The first thousand six hundred and eighty-eight chapters he is my women!

“I really can’t stand it.”

All of a sudden, which came out of the palm, came from a plain voice.

next moment.

In the warm palm of his hand, Lightning, Thunder Force Berserk, turned into a Thunder Dragon, blocking the two swords.

And in an instant, break the double sword and go straight to the move to move unhindered.

“how can it be?”

Can to move unhindered Duo Hsu’s eyes narrowed and looked shocked.

But the reaction is definitely not slow.

For a moment.

There are a dozen Dao Guang mans in front of him, rays of light, and an aspect is different, but look at them, those are the defense type Divine Object.



When Lei Long touched Zhongbao’s at the same time, it immediately burst into a shocking rumbled.

After a while.

The explosion pacified, and the front end of the giant great war ship was blown out of a huge gap.

This scene, seeing Bai Shiji’s pain at the same time, is very incomparable.

This Battleship is not an ordinary Battleship.

The entire Bai Family, but only a few more than more.

In order to entertainable to move unhindered, this big Young master brother, only deliberately pulled out.

Unexpectedly, not only did not find the big Young master’s favor, but actually damn was blown up.


In order to build this Battleship, Bai Family consumes resources, and the Battleship is extremely powerful, both in terms of defense and array.

Even 3-Star Ancestral God, for a moment, it is difficult to break.

It is such a Battleship.

Actually being confronted by the inconspicuous pretty boy, the brontosaurus released by the hand blasted half, how strong is the attack of the brontosaurus?

3-Star Ancestral God peak ?

Or 5-Star Ancestral God?

this moment.

Bai Shiji discovered that the person who has been ignored by himself has such a terrifying Strength.

‘Also, with the pride of Ziyue, if the other side is flat, how can you see it? ‘

I think I can think so.

But he can’t sit back and ignore it.

Especially in this case.

If it is easy to move unhindered, what Duo really has in front of himself, not only himself, but the entire Bai Family, is in great difficulty.

He quickly turned and looked.

The aftermath of the explosion is weakened.

At the center of the explosion, a silhouette of a difficult situation emerges.

The windy hair is like a chicken coop at home. It can be placed on the unhindered dushu.

He smashed his body black and black, as if he had just fished out of the ink pool, the difficult situation was incomparable, and there was a previous style and chic.


Able to move unhindered Dhow body 踉跄, back at the same time at the same time, a spurt of blood.

His complexion recovered a lot, but looked, but abnormal gloomy.

“You dare to do this with less, do you know who this is?”

Can to move unhindered Ducheon stares at Zhao Fang, looks sullen and full of hate.

At the time of start to talk, his palms hidden in behind’s palms froze, and a Secret Art was created. Secret Art used blood as a medium to form a bloody cross pattern, which disappeared in Void.

‘Help? ‘

Bai Shiji recognizes the pattern, which is a signal that can be moved to the unhindered home.

However, the common contact is the silver cross pattern of the ordinary.

The red cross pattern appears only when life and death Crisis is encountered.

‘damned, he shouldn’t want to bring that person! ‘

Baoshiji complexion ugly, think of the easy to move unhindered home Powerhouse who stayed in Bai Family and other news.

“You are a roadside wild dog, what are you doing with me?”

Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.


Able to move unhindered.

“Ziyue, let your friend apologize to Du Young master.” Bai Shiji said.

“White Elder.”

The white purple moon looks complicated.

She read what Bai Shiji did not finish.

Obviously, I don’t want Bai Family to provoke a move to move unhindered home.

“impossible.” Zhao Fang shook his head.

“Ziyue, you don’t want to be stubborn. Do you know what kind of risk it will bring to Clan?”

Bai Shiji is an old man, and he can see that Zhao Fang is not a good talker. He had to breakthrough from Bai Ziyue.

“hehe ……”

Can move to move unhindered Dushu sneer, “It seems that Bai Family is not without smart people? Bai Ziyue, this Young master gives you a chance, obediently roll to the front of this Young master, kneel down pray for this Young master forgive, This Young master can spare Bai Family, otherwise…hēi hēi ……”

Upon hearing this, Bai Shiji was as sinking as water.

The white purple moon is like a frost, and the look is cloudy.


She looked at Zhao Fang, who had always been calm and bold, and she rarely showed a trace of weakness.

Zhao Fang took Bai Ziyue into his arms, indifferently said: “Everything has me!”

The four words of simple seem to give the confidence of Bai Ziyue. She has nod and she regains her confidence.

Able to move unhindered Du Xiu sees this scene, the lungs are full of gas.

“Shameless slut, you guys…”

Able to move unhindered Du Fu’s words are not finished, and they feel a big terrifying to cover themselves.

Followed by.

He saw Zhao Fang staring at himself.

at that moment.

Able to move unhindered Dushu has an illusion.

I am no longer facing a person, but a Immemorial Barbarian Beast with a tyrannical cruel.


Able to move unhindered Dhow body can’t help but tremble.

Especially with Zhao Fang slowly stepping out, his body trembled more and more Li Hai.

“able to move unhindered? Despite this background, now, tell you something, give you a choice.”

“White Purple Moon is the mother of the Palace Lord. Any resolution of the Bai Family has nothing to do with me. You need to remember that from now on, she is my mother will be enough!”

“If you repeatedly swear by words and purple moon, then you can handle three hundred, let you long remember.”

Bai Shiji looked at Zhao Fang with a look at Idiot’s expression.

When you open your mouth, people open their mouths. Are you a god?

A scene that can happen next.

But let him stunned.

Zhao Fang had an internal Qi, which was able to move unhindered. The latter seemed to be stupid, and actually started to smoke his mouth.

啪 Bang!

The sound is loud.

A few slaps down, can to move unhindered the face of Du Xiu, swollen quickly.


Bai Shiji looked horrified and looked at Zhao Fang with wariness. “You, you applied the law to him?”


Zhao Fang smiled.

In fact, he only used the Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth nothing more on the to move unhindered.

“Come on, go on like this, it will bring you a big disaster.”

Bai Shiji did not know how to deal with Zhao Fang. He only hoped that the mountain could be shaken by Zhao Fang.

“This is easy to move unhindered. It is one of the colorful Primal Chaos, one of the Four Great Clans, to the unhindered family. It is an existence that you can’t provoke.”

Zhao Fang turned a deaf ear.

Ignore it.

Bai Shiji is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Just when Bai Shiji didn’t know how to solve it, an extreme tyrannical aura was shot from somewhere in the colorful Primal Chaos world, such as a shocking long rainbow, going straight to the position of to unhindered.

The long rainbow is not only amazing, but the speed is also very fast.

The moment before, it was just out of the colorful Primal Chaos world.

next moment.

It is only a few thousand miles away from Zhao Fang and others.

This distance, for Ancestral God Powerhouse, is a matter of thought.

“Who is impudent, but humiliating me can to move unhindered home, bully me to move to move unhindered home?”

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