The first thousand six hundred and thirteenth chapter of the Qing Dynasty Country Lord, coming!

“It’s awesome, but it’s just that!”

Some High-General in front of the Third Prince, seeing the situation, can not help but relax, play with a laugh.

Only Confucian will frowns.

“Lin Ru, what’s wrong?” asked Third Prince.

“I always feel that something is wrong?”

“Where is it wrong?”

“I didn’t think of it for a while.”

“You shouldn’t think that the fellow is in the trap of my big iron ride, can you still get out?”

Third Prince said, “He can beat the majesty in an instant, indeed it is beyond the expectations of this Prince, but it is just nothing more. The strength of the Daqing Iron Rider, in addition to the Country Lord ranked characters, few people can live.”

“That said, but I always feel that this seems to be a bit too smooth!” Lin Ru still said his feelings.


“According to intelligence, this Zhao Fang, there should be three ancestors, when they deal with the Magic Cloud Palace master, they use two, and now…”

Lin Ru said that he was worried.

Third Prince looked at the micro-coagulation, and immediately looked calm. He said: “Even if he still hides other means, once he is surrounded by the Daqing Iron Rider, even if he can use the three artifacts at the same time, it is not enough!”

Lei Ling Kuangpeng was forced into the corner, and the damage caused was getting weaker and weaker.

Everything seems to be the same as that of Third Prince. Zhao Fang is trapped and can no longer get away.

Lin Ru is still worried, his eyes are full of purple awns, and he is staring at the big iron ride abyss.

It seems that through the heavy figures, I can see Zhao Fang, who is still in the trap, still standing with his hands and looking calm.

Zhao Fang looked at the swarming army and laughed.

“It’s really some fighting power. But if you want to reach the invincible, it’s a bit overwhelming!”

Zhao Fang is not in a hurry, releasing the heaven and earth inside the royal product.

Inside the heaven and earth, there is a knife, but the blade is awkward.

This is a blade.

The knife pen is not surprising, there is no color.

If you really want to say.

It is the whole body of the knife and pen, which implies a kind of arrogance.

Common Demon Ghosts, once they are close to the knife, they will be strangled by the arrogance of the knife.

“I should not have the slightest meaning of Kongmen, but the power of heaven and earth to activate the Spring and Autumn Knife, can still be done.”

When I saw the Daqing Iron Ride, Zhao Fang thought of the child 曰Heavenly Dao exhibited by Confucius.

“Let the Palace Lord see if it is invincible, or the child, Heavenly Dao, is stronger! Attack, the pen is Ma Liang!”

The knife and pen have acted.

In the heaven and earth, I wrote a sentence.

“Hundreds of people are being bladed, and they are trapped in chaos; thousands of people are bladed, and the enemy is killed; thousands of people are bladed, and they are in the world!”

The word out, the power of endless heaven and earth, suddenly condensed under the pen.

The wind is raging, and there are nearly 10,000 armored sharps, aura ice-cold, and the black armor of the human eye does not appear.


This abrupt scene, all of a sudden in midair.

Not only did Lin Ru see it.

Third Prince also saw it.

Even the Bai Family sisters, who looked a little desperate by the window, saw it.

They look different, and their eyes are filled with shock and a stunned look.

“This, how can he have the spring and autumn knives of Confucius? Could it be that he is Kongmen discipline?”

Lin Ru yelled, and there was an incredible look in the purple scorpion.


Tens of thousands of black cavalrymen went out to heaven and earth, and smashed with the Daqing Iron Rider.

What surprised Third Prince was that.

This tens of thousands of black cavalry written by the spring and autumn knives, in terms of combat power, is not inferior to the big iron ride.

Even slightly stronger!

The attack of the Daqing Iron Rider was suppressed!

“how can it like like this?”

“who are you?”

The Third Prince can no longer be calm, he stared at the self-killing cavalry, such as Zhao Fang, solemnly asked.

“I am who I am, the brightest star in the Immortal Palace.”

“What the hell?” Third Prince had two black lines on his forehead.

“This Prince asked you, are you not related to Confucius?”


Zhao Fang startled, when I saw the complex look of Lin Ru and others, I laughed. “Reassured, I have nothing to do with Kongmen. You can let go and don’t worry about being retaliated!”


Waiting for Third Prince and others to relax, Zhao Fang said with a laugh, “With you, I can’t help me, and I can’t avenge me. Because, you are going to die Ah today!”

“arrogant !”

Lin Ru is coldly snorted, “Since it is not Kongmen discipline, there is nothing to say, accept death!”

A chessboard shrouded Zhao Fang and pulled him directly into the board World.

See you, General, who has not yet started, and Third Prince himself, gave a slight breath.

“Mr. Lin’s board World is his own heaven and earth, but no one has ever lived out of it since he was involved…”

Voice DD

Linru complexion suddenly changed, abnormally pale.

“That’s because he didn’t meet me before.”

Zhao Fang, who is on the chessboard and surrounded by chess pieces, will be taken out at any time, and will be taken out to the holy dragon knife.


All the pieces are broken.

These pieces are all cast by Lin Ru spent most of his life, destroying one is not a small blow to him, let alone all destroyed.

In an instant.

Lin Ru seems to be damaged by the heart, the body is trembled, and there is blood seepage in the lips.

But if he didn’t realize it, he just stared at Zhao Fang, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Zhao Fang didn’t care.

To the Holy Dragon’s knife, the second knife was taken.

Kā cā ~

There is a deep crack in the board world, terrifying Blade Qi is permeated in the crack above, even if Lin Ru wants to repair, there is nothing to do.


It’s two more.

To the extreme, there is no chance to breathe.

Lin Che, the hard-pressed board of the world, fell directly with a knife.

The collapse of the board World has caused Lin Ru to suffer serious internal injuries.


Lin Ru spurted the blood, the injury was completely bursting, and he could no longer suppress it. He was subjected to heavy injury on the spot.

“What? The board World is broken!”

“damned, what is this fellow?”

The Generals were shocked.

Third Prince frowned and looked at Lin Ru.

Linru complexion pale: “This person has no battle power, look at the kingdom of God, can compete against this person, only…”

“This Prince knows. You feel peace of mind!”

Third Prince nod.

Lin Ru retired and the guards were on the side of Third Prince.

Even so, Third Prince doesn’t feel any sense of security.

Because, Zhao Fang is coming to him one step.

The person is not near, the overbearing killing intent wrapped in the holy dragon knife, the imposing manner of smashing everything, has come!

Even if the cultivation base has breakthrough Ancestral God level’s Third Prince, when he faced the Dragon Dragon Blade, he still felt flustered.

“It seems that I really underestimated you!”

Third Prince looked at Zhao Fang, expressionless. “However, do you really think that this Prince has only these preparations?”

Words out.

Third Prince violently removed the chest pendant and shredded it.

At the time of the golden light, the blood essence is forced to drip.

The blood essence is mixed in the golden light, like a fire in a pasture that has been drenched with gasoline.

The ‘bang’ sounded, the golden light reunited, and a golden light silhouette that seemed to crush the entire piece of heaven and earth, slowly re-emerged during the reorganization.


A mighty dignity sound came from the golden light silhouette.

“When you wait for the people, you dare to be enemies with the kingdom of God!”

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