The first thousand six hundred and fourteen chapters of the gold Tai Chi! Clone?


Overbearing The majestic aura, like the Collapsing Mountain tsunami, pervades from the golden light silhouette within the body.

As the silhouette becomes more solid, the aura becomes more dignity and more terrifying.

For this aura, Zhao Fang is no stranger.

The day.

Yu Wenxuan once summoned an Ancestral God Clone.

Ancestral God Clone comes with aura, the same as the aura of the dignity silhouette in front of it.


The aura of the dignity silhouette in front of it is more concise and more terrifying.

If you really want to compare.

Aura of Ancestral God Clone is like a newborn baby.

The current dignity silhouette is the body quality and other aspects, all reach the peak of the prime.

There is no comparability at all.

“The Lord of the Kingdom of God?”

Zhao Fang raised his eyes and looked at the increasingly solid silhouette. Although he was not the first time to meet, he still felt terrified.

At the same time, there is still a trace of doubt in my heart.

With that dignity silhouette, completely turned into a head-top, foot-to-ground, backed by the Milky Way, dignity invincible invincible Country Lord, the doubts, become more intense.

“From the perspective of Strength, it should be this Venerable, but always feel that this is not this Venerable, weird!”

According to Zhao Fang, the Strength of the Country Lord of the Kingdom of God basically stayed at the Ancestral God Middle Stage.

The Strength of the Lord of the Kingdom of God is in line with this.

“When you wait for the people, you dare to be enemies with the kingdom of God!”

The master of the Qing Dynasty, the pair of eyes that are comparable to the stars, coldly staring at Zhao Fang, full of the dignity of the emperor and the oppression of the Powerhouse.

This kind of aura is the evil dragon of the same 6-Star Ancestral God.


After the evil dragon returns to peak strength, it can also have this oppressive manner.

“Who are you?” Zhao Fang body micro bow.

Not respectful, but a hungry wolf that is facing the tiger, looking for a captureable fighter.

“This Sir, the Lord of the Qing Dynasty, Kim Taiji!”

Kim Tae-jung is indifferent to start to talk, and its sound is like a thunder, and it bursts in Starry Sky.

Almost half of the people of the Great Qing Kingdom heard this.

Some devout citizens, squatting, screaming Country Lord Divine Might.

“Golden Tai Chi?”

“Da Qing Shen Guo is not a surname Yu Wen? When did you change your surname?”

Zhao Fang does not understand.

This matter is not a secret in the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

It is reported that This is the current rule set by the Country Lord.

Prince can only follow his surname, but once he is established as a prince, or becomes a Country Lord, he can change his surname.

Before Kim Tae-Jung did not become the Country Lord, it was called Yuwen Taiji.

As for why he will set this rule, many people can’t say why.

But the impact is not big.

Over time, I didn’t care.

“impudent !this Sir’s name, is your trivial God Lord can call directly?”

Kim is so angry that the moment the sound is transmitted, an extremely tyrannical Divine Sense, straight into the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness, looks like it is to crush the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness into a powder.

Let Zhao Fang be the walking dead without consciousness!


Zhao Fang eyes are cold.

But the take action is also unrelenting.

As the Divine Senseflu just rushed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the raft tower appeared, suppressing the Divine Sense volts, and then using the Swallowing Spirit method to turn its swallow into a part of its own divine sense.


Kim Tai Chi was a little surprised.

“Floating Tower, and Swallowing Spirit **……who are you?” Kim Tai Chi complexion solemn.

“Kill your people!”

Zhao Fang didn’t want to be so arrogant.

The gold Tai Chi is too overbearing, and the move of Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely irritating Zhao Fang.

If his Sea of ​​Consciousness is guarded by the raft tower, the previous wave of Divine Sense can certainly be blocked, and it will certainly pay a heavy price.

“arrogant !”

Kim Tai Chi is coldly snorted. “Your cultivation base is too weak. Even if you have three artifacts, you can’t play all of them. In front of this Sir, you are just a child with Divine Weapon.”

“6-Star Ancestral God is not killing, you have a wool!”

Zhao Fang sneered.

“act recklessly !”

There is a sword in the hands of Kim Taiji.

A unique long sword combined by countless mountains, Wanfang heaven and earth.

Sword out.

It seems that there are countless mountains and rivers coming together to crush Zhao Fang into pieces.

“This pressure is not ordinary 6-Star Ancestral God!”

Zhao Fang was secretly scared.

6-Star Ancestral God, he didn’t have to deal with it, but he didn’t have any one, which made him so solemn.

“Golden Tai Chi Worthy is the Lord of the Kingdom of God, a bit of a skill! However, this Palace Lord is not a vegetarian!”

On the occasion of coldly snorted, Zhao Fang handed to the holy dragon knife and went straight to the gold tai chi.

The Blade’s Blade Qi seems to tear Starry Sky, even though Kim Taiji is 6-Star Ancestral God, and he does not dare to neglect the attack of the Holy Dragon.

Long sword cross-hit, and hit the holy dragon knife.

All of a sudden.

The dazzling golden glow, sprinkled from the collision of the sword.

In this split second.

Sky is like a meteor shower, unusually magnificent and beautiful!


Zhao Fang Daxie, inside the lightning ball at the top of the Thunder Scepter, the lightning creaked, turned into a path of amazing Thunder force, gathered in the sky above the head of Zhao Fang.

Countless Lightning Snake wanders and tears Starry Sky, condensing an unusually fascinating Great Ominous.


Xiao Peng shouted.

It is a thunderstorm that is more terrifying than a dozen Ancestral God robbings.


Kim Tae-jung saw this scene and looked up.

The mountain river long sword was dragged by the holy dragon knife and could not be pulled out.

Eyes look at Lei Ling Peng Peng, Jin Taiji hands, the Starry Sky in front of him seems to become a star river, a lot of ripple ripple.

Jin Taiji copied into the Milky Way and ended up with two more fish in his hand.

One black and one white.

Like a pair of yin and yang fish.

“Tai Chi, open!”

A huge disc phantom appeared in front of Kim Tai Chi.

Immediately, the yin and yang fish jumped into the disc phantom and turned into the power of yin and yang.

A Tai Chi pattern appears on the disc above.

“The Country Lord actually used the Tai Chi, is it that this fellow is so tricky?”

Third Prince looked a little shocked.

A long time behind the Country Lord, he also knows a few big killing moves of the Country Lord.

Kyushu Wanfangjian is one.

The Tai Chi Yin Yang Pan is another one.

Common with the same level.

The Country Lord can win every time he uses one brake.

As I did today, I used two scenes at a time, and Third Prince saw it at first time.

What makes him feel strange is that.

These two Divine Weapons did not break out of real might!

Third Prince can’t understand why this is for what.

If his divine sense can be sharper, he will be able to detect that the color of doubt in the gold Taiji look.

‘I don’t know why, from the beginning of the battle, that brat, emits a aura that makes this Country Lord very uneasy. What kind of power is this? Is it true that there is something on the fellow that makes the Country Lord fear? ? ‘

Instinctively, Jin Taiji does not believe this fact.

‘Ning is credible and it is not credible. This Country Lord this Venerable can’t be lost. This time, let him go. The next time the Country Lord needs to use the power of the kingdom of God, kill it in one fell swoop! ‘

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