The first thousand six hundred and eighty chapters of the Qing Dynasty shock!

“Three million Primal Chaos crystals, a little less.”

For ordinary Ancestral God.

The 30 million Primal Chaos crystal is an astronomical number.

For a Super Influence that used to be above the gods of the gods, 30 million are really rare.

But over the years, the remnant party of the Magic Cloud Hall has been hidden under the Guangming Peak and has not been able to make ends meet.

Even if there is a Jinshan, it can be eaten empty, and there are 30 million Primal Chaos crystals left. It is quite a lot.

“Fan Cage, with the power of the stars to unite the cage? Star power is endless, the cage is not broken? Some meaning.”

“The Thunder Scepter, which has 10,000 mine-controlled arrays, the more Thunder Forces that absorb, the stronger the might is? Is this a growth artifact?”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

But what really surprised him was the original True Demon.

[Original True Demon Card]: The card can be used to summon the first True Demon between heaven and earth.

“The first True Demon between heaven and earth?”

Zhao Fang’s gaze is faint, ‘I don’t even explain Strength, do what the hell? ‘

‘However, since it is the first True Demon, Strength should be in the Magic Cloud Palace master. I don’t know how many generations of the head is above. ‘

‘Magic master’s Peak strength is Ancestral God Late Stage, the first True Demon Strength, should be Ancestral God peak, or…surpass Ancestral God? ‘

‘damn, actually broke out such a piece card, will be able to sweep the world in the future, now just think about it, there are some small excited. ‘

Zhao Fang showed a smile on his lips.


Compared to Zhao Fang’s comfort.

Chu Yunqi and others, completely frightened by the previous fierce fight.


Chu Yun glared at the already dry eyes, and swallowed the mouth.

He never dreamed of dreaming.

Lian Fan’s old man was frightened, and the Lord of the Undead, he would be so easily killed by Zhao Fang.

This damn must be an illusion!

Chu Yunxi wants to say this, but everything in front of me is too real.

Even if the lips bleed, he hurts and frowns.

He did not return to ‘reality’ and was still shrouded in this big fear.

When Zhao Fang holds the artifact wand and closes his eyes, the Chu Yun霄figure is fretting, trying to take advantage of the last chance and fleeing here.

He just got out of one step.

“Is this Palace Master letting you go?”

The cold and indifferent voice, the scared Chu Yun霄 back cold, he quickly turned around, crying and sad face: “Zhao, Zhao Palace Lord, everything is misunderstanding.”


Zhao Fang opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yunyu. “You didn’t just say that the auction is going to kill me?”

“Now, the auction is over, I will give you a chance, kill me, and you will die!”

“Zhao Palace Lord, I just just laughed, don’t take it seriously…”

Chu Yunxi wants to explain that when he comes into contact with Zhao Fang’s eyes without emotions, all the words are swallowed immediately.

“Zhao Palace Lord, how are you willing to let me go?”

Chu Yunqi asked.

“simple, come up to death!”

Zhao Fang’s words made Chu Yun’s complexion pale to the extreme.

“And you guys…”

The night tassels and others who had just breathed a sigh of relief also suddenly became nervous.

“Zhao Fang, you are too impudent, you know, we are who? Let us…”

Yin Fang 霆 complexion gloomy, not finished, Zhao Fang will come over.

Just one look.


If the yin is severely hit, the chest is instantly sunken, and the internal hemorrhoids appear to be shattered, causing a large amount of blood clots.

“how come……”

It’s unbelievable.

I never dreamed that there was such a big gap between myself and Zhao Fang!

He was unwilling to look at Zhao Fang. In the end, he fell to the ground and was on the spot!

The yin is ugly.

Although he likes to reprimand the yin, but the other party is his own younger brother, so that he is killed in public, he is also ashamed of this Big Brother.

the most important is.

There is not much difference between the yin and the strength of this god Supreme Talent.

But even Zhao Fang couldn’t bear it.

If you change yourself, how much you can bear.

“Zhao Palace Lord, I know that you are strong, can you be stronger than all Supreme Talent family?”

冉 Changling start to talk, look solemn.

“This time, we have not offended Your Excellency, why should we kill it?”

Night tassel start to talk.

Other goddess Supreme Talent, also a soft suit, or threat, combined with oppression of Zhao Fang, in an attempt to make him back.

Lei Ze, Gu Xuanhe and others Wen Yan, look solemn.

They have been in the Primal Chaos for a long time, and naturally understand that these four words contain the meaning.

Although the Supreme Talent family is not as good as the kingdom of God, the overall strength is not weak.

Offending one or two, maybe the problem is not big.

If you sin all of Supreme Talent here, it would be bigger than offending the country.

“Supreme Talent family? Do you think that with this, you can hold the Palace Lord?”

Zhao Fang slowly held the Thunder Scepter.

Night tassels and others are full of vigilance, have come out of the treasure, wariness to the extreme.

“Immemorial star of one of the ten holy places?”

“My big cousin Xu Tianhuang is the Core Disciple of Immemorial Star. He has a close relationship with me. If you hurt me, he must let you go!”

Chu Yun screamed.

“Xu Tianhuang?”

Zhao Fang has a strange expression.

“Yes. You just patched the healing cloud’s Magic Cloud master to kill. And that year, the whole magic cloud temple was pulled from the peak, it is the Immemorial star, the power of the Holy Land, beyond your imagination…”

“I’m afraid you still don’t know.”

Zhao Fang scratched his ears.

“Know what?” Chu Yunyu subconscious asked.

“The Palace of Heaven has already broken through the borders of the Daqing Kingdom.”

“What! You, you dare to attack my big cousin’s nest!”

Chu Yunqi looked shocked.

“So, do you think that Xu Tianhuang can scare the Residence Lord?”

Zhao Fang smiles indifferently.

In the next moment, with open arms, in the horror of Chu Yunhao and others, Zhao Fang spit out two words: “Raylai!”

Thunder Wan Hao!

Crazy coming!

Instantly drowned Chu Yunhao and others.

The terrifying thunderstorm sounded to circumference for thousands of miles.

Wait until everything is over.

The scene left only a deep crater, and even the magic cloud temple was smashed into powder by this heavenly thunder.

As for Chu Yunhao and others, there is no residue left.

“Give, you want the ancestral bone!”

Zhao Fang From the System package, take out the spouls of war from the cockroach and hand it to the evil dragon.

The evil dragon was horrified, and he immediately accepted it.

“This, how can it like this?”

Bai Ziyue was stunned, stunned looks at the scene.

this moment.

Her confidence in decades, World view, with the appearance of Zhao Fang, was easily broken, crushed, reshaped!

“This is over!”

“Sudreme Talent has died so many times, and Fan Lao, the pillar of the gods, will certainly not be willing to give up.”

In fact, as Bai Ziyue said, when the news of Guangmingfeng was transmitted back to the Kingdom of God, it caused a terrible wave directly in the Kingdom of God.

But these.

White Ziyue has nothing to think about.

Because, the man who killed the audience, is coming to the only surviving Bai Family sister in the field.

During all of a sudden, Bai Ziyue felt the heart rushing into the eyes of the blind.

The tension is terrible!

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