

on site.

Only there are a few people!

For example, Chu Yunqi, Yin Yu and others.

They also want to escape, but always feel that they seem to be stared by what monsters.

Once you leave, there is a danger of terrifying.

and so.

They don’t dare to move.

When the lightning ball came, I had to use the life-saving card and the protector’s support to barely save my life.

On the side of Bai Ziyue, a crystal that seems to be filled with the water of the countless galaxy barely blocks the sputtering of the lightning ball.

But the complexion of Bai Ziyue is unusually ugly, and the body seems to be soft to the extreme, like a gust of wind can blow away.

“Elder Sister, Elder Sister”

Bai Xiaochun complexion big change.


Bai Ziyue’s voice is difficult.

Bai Xiaochun did not hesitate, and with the white purple moon, he left the battlefield center Battlefield.

Same as for a moment.

Open the shining ball of the Holy Dragon Sword, with one unmatched attitude, once again on the Lord of the Devil.

“Magic Shadow”

The Lord of the Temple has just started to talk.

The knife is simple and rude, and he will be crushed in an instant!

When the Lord of the Devil re-emerges with Demon Qi again, his aura is less than half of the time he just appeared.


Two times in a row, he was smashed into the Great Dragon Sword, and even if he was the Lord of the Grande, he paid an extremely costly price.

“brat, the temple surrendered! Let the temple leave, we are even!”

The Lord of the Temple is soft.

Although there are many Magic Entries in the short term, Upgrade Strength Secret Art.

It can be too expensive for the body.

If he is in full bloom, he may be able to try hard for two artifacts.

But now

Serious injuries have not healed, and new injuries have been added. If he continues this way, he suspects that he is likely to be completely degraded.

At this point, even if there are more ancestors, what is the use for yourself?


Even with those Secret Art, he couldn’t stop the St. Dragon’s Knife.

This is a big killer of the countless people who once killed.

“Yes, leave the artifacts!”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

“impossible.” The Lord of the Devils categorically refused, “This is the only artifact of the Templar, can’t be lost!”

“That will leave your life!”

“I have countless Secret Art and treasure, as long as you like, I am willing to take them for change!”

“After you die, these things will belong to me.”

The Lord of the Temple is also angry, the magic cloud rolls over, wants to obscure the Scorpio, imposing manner, “brat, don’t deceive too much!”

Zhao Fang did not speak.

Just raise to the holy dragon knife, toward the Lord of the Temple of the Devil, kneel down!

“This temple is fighting with you!”

The Lord of the Temple of the Devil screams, and activates Demon Qi inside heaven and earth, as if the thousand devils are coming, overwhelming, rolling toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang will not see you.

Just a knife!

The Lord of the Temple of Devil died.

Everything is gone!


In the all of a sudden, the magical scepter flashed a faint rays of light.

“Palace master !”

The Powerhouses of the Temple, seeing this scene, are stunned and full of hatred and despair.

Crouching in the darkness of the earth for thousands of years, I thought that once again, it will set off a new round of bloody rain.

Never thought about it.

To greet them is the true Death!

“this Demon not willingly , not willingly !”

The Magic Clouds, and other Powerhouses, are like crazy, self-igniting Fleshy Body, and Strength has been upgraded to the limit.


Run away!

Even the Lord of the Devil Temple is dead, who dares to challenge Zhao Fang?

after all.

They are the magic door, but not the Zhongyi door.

The sudden chaos of the chaos finally came to an end.

Zhao Fang slowly grasped the sacred scepter, and his expression was a little weird.

“ha ha brat, do you really think that you are going to kill the temple? This temple wants to take your body, avoid the ten holy places to hunt down, and regain the magic hall.”

An extremely tyrannical divine sense fluctuation emerges from the sacred scepter and goes straight to the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness.

This divine sense, ghastly, weird, blackmail, bloody and cruel.

Demonstrating the personality of Demon Cultivator to the extreme.

Moreover, the exception is powerful and arrogant.

Do not care what will leave behind in Zhao Fang body, rampage, straight to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, want to erase the Zhao Fang consciousness, and regain the rebirth.

Zhao Fang does not stop.

Just coldly smiled. “Do you think that this Palace Lord really didn’t see it? The raft tower!”

With Zhao Fang a low roaring sound.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a Pagoda indifferent.

Pagoda is filled with the radiance of the divine dignity, the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the unique repression of Pagoda, and the conscious mind of the demon temple that just rushed into the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the suppression of life!

“damned, actually a repressive type of artifact, who are you, why do you have two artifacts? The temple is not satisfied!”

The Lord of the Devil, who was suppressed, issued a path of unwilling roar.

“Don’t take it? Turn off my bird!”

Zhao Fang coldly smiled.


The Holy Dragon’s Knife appears in its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Do not!”

In the face of this Divine Blade, the home of the Fleshy Body divine sense, the Lord of the Devil is afraid.

Zhao Fang ignored it.

In the end, even the Great Dragon Sword, the main divine sense of the Devil’s Hall was torn apart and completely strangled.


“Congratulations Player Zhao Fang killed Lord Level bss Lord of the Temple, observe 900 billion Experience Value, 90 million Divine Strength value, 90 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player obtain, Magic Cloud Hall, original True Demon card, Fan Cage, Thunder Scepter.”

“congratulations Player obtain a large amount of Demon Cultivator material, 30 million Primal Chaos crystals.”


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