The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapters are to move unhindered, the minefield!

“Is it okay?”

The imaginary killing did not happen.

White robed Youth came to the front and just greeted the younger sister.

“I, I am fine…” Bai Xiaochun said.

“That’s good!”

Zhao Fang smiled. “I am very glad to meet you, I hope I will have a chance to see you again!”

“You are leaving?” Bai Xiaochun asked.

Bai Ziyue is slightly brows.

Hearts younger sister how to be stupid?

Suddenly offended so many Supreme Talent family, Daqing Shenguo, and even Immemorial holy land, even if there is a support of the gods behind this fellow, it must be big.

“I still have a personal solution.”

Zhao Fang looks relaxed and does not have the anxiety of Bai Ziyue’s imagination.

“If you have any needs, you can contact me.”

Zhao Fang handed Bai Xiaochun a communication conch.

“Or, I, let us take you away.”

When Zhao Fang turned and left, Bai Xiaochun suddenly said.

This sentence almost scared the white purple moon.

Zhao Fang is now a big trouble, and it is not fast enough to be with him. The younger sister is getting into the water, or is it filled with this fellow?

Waiting for the white purple moon to stop, Zhao Fang did not turn back and waved his hand, saying: “I still don’t drag you down. I hope you all go well!”


Then take the Battleship, take the evil dragon, Lei Ze, Gu Xuanhe and others leave the Guangming Peak.

Same as for a moment.

In the scene of the Guangming Peak, it was transmitted back to the Supreme Talent Clan of the Qing Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty. One stone stirred up a thousand waves!

In particular, Chu Yunqi, Fan Lao and others’ entire army were wiped out, and the Qing Dynasty was also extremely shocked.

After the shock, it is anger!

Daqing Shenguo sent an iron ride, combined with the major family Powerhouse, launched the purchase of Zhao Fang, the sound of the mighty, extremely amazing!


In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

On Battleship.

Zhao Fang is lying on the chair of the Exchange, and with the constantity of the Battleship, you can enjoy the view of Starry Sky.

Evil dragon, Gu Xuanhe, Lei Ze, and even Xiao Man, after Zhao Fang provided a lot of cultivation materials, they directly hid in the room, and worked hard.

Zhao Fang is bored by a person, refining some puppet to relieve boredom, and let them control Battleship by the way.

“Rainbow Domain, Ni Chang, we will meet soon!”

Looking at Starry Sky abyss, Zhao Fang thought of the long-awaited beauty, thinking of the upcoming reunion, the still water-stopping heart, could not help but sway.

“Report Master, in front of the minefield, forcibly through the Battleship, whether!”

Please have puppet please.

After being promoted to the Lord of God, Zhao Fang’s refining puppet, which assists the power of heaven and earth in the emperor, already has some spiritual wisdom.

Although not as perfect as a normal person, but as it is, reminding the blessings, and some simple communication, can still do it.

“Ji Lei District?”

Zhao Fang startled, stood up and looked at it.

Sure enough, at the end of the front, Starry Sky is dull, like a collapse.

Under the dull Starry Sky, there is a lightning glow from time to time.

“Go ahead, I happen to have a treasure that can be recharged.”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Battleship continues to sail and sails into the minefield.

As soon as he approached, there were two silhouettes of the difficult situation, which emerged from the minefield and plunged toward Zhao Fang Battleship.


Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

A closer look reveals that in front of the two people, there is a Thunder eagle that is condensed by Thunder and is chasing the two people.

Two people riddled with scars, apparently injured by the Thunder.

“Friend, save me!”

Two people saw Zhao Fang Battleship, as if he saw the savior, he cried.

Zhao Fang didn’t pay attention, just looking at the hundreds of miles of the eagle eagle, in the eyes revealing a touch of color, “The Thunder Force here is really rich, actually condensed some Beast Soul. It seems that I am Come to the right place!”

Zhao Fang smiled and took out the Thunder Scepter.


The lightning ball at the top of the Scepter, licking out the Lightning of the large area, and shooting at the Thunder.

The face of the cruel measures two people, it seems to be aware of Crisis, and quickly looked up.

Still one step later!

A lightning glow of a delicate hairspring, embedded in the body of the eagle.

The Thunder Eagle did not react at first.

But when the lightning glow suddenly shone, like the greedy evil spirits, when the crazy Thunder Force was taken, the Thunder was finally panicked.

It screams and wants to cut off the connection with the lighting glow.

With the absorption, the lighting glow is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting harder and harder to destruction.


In the unwilling angry roar, all Thunder Force support is lost, and Beast Soul is directly annihilated.

Thunder Force, which is gathered by the Lei eagle, all rushed into the lightning ball.

The two people in the reversal saw this scene and was dumbfounded.

With for a moment, they were shocked by the abyss, passing a trace of greed.

“myself able to move unhindered god country can to move unhindered world, many thanks little brother, help, ask how to call brother.”

One of the gray-haired middle-aged people stabilized the figure, and the strange or strange eyes swept Zhao Fang.

“Zhao Fang !”

To reach out and not smile, Zhao Fang is very polite in many cases.

“hehe, it turned out to be Zhao Fang brother, dare to ask Brother Zhao, but to the Thunder area to hunt Lei Ling?”

Able to move unhindered asked the world with a smile.

“Rayling? What the hell?”

Zhao Fang looks blank.

“Fuck, what garlic do you wear, that is, the Thunder Force’s Thunder Eagle was just sucked away by your Divine Artifact. That is Rayling, damn it, we just brought it here, and it is cheaper!”

Another silver hair, you screamed indignantly.

“Berry, shut up!”

Able to move unhindered The world swept the silver hair youth, shouted.

“I didn’t make a mistake. We spent all our hard work and killed the Thunder Eagle. As a result, he was caught and profited.”

Able to move unhindered 百里extremely unwilling, obviously very wronged.

Zhao Fang saw it and sneered in her heart.

The two people sing a white face, one sings a red face, and the double-spring dance is not bad. If you meet some kind people, you may be fooled by them.

But Zhao Fang is the kind of person.

“So, is Leiling more expensive than your life? Hehe… It was really saved.”

Zhao Fang satirizes with a laugh.

“Oh, we haven’t let you save!”

Able to move unhindered.

“In this case, the mountains are far from the water, and the rivers and lakes are not seen!”

Zhao Fang waved, Battleship sailed to the minefield and ignored the two people.

“Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao Don’t be angry, kids don’t understand things, Brother Zhao has a broad mind, don’t be acquainted with him, Brother Zhao…”

Able to move unhindered The world wants to save.

Zhao Fang ignored it.

Battleship rides the dust, grows away, leaving only a look of helplessness to move unhindered the world, and look unremarkable, eye reveals fierce canable unhindered hundred miles.

After the Battleship has completely entered the minefield, it is easy to move unhindered. The annoyance and helplessness of the hundred miles disappeared instantly from the face.

The coldness and haze that never appeared, hung on his face.

“Berry, you are too much!” to to move unhindered.

Able to move unhindered One hundred miles to change the previous brainless youth image, frowns, “This fellow is too wide and looks cautious.”

“No matter how cautious he is, the artifact of the artifact, I can to move unhindered the world!”

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