The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapters are dissatisfied, hit your service!

The cold sound of Cold Ice.

It is like a storm.

Aura, which is solely owned by 4-Star Ancestral God peak, echoes under this Starry Sky.

A humpback old man shrouded in a black robe with an ugly face and a tail-tail appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

Just a little wave.

Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth blessed the power of the to move unhindered, and was abolished.

Can to move unhindered.

I also noticed the swollen face, the at the same time, and yelled at the old man in the black robe. “Red, give him less to capture him, and this is a waste of him!”

As he spoke, his whole person was slowly retreating, and he seemed to be so far away from Zhao Fang that he could feel peace of mind.

As can be seen.

Just now things, how deep psychological shadows left him.

“brat , who are you ?”

Akasaka is not in a hurry to do it, just staring at Zhao Fang, the light is cold.

He is not a move to move unhindered. As a very experienced Ancestral God-class Old Monster, the instinct of years of instinct tells him that you are not good at it.


By releasing the power of Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth, which was previously blessed in the to unhindered Duch, let him have a bit more wariness on Zhao Fang, at the same time.

“You ask me, I want to tell you?” Zhao Fang blinked his eyes and was extremely casual.

Akasaka light gloomy.

At this time



In the distance Starry Sky, there are several flowing lights galloping.

Came to the front, turned into a silhouette of five or six people.

“Shiji, what happened?”

Among the six, the black clothed middle-aged man who was headed asked.

“I have seen Patriarch.”

Bai Shiji is busy with salute.

Even when Bai Ziyue looked at the middle-aged man, it was slightly respectful.

“Ziyue.” Middle-aged people saw the white purple moon, face dignity.

“The uncle.”

Bai Ziyue respectfully complimented, even Bai Xiaochun, is also a regular salute.

Black clothed middle-aged, it is the Bai Family contemporary Patriarch, Bai Tu, 4-Star Ancestral God.

Although also 4-Star Ancestral God, but compared with Akasaka, he is obviously inferior, just Initial Entry 4-Star Ancestral God Realm nothing more.

The five or six people he is behind are Ancestral God Initial Stage.

Together with Bai Shiji, Bai Family’s Ancestral God Powerhouse is basically all over.

“Patriarch, things are like this.”

In the face of Bai Ziyue, Bai Shiji also has fun, no added fuel, just restore the things of just now.

Perhaps it is because of Akasaka.

For the easy to move unhindered, there is no mention of the anger.

After listening.

Bai Tu looked at Zhao Fang and his brow wrinkled. “Who is Your Excellency?”

Zhao Fang raised his brow and looked indifferent.

“Zhao Big Brother.”

Bai Xiaochun suddenly put on a pitiful expression and shook his head slightly.

See you.

Zhao Fang smiled and knew that the other party did not want to conflict with Bai Tu.

“Zhao Fang !”

Zhao Fang is flat.

If you don’t look at Bai Xiaochun’s face, Zhao Fang doesn’t even have the mind of Bai Tu.

Bai Tu naturally saw the clues and looked the same, but when he looked at Zhao Fang, his brow wrinkled slightly.

“Zhao Fang?”

He blinked, he can be sure.

I have not heard of this person with the information to be able to move unhindered.

There are two types of people who do not appear in the to to unhindered home information.

One kind does not flow in, there is no need to include it at all.

One kind is too detached, Strength background is far more than to to move unhindered home, can to move unhindered Home wants to include, there is no Strength and capital.

Look at Zhao Fang, Akasaka chose the former.

Zhao Fang’s words and deeds are not like the sacred discices he has ever seen.

“Hey, Old Man, no matter who you are, you can hurt my unmoted young master, and you can be guilty. Old Man Guess Heaven has a good life and gives you a chance. Self-binding, with I’ll go able to move unhindered, please sin, otherwise”

Chi Yinyin laughed twice.

Self-binding, go to sin?

Zhao Fang heard this, suddenly happy.

“What are you laughing at?” Akasaka complexion gloomy, as if it was greatly insulted.

“Are you brain-dead, change to be you, will you do it? And, with your trivial able to move unhindered home, what qualification does the Palace Lord ask for?”

Zhao Fang laughs.

“court death!”

Red anger, no more words.

But he was cautious, and he did not start for the first time, but looked at the Bai Family Powerhouse.

“White Patriarch, this thing, you Bai Family needs to give us a move to move unhindered.”

Wen Yan.

Bai Tu looked indifferent, nod said, “Red 蝎 assured, Bai Family will certainly give you a satisfactory answer.”

Immediately, he looked at the sisters of Bai Ziyue, his voice gradually became cold, and said: “Get me back!”

Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled and the subconscious went to Bai Tu.

The same is true for Bai Ziyue.

But just after one step, Zhao Fang was pressed in place.

“Little pure.”

The calm voice made Xiao Chun suddenly wake up.

She paused, looks at the white butcher of the dignity, and looked at the calm Zhao Fang, the childish face, revealing a trace bitter.

“You two, want to violate Clan’s order? Defend against this Patriarch?”

The white butcher sounds colder.


Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

“Oh, so disobedient and unfilial women, my Bai Family will not tolerate.”

“From now on, you are no longer a Bai Family person. In the future, regardless of the fate of life and death, it has nothing to do with Bai Family.”

Bai Tu has no feelings.

Bai Xiaochun Bai Ziyue sisters suddenly rose up, his body trembles, and some incredulously look at Bai Tu.

Obviously, I did not expect that the other party actually said such a thing.

“Don’t have any luck, this is my white butcher, with Patriarch’s right to drive you out of Bai Family!”

Bai Tu is cold.


I no longer pay attention to the two people in a daze, and turned to Akasaka. “Sorry, Clan has a disobedient filial piety, and let Akasaka see jokes. Marriage contract, we can talk again, my Bai Family is young and beautiful. Women’s ”

Akasaka is slightly frowned.

He counted on Bai Tu’s take action and first tried to explore Zhao Fang.

Unexpectedly, Bai Tushao did not keep his hands and directly expelled the Bai Ziyue sisters from the Bai Family and cleared the relationship.

In this case, even if you want to move unhindered home and want to settle accounts, you can’t find the handle of Bai Family.

A good white butcher of cunning.

The red light flashes slightly.

“If this is the case,” Akasaka stared at Zhao Fang, and he was cruel.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at him at all. He seemed to be comforting Bai Ziyue’s sister. Indifferently said: “No, Bai Family, don’t you, I will be your backing. From now on, no one can bully you!”

The words are calm, but contain extreme confidence!

“arrogant !”

Akasaka sneered.

Bai Tu is also a drooping eyelid.

Zhao Fang didn’t talk nonsense.

Just a Void Hand stroke, the Void in front of the Battleship splits open, a red-haired one-eyed man, coming out of the Void.

“I know that you are not satisfied. If so, then hit your service!”

Evil dragon one step out, proud Void, all internal Secretariat restrained, looks like an average person.

Akasaka, Bai Tu and others have a glance, but there is an extremely dangerous feeling like a mans on his back.

Who is this person? Give me the feeling, not inferior to patriarch? How can this be?

Akasaka was shocked.

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