The first thousand six hundred and ten chapters for help!



Battleship enters the minefield.

Speed ​​is undiminished, and with a one-of-a-kind gesture, rushing towards the ayers area.

The other Lei Ling encountered on the road were sucked away by the Thunder Scepter, and none of them remained.

After entering the Core Region of the minefield.

Zhao Fang pressure doubled.

There are more and more Thunderings.

Moreover, they are more powerful than the Raymonds that were previously encountered, and Rayling, who has seen or never seen it, roared.

Even Zhao Fang can’t help but frown.

If there is no Thunder Scepter, he will encounter this group of Lei Ling, even if he can survive, he will have to pay a small price.

“Primal Chaos, the ancient universe, is really dangerous, free of charge, there are so many powerful Lei Ling.”


After the Thunder Scepter swallowed most of the Thunder, a high and low dragon roar screamed.

Followed by.

The thunderclouds in the whole area of ​​the minefield, such as snow flakes, are like a raging sun, and the blocks melt.

Rolling thunderclouds, condensed into a huge tens of thousands of miles of brontosaurus.

Lei Long has a haircut that is thicker than a hill, and the mighty overbearing to the extreme.

Even more amazing is.

The aura of emits on it is full of fierce terrifying.

“I didn’t expect to bring it out.”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised, but more, still excited.

The Thunder Scepter can swallow a large amount of Thunder Force, which is the nemesis of Relling.

The more Thundering, the stronger the Thunder Force swallowed by the Scepter, and after a complete explosion, the might is seconds.


Forward to mine area abyss rushable to move unhindered world, can to move unhindered 百里 two people, also saw that the disk sitting on the nine heavens, posture high-over overbearing brontosaurus, one complexion whitish.

They have been in the minefield for ten years and have seen the biggest Raytheon, but nothing more than last ten thousand.

When the first Lei Ling appeared, he scared the two people into the urine, and he did not dare to enter the minefield for half a year.

I thought.

That Miles Rayleigh is ready to be terrifying.

Compared with the Raytheon in front of you, Wanli Leiling is a small point, not enough to see!

“This is the end of the matter, what the fellow did, actually took out the terrifying existence.”

Able to move unhindered 百里complexion ugly.


Able to move unhindered There is no nonsense in the world, two people figure rushing backwards, wanting to leave the minefield.

At this time DD


A Peng Peng, composed purely of Thunder Force, suddenly appeared.

In terms of volume, Peng Peng can’t compare with Lei Long.

But it’s imposing manner, but it’s not too weak, and even more overbearing than brontosaurus.

On the occasion of the noise.

Not waiting for Rayon to respond, Kun Peng launched an assault.

“This, This is 鲲鹏? The super-divine Beast has been extinct?”

Able to move unhindered The world saw this scene, the eyes narrowed, shocked and shouted.


“It is rumored that there are two forms in Kunpeng. One kind is a scorpion, a male tyrant, and another one is Peng, and it is proud of nine days. Once the two are merged, they can easily dominate the sea and air.”

“It is rumored that Peng Peng is the deadly enemy of True Dragon. In normally, they all use Dragon Race as food.”

“What!” can to move unhindered.

Surprised by the two people.

Kun Peng and Lei Long launched a fierce fight and swallow.

For a moment.

Over the area of ​​the minefield, there is an amazing phenomenon.

Lei Long beats the sky.

鲲鹏 tear the dragon!

The war is not a pleasure.

Can to move unhindered 百里able to move unhindered the world two people, this battle ** and, have to back thousands of miles, barely being affected.

Great war The duration of the duration is not long.

The dragon dragon is powerful and huge.

At the moment the battle begins, it is suppressed.

To be precise, it is more like being restrained. It has been torn by Kuangpeng, and the body shape is shrinking.

Follow this rhythm.

It will not be long before the brontosaurus will disappear completely.

“The world, what do we do next?”

“Of course it’s robbing the treasure! Divine Weapon is so powerful, only the one in his hand is the most reliable. And, the fellow is only trivial 6-Star, and there is any qualification to handle these Divine Artifact.”

Able to move unhindered The world is cold.

“It seems that it is time to snatch the fruits of victory!”

“Then let him see and see, we can to move unhindered home!”


On Battleship.

Zhao Fang stood up with his hands and looked at the sky, looking at the fierce battles of Peng Peng and Lei Long.


Zhao Fang seems to be aware of it, turning his head and blinking somewhere, his lips reveal a trace of meaningful smile.

“Is it finally to reveal my true colors?”

The words fall.

Two strange forces emerged and approached Zhao Fang.

Able to move unhindered world, can to move unhindered The silhouette of the hundred miles, is also quietly appearing, straight to Zhao Fang, eye killing intent able to move unhindered.


Two people suddenly joined forces, and Strength instantly exploded.

Originally the two people of the 9-Star cultivation base, in the all of a sudden, the Strength reached the 1-Star Ancestral God level.

Take this at the same time.

They are like a fast leopard, open their claws, and attack Zhao Fang, wanting to kill and kill.

“On this point, strength, dare to do it to me?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a trace of disdain.

Feel free to raise your hand, did not dispatch any Divine Artifact, and did not use any Divine Skill, just simple, even a single punch, rushed to the front of the easy to move unhindered hundred miles.

Kā cā !

One hit, can to move unhindered.


Able to move unhindered A hundred miles shocked, “It’s just a punch, there is such a strong force, is this fellow a monster?”


The prejudgment error of Zhao Fang made him suffer a big loss.

Able to move unhindered The look of the world is even more a haze, but he is still calm, “I can hold Tier-8 Divine Artifact, your Strength, indeed different common, I just expected, but still underestimate you!”

“Tier-8 Divine Artifact ?”

Zhao Fang laughed. “Is this the reason you started?”

“The husband is guilty of sin, you know, Tier-8 artifacts, in Primal Chaos, the ancient universe, that is Peak Divine Weapon, has always been in the hands of the kingdom of God, common Influence, see no see. ”

“I met such Divine Weapon, and I was alone. How do you say that we are not tempted?”

Zhao Fang clicked on nod. “It’s me, I will be tempted!”

“But you are too weak!”

Zhao Fang’s words are deeply stimulating to be able to move unhindered two people. “You are too arrogant, let you see and see, we can to move unhindered the real secret technique!”

Able to move unhindered The world is fierce, with a bloody sword, aura is unchanged, but the sharpness of the killing intent, but it is almost 3-Star Ancestral God.


Zhao Fang picked up his eyebrows and still had a relaxed attitude. “But it is not enough!”

While speaking.

He made another punch, Divine Strength rushed to the double fist, wanting to help him complete the double kill.

At this time DD


Zhao Fang A Jade Talisman hanging from his waist suddenly flashed.

“This is…I give White Xiaochun’s Sound Transmission Talisman?”

Zhao Fang thought about it.

The right fist is still rushing in and straightforward.

The left hand took off the Sound Transmission Talisman, Divine Sense swayed, and Bai Xiaochun was full of worry and horror, and even a crying voice, clearly introduced into Zhao Fang’s ear.

“Zhao Fang, come and save us! Elder Sister is dying…”

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