The first thousand six hundred and twenty-four chapters of the hometown know!

“Trivial God Lord garbage, dare to speak to the purple charm Sir, court death!”

Purple clothed women behind, an 4-Star Ancestral God pointed to Zhao Fang and screamed.

The words fall.

There is a divine light, a cohesively shaped transparent Vicious Beast, which is bitten towards Zhao Fang.

These transparent Vicious Beasts are all condensed with light. The principle is similar to the mysterious blue whales. The only difference is that they are not as tricky as the mysterious blue whales.

After being killed several times by Zhao Fang, it disappeared completely.

“how can it be?”

The Ancestral God who took the action, looked a little shocked.

Not only him, but even purple clothed women, in the eyes also passed a touch of surprise.

‘Yang Zaichuan has only 4-Star Ancestral God cultivation base, but with that hand, it is enough to beat most 5-Star Ancestral God and even kill it. ‘

‘The front of this fellow, actually waving between the hands, to resolve these offensives, it is really shocking. ‘

Purple charm originally suspected that Zhao Fang could rely on the treasure to get to the Star Main Hall.

just now.

She is a bit convinced that Zhao Fang came in by himself.

“Hey! Waste!”

Purple clothed women 5-Star Ancestral God, coldly swept the eyes of Yang Zaichuan, disdained said.

In the face of purple clothed women, Yang Zaichuan, who was doing a good job, was not only disintegrated by Zhao Fang, but also humiliated by 5-Star Ancestral God. Immediately complexion gloomy, extremely poorly staring at Zhao Fang.

It seems that all responsibility is pushed to Zhao Fang.

“I don’t dare to get back from 5-Star Ancestral God. I only know that it is a waste to deal with me.”

Zhao Fang fills the knife.

Yang Zaichuan gloomy is extremely violent.

The whole person instantly turned into a transparent Divine Beast, which was bigger than the mysterious blue whale, and smoldered directly to Zhao Fang.

“Frequently provoke the Palace Lord, really the Palace Lord is good to bully?”

Zhao Fang reveals a trace of coldness.

“Immortal Technique, Ice Age!”

An extremely terrifying white gas, in the flank of Zhao Fang, whistling out.

The white air mass in the rush, bursting, terrifying white gas, mixed into the air, mixed into the light, instantly filled the circumference thousands of miles.

Thousand Miles Icebound!

Even the means by which Yang is manifested in Chuanhua has become extraordinary.

Still being this terrifying chill Icebound.

Purple charm that charming face, once again changed.

A few others, not to mention.

Even if they are far apart, they can clearly feel the terrifying chill that is contained in the white gas.

“What Divine Ability he is repairing, there is such a terrifying power, even the air light can be Freeze!”

Purple charm is a little shocked.

Light is their greatest advantage.

But nowadays, some people use the different Divine Ability method to give birth to this advantage.

“You can come here, it’s really not simple.”

Purple charm start to talk, the look has long since recovered, when looking at Zhao Fang, the reason is slightly solemn, but most of them are also one kind of overlooking attitude.

Zhao Fang ignored her.

Void Hand grips, and the eyes are cold.


Purple charm drink, it seems to guess Zhao Fang intentions, want to stop him.

Already late!


In the Icebound area, all the light and air are in the gap between Zhao Fang and turned into powder.

The violent vibration even spread to the Star Main Hall.

But this Main Hall, I don’t know what kind of material is forged, even if it is facing the impact of a thousand miles of Icebound, it is not moving.

The smoke is scattered.

Purple charm charming face like frost.

“Hello, you dare to kill Yang Zaichuan.”

The beautiful woman is angry, countless Hero destroys the waist.

Eyes look at the 5-Star Ancestral God, and there are still a few remaining people, ready to besiege Zhao Fang.

Shrink The Ground To An Inch !

Zhao Fang stepped forward and the whole person disappeared.

There are still a few ripples in the original space.

The next moment.

The white Zhao Fang appeared in front of the 5-Star Ancestral God, and the figure disappeared again in the gaze of the other party.

When it appeared for the second time, it stood next to the purple charm.

The purple charm was also shocked by the means of Zhao Fang.

To know.

In the world of light, no one can beat her by every move.

But when just now Zhao Fang disappeared, she had no indication of Sense.

Extremely awkward!

As a result, when Zhao Fang appeared and grabbed her with her bare hands, the horror of the purple charm, the reaction slowed down half a shot, directly grabbed by Zhao Fang.

But she did not panic, just staring at Zhao Fang.

‘what’s going on ? Suddenly there is a very disturbing feeling. ‘

A sense of Crisis, who did not come from, appeared in the heart of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang did not hesitate, and immediately retreated, and suddenly he was thousands of miles away.

“You are running fast!”

Purple charm did not pursue, still standing in the same place, watching Zhao Fang.

In her right cuff, a purple snake was found.

The purple snake has only the thickness of the chopsticks. It is less than one meter long and can swallow the appearance of the snake letter, but it makes Zhao Fang feel like a man on the back.

“What is this snake?”

Zhao Fang looked at the green snake deeply.

“Empty snake.”

What is spoken is not a purple charm, but a slightly old voice.

A purple-eyed face with pride and self-confidence, when I heard this sound, the petite body was slightly stretched, and the face showed a respectful and joyful look.

Turned to look at the Stars Main Hall large gate, rejoicing: “Master?”

The large gate front starlight gathers and eventually condenses into a silhouette.

When I saw the person’s appearance, Zhao Fang suddenly stunned, in the eyes revealing a strange and deep affection.

The person who appeared, dressed in a star robe, is different from the ordinary robe. The stars on his robe are not embroidered, but a real star, hanging like a high heaven, hanging on the robe.

This feeling, Zhao Fang was shocked at the first sight.

In addition, the robe old man is extraordinary.

There is a majestic atmosphere that overlooks hundreds of millions of stars and takes charge of the universe.

In the face of the Country Lord of the Qing Dynasty Country Kingdom, in front of it, childish is like a child.

This temperament is extremely contrary to the old man in Zhao Fang’s memory.

He even felt that he must have read the wrong person.

It was not until the other party started to talk that he found that he did not admit the wrong person.

“Zhao Fang?”

The robe old man is amazing. “I didn’t expect it, we will meet in less than three years!” Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang wakes up.

It was also amazed at each other and said: “邋遢Old Daoist?”

“It’s me!hehe…”

The robe old man does not need to laugh and look proud.

Seeing this appearance, Zhao Fang immediately confirmed that in front of him, he had pointed himself to the Golden Hill Danger Zone to seize the opportunity, Ni Chang’s inscrutable Uncle Master.

邋遢old man !

“Senior, are you here?”

Zhao Fang’s expression is wrong, and Wan did not expect that meeting again will be the scene.

“I have been here all the time. It’s you, if I remember correctly, you didn’t even have Earth Venerable in the past. It’s only how long Time has reached this one step!”

This statement came out, the audience was amazed!

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