The first chapter of the six hundred and fifteenth chapter of the power of the national transport!

“You made this Country Lord unexpected. But if you fight again, you will die.”

“This Country Lord doesn’t want to be said to be bullying. Let’s put a horse for you today. If you have any objections, you can go to the Primal Chaos community in Shengjing to find this Country Lord!”

The words fell, the huge silhouette of Kim Tai Chi, blasted open.

The golden light of the sky, such as the rising sun, sprinkled on Starry Sky, shrouded the audience!

Wait until the golden light disappears.

Zhao Fang looked at it again.

Third Prince, Daqing Iron Ride, all disappeared!

Zhao Fang looked into the distance and frowned.

The Bai Family sisters in front of Shen Yuelou’s window, seeing this scene, are dumbfounded.

At first, when I saw Kim Tai Chi now behind, they felt that they had a good chance of winning and even prepared for sacrifice.

Never thought about it.

The Qing Dynasty Country Lord has withdrawn.

Of course, This is a more correct statement. If you are standing on the side of Zhao Fang, the Qing Country Lord is obviously escaping.


What they can’t understand is that.

With the tyrannical of the other party, why did you withdraw without a reason?

Is it even the Lord of the Qing Dynasty, who is not sure to win Zhao Fang?

Think of it here.

The Bai Family sisters looked at each other and immediately shook their heads, feeling that they were too ridiculous.

“Although does not know why the Lord of the Kingdom of God does not fight, but one thing is certain, Shen Yuelou did not become the place where my Bai Ziyue was buried. We… saved!”


Bai Xiaochun forced nod and agreed with Elder Sister.

Call ~

Zhao Fang in the distance, like a gust of wind, quietly appeared in the window.

After sweeping the white purple moon, Zhao Fang threw a bottle of Pill Medicine, “take, can resolve your injury!”

“Thank you!”

After hesitating, Bai Ziyue took over Pill Medicine and thanked him.

After taking Pill Medicine, the face of Bai Ziyue really recovered a lot.

Although still pale, compared to the paleness of the previous pathological, in the paleness of the moment, it is a trace of ruddy.

“Zhao Young master, the help of life, no teeth unforgettable.” Bai Xiaochun suddenly ‘噗通’ 面前 in front of Zhao Fang, his face is full of moving expression.

Bai Ziyue did not stop.

Strictly speaking, two people and Zhao Fang did not have a good relationship.

But the other party can make a mistake because of Bai Xiaochun, and he is willing to take risks with the whole Qing Dynasty. This makes their sisters, grateful at the same time, very touched!


I was saved myself this time.

Even the previous Zhao Fang gave her a bad image.

She can ignore it and define Zhao Fang as ‘the cutest person’.

Zhao Fang helped Bai Xiaochun.

“You don’t have to be like this. If you say it, I am still tired of you. If it is not for my sake, you will not be eyeing the Daqing Kingdom.”

Two people naturally understand this.

But they are more aware that the Qing Dynasty has long been calculating them.

To be precise, calculate Clan behind them.

Otherwise, it will not let Chu Yunzhen and Bai Ziyue strengthen the marriage.

Even if they are not affected by Zhao Fang this time, they will be settled by the god country next time. At that time, can they survive, or two.

“Right, you know Kim is too extreme, why are you rushing away?”

Zhao Fang suddenly asked.

Bai Xiaochun shook his head.

She is a little girl who has just stepped out of the ivory tower. The experience of swaying the rivers and lakes is basically negligible.

Zhao Fang did not expect any useful news from her.

The main question he asked was Bai Ziyue.

Bai Ziyue was silent, and looked up: “I don’t know the specific reasons. But if one day, you really want revenge, don’t go to the Primal Chaos world.”


“In Shengjing, the three words of Jin Taiji are equal to invincible!”

Bai Ziyue said solemnly, “The reason why the Kingdom of God is called the Kingdom of God is not only the vastness of their Earth domain, but the most important reason is that the Kingdom of God has gathered the power of the ‘national movement’ from the major Primal Chaos.”

“The power of the national transport?” Zhao Fang stunned.

“The power of the national transport, the initial illusory, can be converged into the rivers and seas, it is an extremely terrifying power, which is the foundation of the kingdom of God. The more the tyrannical god country, the stronger the power of the national movement!”

“What does this have to do with the invincibility of Kim Tae-jung? Is it the power of this national movement that can also amplify the power of Kim Tae-jung?”

Zhao Fang thought of a bit, brows slightly wrinkle.

“Not bad.” Bai Ziyue nod, “The power of the national movement, although not Divine Strength, once the control is applied, the power is not inferior to Divine Strength. Most of the power of the country of the kingdom is only spread in the country, and some are slightly stronger. The Kingdom of God can affect several Primal Chaos circles near the country.”

“The real Top Level of the Kingdom of God, the power of the national movement spreads all Territory in the Kingdom of God, turning the Kingdom of God into the Heaven and Earth of the Country Lord, killing and killing, all under the control of the Country Lord.”

“This is not to say. Once the Country Lord mobilizes the power of the national movement, and integrates with itself, the combat power will be promoted to an extremely amazing Realm.”

Zhao Fang asked, “Golden Tai Chi integrates the power of national transport, can reach 7-Star Ancestral God?”

Bai Ziyue shook his head.

Zhao Fang expression, “8-Star Ancestral God?”

Bai Ziyue shook his head again, not waiting for the Complexion big change Zhao Fang start to talk, she slowly said, “It is 9-Star Ancestral God !”


Zhao Fang is not calm.

“The power of a national movement, directly add 3-Layer cultivation base, do you want to be so fierce?”

You know, after stepping into Ancestral God Realm, it’s very difficult to mention the promote one level.

From the majority of Ancestral God’s penances 1000-year, you can still see that after upgrading to Ancestral God, there is no upgrade, it is extremely difficult.

“However, this integration has advantages and disadvantages for Kim Tae-jung. No means of this will be used by any country of God at the end of life and death.”

White purple moon road.

“damn it, Xin lost just didn’t chase!”

Zhao Fang took a sigh of relief. “I said how the turtle and the grandson ran so fast, and let I’ll go to Shengjing to find him. 80% felt that I couldn’t do it. I wanted to use the power of the national movement to suppress me and then seek me. The three pieces of the artifact, Jin Taiji, this Old Wang eight, the real calculation of the real mother!”

Wen Yan.

Bai Ziyue did not move his eyes and squinted at Zhao Fang.

I thought that Zhao Fang was a courageous man.

But nowadays, Zhao Fang’s mind is more flexible than her imagination.

“Where are you going? I am sending you!”

“This, not so good?” Bai Ziyue is somewhat reserved.

“Golden Taiji just retired temporarily, no one knows when he will make a comeback…”

“That will trouble you!”

Zhao Fang is also speechless, and the attitude of Bai Ziyue is changing too fast.

However, when he learned where the two people were going, Zhao Fang was still stunned.

“What is the relationship between the colorful Primal Chaos world and the Rainbow Domain?”

“Hey? How do you know, the name of the colorful Primal Chaos world?” Bai Xiaochun was surprised.


“It has been a long time. Since being divided into the colorful Primal Chaos, outsiders are the name. Only the people born in the Rainbow Domain will habitually call the Rainbow Domain.” Bai Xiaochun explained with a smile.

“No wonder I have never heard of the Rainbow Domain, I have only heard of the colorful Primal Chaos.” Zhao Fang murmured.

“what did you say?”

“Ah~ nothing. I ask you one thing, you must answer it seriously.”

Zhao Fang stares at the Bai Family sisters.

Two people frown, do not understand why Zhao Fang became so serious, but also seriously look at Zhao Fang.

“You, have you heard the name Ni Chang?”

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