Chapter 1,616 Brat, take your hand!

“Ni Chang?”

Bai Family sisters thought for a moment, facing the eyes of Zhao Fang, they shook their heads.

“What about the phoenix?”

Bai Family sisters shook their heads again.

Upon seeing, Zhao Fang frowned. “How can it like this?”

“Zhao Young master, the two you said, is the same person?” Bai Ziyue asked.

Zhao Fang nod.

“Then she was born in the Influence? As long as it is the people of the colorful Primal Chaos, we can find out the Bai Family.” When Bai Ziyue said this, his expression had a faint pride.

“This… I don’t know too well.” Zhao Fang smiled.

He thought that Ni Chang was very famous in the Rainbow Domain.

Now it seems that I think more about it.

“hehe, Zhao Young master don’t have to worry, maybe to the Rainbow Domain, there is a way.” Bai Xiaochun comforted.

“It’s only now that it is.”

Zhao Fang can see it, and he doesn’t care much.

“Right, which god country is the colorful Primal Chaos world?”

Zhao Fang asked.

Bai Xiaochun sees that Zhao Fang is extremely interested in the colorful Primal Chaos community, like opening a scorpion, and telling about the colorful Primal Chaos community.

The colorful Primal Chaos sector has a special geographical location, although it is in the Territory range of the Qing Dynasty.

But in a strict sense, the Daqing Kingdom has no jurisdiction!

It is different from the heavens and the wild.

Master of the Heavenly Kingdom is Xu Tianhuang who was born in the Immemorial Star.

The colorful Primal Chaos world is controlled by several local Great Influences, and there is no strongest Ruler in the plain sense.

More complicated is.

These several influences have the shadow of the great kingdoms behind them.

“able to move unhindered home, black soil home, yin and yang home, farmer, collectively known as the colorful Primal Chaos, Four Great Clans, Strong is only inferior to the gods.”

“Of course, in addition to this Four Great Clans, there are some more detached Hidden World’s influences in the colorful Primal Chaos world. It is not to be underestimated…”

Bai Xiaochun said innocently, there is no hint of concealment.

White Purple Moon rarely starts to talk.

A start to talk is to side-click and explore the identity of Zhao Fang.

But they were all smothered by Zhao Fang in a few words.

As the goddess Supreme Talent, Bai Ziyue is not only natural talent, but also smart.

In Zhao Fang, the great war, the Palace Master, the Ancestral God Middle Stage Overlord Level, and the Ancestral God Middle Stage Overlord Level are all in the air.

Bai Ziyue had some guesses about his identity.

After some contact, she confirmed her guess.

‘This Zhao Fang, should be the super genius of a holy place to practice. Otherwise, he is impossible to the situation of Primal Chaos, the darkness of the universe, and the strength of the battle! ‘

Think of it here.

Bai Ziyue’s attitude towards Zhao Fang has changed slightly.

From the beginning of the cold arrogance, to the gratefulness after being rescued, and now the friendly enthusiasm, it shows that Bai Ziyue is slowly changing to Zhao Fang.


In a few conversations.

More euphemistically want to recruit Zhao Fang.

But they were all laughed at by Zhao Fang.

In this regard.

Bai Ziyue was somewhat disappointed, but did not give up.

‘Bai Family is in the colorful Primal Chaos landscape, but in fact, it is the fat of the gods in the eyes. This time, Clan’s marriage to Chu Yunqi is to rely on the backing of the Qing Dynasty. ‘

‘But Chu Yun died, Clan’s wish fell through, and was hated by the Qing Dynasty. Once the Qing Dynasty regained revenge, Bai Family could not resist it. ‘

‘According to the temperament of the people in the family, the best result is to send our sisters out and contact other influences to counter the Qing Dynasty. ‘

Bai Ziyue picked up the fist slightly.

As a arrogant woman, she does not like this kind of Clan as a chess piece to exchange interests with others.

But because of the special feelings for Clan.

It is also unlikely that she will give up Clan completely.

and so.

After learning that Zhao Fang might be a holy place, she got her mind and wanted to drag Zhao Fang to Bai Family War Chariot.


On a night.

Do not hesitate to send a hug, take the initiative to lure.

Zhao Fang is not a gentleman, he has never been so self-sufficient.

The fat to the mouth, there is no reason to let go.

Coupled with the arrival of Primal Chaos, it has always been a vegetarian. It is rare to eat meat and betrayed Bai Ziyue.

It made her almost unable to get out of bed the next day.

Bai Xiaochun was very naive and didn’t even see the clues. He just mistakenly thought that Elder Sister’s injury did not completely heal.

This is true.

The body has added a ‘wound’ that cannot be bridged.

Since then, two people have often sought. Huan.

Bai Xiaochun is stupid, and he also sees some clues.

Sometimes the look of Bai Ziyue is very complicated, there is helplessness, admire, and a trace envy.

Two months later.

Battleship descends near the colorful Primal Chaos.

Look from a distance.

The colorful Primal Chaos world is like a huge star wrapped in colorful rays of light.

The star has many plants that are different.

Even the aura on the stars is very different from other places.

“What about the power of the stars?”

Zhao Fang seems to have noticed something and is slightly surprised.

“There is some relationship with the power of the stars.” Bai Ziyue did not know when, came to Zhao Fang, nod Road.

Zhao Fang glanced at her, and her greed in her eyes was not disguised.

Bai Ziyue looked at him, but he quickly lost.

Even if she is not a ** state at the moment, she also has the feeling of shame that she can’t be filmed and played by the other side.

“Don’t be like this, Xiaochun is still looking at.” Bai Ziyue whispered.

Zhao Fang smiled and regained his gaze, but the palm of his hand was concealed in the white purple moon and abdomen.

That one.

He even felt that the entire body of Bai Ziyue was stiff.

“Elder Sister.”

Bai Xiaochun ran over and excited: “I am ready to send a message to Clan, they will come to pick us up soon… Hey, Elder Sister, how is your face so hot? Is the body uncomfortable?”

Said, stick out a small hand, it must be posted on the forehead of Bai Ziyue.

“Little pure.”

Bai Ziyue quickly called.

Because it was too tight, the sound became a bit unnatural.

Bai Xiaochun was frighten by Elder Sister’s sudden cry, standing in the same place, staring at Bai Ziyue.


She seems to understand something.

A small face gushes out a trace blush, stunned Zhao Fang and left a sentence. 氓 ‘, turned and ran away.

“When you look at you, let Xiaochun see it. I will be in front of her, where can I still have Ddentity of Elder Sister?” Bai Ziyue was a little annoyed.

“What do you mean, just let her not see it next time?”

Zhao Fang laughed, his palms pressed against the white purple moon’s clothes, and grabbed the soft and soft flesh.

Bai Ziyue took a look at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang smiles more.

Eyes at Zhao Fang In the eyes of evil spirits, a live erotic palace is about to be staged.


Starry Sky at the front of Battleship, suddenly and violently fluctuation, with amazing Space power.

The next moment.

A huge transmission array, appeared on the front of the Battleship.

In the self-transmitting array, go out to a huge Battleship.

In front of the Battleship, Zhao Fang’s Battleship is like a creek to the sea, and there is no way to compare it.

“brat, take your hand!”

Zhao Fang hasn’t seen the Battleship, and there is an extreme angry scream in his ear.

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