The first chapter of the six hundred and twenty-three chapters unexpected encounter!

“who is it?”

Zhao Fang did not receive any response.

All around

Only swallow light insects creep, swallow light subtle sound.

Zhao Fang frowns.

He didn’t feel wrong, he just now, it is indeed Sense to have a divine sense fluctuation.


Zhao Fang said, but released the System search.

The result was very unexpected, and there was no query.

“Even System can’t find it, it’s weird here.”

Zhao Fang rubs his chin and takes out God Slayer Spear and moves on.

I don’t know how many miles I have traveled, how many hurricane airflows have been avoided, and fiercely swallowed insect nests.

Zhao Fang finally came to the abyss of the Milky Way, an innocent giant mountain.

The giant mountain is like a mountain of mountains, standing between heaven and earth.

Under the mountain of God.

The colorful rays of light are slightly weaker.

Zhao Fang was on the ground and saw several broken bones.

The bones are not the same as humans. They are obviously the ones who once explored the cracks in the Milky Way but died.

The more you go to the top of the mountain, the more bones on the ground, the more dense.

What makes Zhao Fang unexpected.

On this road, he did not encounter a slight wave of waves and blocking.

Unimpeded and came to the middle of the mountain.

“It seems a bit unscientific.”

The cheekbones along the way, like the murder of some fierce Divine Beast, were finally buried here.

I didn’t meet myself at all, was Luck bursting?

When thinking about Zhao Fang.

He finally encountered the first strange Divine Beast after entering the crack of the Milky Way.

The Divine Beast looks like a blue whale, but has a rhinoceros horn on its head.

It is transparent, blue, and has no flesh and blood aura.

At first glance, it is very beautiful.

But it’s aura of emits, but it’s not weak.

“Tier-8 Initial Stage ?”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the first Divine Beast that entered the crack of the Milky Way turned out to be Tier-8.

On this blue whale, there were three colors of red orange and yellow. When I saw Zhao Fang, I did not take the initiative to attack, but only called two.

That voice is unusually strange.

Like a griffin, like Tiger’s Roar, like a wolf, and even mixed with the screams of women.

When the sound comes.

Zhao Fang’s soul is trembled, and the divine sense seems to have encountered an unprecedented Crisis, Sea of ​​Consciousness.


“Warning Warning Player Sea of ​​Consciousness, encountering the black and white whales of the mysterious blue whale, the divine sense is traumatized”



After several reminders, Zhao Fang noticed that his divine sense was directly reduced by half in the call of the mysterious blue whale.

If it is not a critical moment, there is a floating tower to keep the mind.

His Sea of ​​Consciousness is afraid that it will be torn by the strange cry in an instant.

Even Zhao Fang was shocked.

To know.

This is just the noodle more than the random call of the mysterious blue whale.

If you let it go like this, even 6-Star Ancestral God, you must divine sense annihilation, become a living dead.

“Fuck, what the hell is this thing!”

Zhao Fang swallowed several Pill Medicines that restored the divine sense, and then stared at the mysterious blue whale.

The mysterious blue whale also stared at Zhao Fang and screamed.

Zhao Fang had suffered a loss, and how can it be the same mistake.

Directly close the six senses, and stick to the divine sense with the floating tower.

This is so.

Sea of ​​Consciousness is still affected.

“The snoring of this mysterious blue whale seems to be not only transmitted by the air alone?”

Zhao Fang is thoughtful.

“In any case, you can’t let it go.”

Said, Zhao Fang directly take action, ready to kill the mysterious blue whale.

The accident is.

Just a blow, the mysterious blue whale was broken up by the body.

Can be next second.

The countless spot is converged and it is restored again.

This is the case several times in a row.

Even Zhao Fang, nothing happened.

“It’s no wonder that none of the people who came in went out alive. Not to mention anything else, just such a mysterious blue whale is enough to kill most of Ancestral God.”

“What kind of galaxy cracks are in the end, not only nurturing hundreds of millions of tiny swallowing insects, but also blue whales that never die, and never die.”

this moment.

Zhao Fang has a strong curiosity about the cracks in the Milky Way.

The mysterious blue whale is once again paralyzed.

But the impact on Zhao Fang is minimal.

The Xuanzang Blue Whale is like the Zhao Fang bar, and keeps calling.

“damn it, I thought I couldn’t clean you up?”

Zhao Fang is also annoyed.

Directly take out a dark attribute treasure, the black curtain covers the sky, and the heaven and the earth inside the emperor launch, directly accept the mysterious blue whale.

In addition to the mysterious blue whale, there are countless swallowing insects.


The mysterious blue whale that lost its light support did not continue to survive this time.

Directly killed by Zhao Fang.

Also dead, there is a large area of ​​light worms.

But there is still a part left.

“This life of swallowing insects is tenacious, not only swallow light, but swallow darkness.”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

Later, this swallowing insect even wanted to swallow the inner and heaven inside the emperor.

It was completely devastated by Zhao Fang and was completely strangled.

“It seems that it is not a last resort, you can’t open the heaven and earth, and the swallowing insects are simply impenetrable!”

Zhao Fang frowned.

Hold up a flame light cover on the body and continue on.

On the way, I met again with a number of heads like beasts, but all of them were transparent and there was no flesh and blood of Divine Beast.

Aura is similar to the black-spotted whale.

These Divine Beasts are also good at sound and light attacks.

Zhao Fang is too lazy to ink with them and hide far away.


Those Divine Beast did not pursue Zhao Fang, and when he left, he returned to normal.

In this regard, Zhao Fang is more and more curious.

Near the top of the mountain.

Zhao Fang saw a grand star, the Main Hall.

Main Hall is based on countless stars, supplemented by seven color glow, and the casting is gorgeous and amazing.


Zhao Fang As soon as he approached, a coldly shouted came out of the Star Main Hall.

Followed by.

Aura, which is not inferior to Akasaka, rushed out of the Stars Main Hall.

in a blink.

It will not be far from Zhao Fang.

Someone comes with four people.

Headed by a temperament, not eating human fireworks, like the pure clothed women of Goddess.

Purple clothed women Waist wrapped in colorful scented belts, floating like a fairy.

The three people in her behind are all youth.

Looking at the eyes of the purple clothed women one by one, full of soft, loving look.

And these youth cultivation bases are all 4-Star Ancestral God.

There is one, even stronger than Akasaka, with a thorough breakthrough 5-Star Ancestral God.

As for the purple clothed women, her aura, extremely 晦涩, common explores Strength’s Technique, can’t see her true cultivation base.

But I can feel that this female Strong is very strong!

“who are you ?”

Purple clothed women coldly staring at Zhao Fang.

Trivial God Lord, can you come here? interesting.

Purple clothed women eyelid abyss, flashed a trace surprised.

“Your parents didn’t tell you, please ask your name before you ask someone else’s name.” Zhao Fang said flatly.

“impudent !”

Purple clothed women have not yet started to talk, their behind man, one by one with a anger staring at Zhao Fang.

“Trivial God Lord Level garbage, dare to talk to the purple charm Sir? Court death!”

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