The first thousand six hundred and twenty chapters of Sword Master Emperor!

White Patriarch, stop this person!

Otherwise, if the North Master Young master has anything, your Bai Family will be blamed.

Wen Yan, Bai Tu complexion ugly.

Akasaka can see that the evil dragon is not simple, and Bai Tu can naturally detect it.

At the same time, Bai Tu is more clear: Akasaka’s move is to use himself and Bai Family as cannon fodder to test the depth of the red-haired man.

However, Bai Family still can’t refuse.

Once rejected, it is equal to the previous strong men’s broken wrists to expel the Bai Ziyue sisters from the Bai Family, and the effort to clear the relationship has become a useless work.


Even with the whitening of cunning, I can’t help but be annoyed.

Damn it, I knew that it was such a sip of water, I damn my brain into the water and don’t go forward!

Unfortunately, regret is a bit late.

Akasaka brother, don’t stand by. Bai Tu turned and looked at Akasaka.

Akasaka did not speak, but the smile was extremely cold.

“excuse me!”

At the same time, Bai Bai’s start to talk, and the remaining Bai Family Ancestral God Powerhouse, together with Bai Shiji, were at the for a moment, showing their strongest means and swept away toward the evil dragon.

They know clearly that evil dragons are not their enemy.

If you don’t sacrifice the killing move, I am afraid that there is no qualification for the opponent.

Among several people, the White Strong Strongest holds a Tier-8 Low-Grade Divine Blade, which is comparable to the ordinary 4-Star Ancestral God Late Stage.

that’s it.

Bai Family Powerhouse, with Bai Tu as the center, forms the arrow square, wrapped in Berserk fighting intent, killing the evil dragon.


The evil dragon eye is cold.

For the swarming, the imposing manner is the white butang and others, just throwing a punch.

But this is the punch.

But it broke the luck of Bai Tu, let him once again realize the fear of being dominated.

A simple punch, without any arrogance overbearing.

However, there is a kind of imperative imposing manner.

All of a sudden in contact with Bai Tu.

The outbreak of boxing, a bloody True Dragon, came out and instantly suppressed Bai Tu and others.

No matter how hard they struggle, they can’t escape the fate of being dominated by the bloody True Dragon.

“trivial 4-Star Ancestral God, and dare to take action on Benlong, it’s really lively!”

The evil dragon looks cold, the blood color True Dragon roars, the blood claw sharpness, slamming, and the white butcher’s arm is pulled down.

White butcher is also a personal thing, enduring the pain of the heart, staring at the bloody True Dragon, in the eyes have hatred, but also a trace fear.

The evil dragon seems to be very human Dao Lord.

Did not let Bai Tu alone suffer pain alone.

to this end.

Bai Shiji and others have also been cut off by him.

Bai Family’s Ancestral God Powerhouse turned into a one-armed Powerhouse.

“Blood dragon? Is it a man of Wanlong nest?”

Akasaka saw this scene, shocked at the same time, and associated with the possible origin of the evil dragon.

In fact.

In the Primal Chaos, only the Wanlong Nest, the Ancestral God Powerhouse of this series can be born.

However, this fellow is a good face and has never been seen before.

Akasaka can’t guess the identity of the evil dragon, but he knows that the evil dragon is not what he can handle.

Eyes at the evil dragon one step step toward himself, can to move unhindered Duoshu has been scared to hide in the last party.

After the dark red cursed waste, forcing Soul Lock, like a dragon, he said: “It turned out to be a friend of Wanlong’s Nest. It was my rude. I used to be offended and asked Your Excellency to forgive.”

I heard this.

The evil dragon is still expressionless.

Bai Tu and others are angry.

Dog Day’s Akasaka, you let us play the striker, the result is that the opponent is not good to provoke, directly confess, have you damn so embarrassed?


Wan Long’s nest is still a word for Bai Family, and it’s a bitter smile.

For Bai Family, the easy to move unhindered is already an unbeatable Great Influences, not to mention the surpass able to move unhindered home, the god country, located in the Holy Land of the Primal Chaos.

Akasaka sees evil dragons, and the heart is not ge-deng.

This fellow is not really a Wanlong nest?

Just now that sentence, he just tried nothing more.

“Dare to ask Your Excellency how to call it?”

On the face of Akasaka gloomy, piled up a smile, such as the spring breeze.

Meet him.

It’s just a punch of evil dragons.

It is different from dealing with white butang and others.

The evil dragon’s fist can be described as killing intent able to move unhindered.

“Let’s be merciful, and your hands will be merciful.”

Akasaka waved his hand for mercy, and the evil dragon did not care, and the blood was punched and crashed.

At that time.

Strong as a red, my heart can not bear to be born a trace of fear.

At a critical juncture.

He sighed, the tail behind him, slammed out, emits with a strange purple awn, blocked in front of him.


A fierce punch, heavily squatting at the appendix, the scorpion is directly deformed by the sputum, and the junction of the condyle and the condyle appears a path of fine cracks.


The evil dragon is a little surprised.

Be aware that after refining the ancestral bone, your Strength and immediate return to two-thirds of the peak period.

Even a random punch is not blocked by the ordinary 4-Star Ancestral God.

After carefully looking at a few eyes, the evil dragon saw the clue. “There is a refining of the appendix into a divine sword, and there is also aura of the sword.”

The divine sword alone is simply unable to counter the punch.

But the appendix is ​​not a common divine sword, but it has the power of a sword.

Wen Yan.

At the same time, the identity of the evil dragon is also a certain affirmation of the identity of the evil dragon.

This person can break the secret of my sword in one word, and can see that it comes from the sword, it should be the top ten holy places, otherwise, there is no such eyesight.

As soon as I read this, the expression of pain and resentment on his face converges and swears: “Senior has a good eye, and junior is the Outer Disciple.”

When I said this, Akasaka’s respectful demeanor showed a sense of pride.

Sword 冢 Outer Disciple.

This has always been his pride!

He thought that after the evil dragon learned his identity, even if he did not show his expression of respect, he should have some convergence.

I know.

The evil dragon is only slightly frowning, indifferently spoke: “It turned out to be the abandonment of the sword! Ah!”

This sentence is considered to be a weak point in the poke.

His complexion was instantly ugly, and he was staring at the evil dragon.

“Speaking of it, I am not very familiar with the sword. The Sword Qi inside is too strong. I don’t like it.”

“However, I have a friend in it, you should have heard of it.”

“His name is called Emperor I.”


Akasaka body is stiff, eyes shrink, and incredulously looking at the evil dragon, “Sword Master Emperor?”

Sword Master, within the entire sword, is also one of the few existences.

It can be described as the highest level of the sword!

In front of such a person, the low-lying, like a mole cricket and ants.

“It turned out that the fellow was really a Sword Master.”

The evil dragon laughed and looked a little bit cherished.

“Before, senior, junior has an eye can’t recognize Mount Tai. Please see it in the sword, Raojunior once!”

Akasaka is directly in front of the evil dragon, tears in tears.

The evil dragon raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Fang.

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