The first thousand six hundred and twenty-five chapters are taken from the star ancestors!

Just three years.

From a non-invasive Earth Venerable, it became a god Powerhouse.

Looking at the entire Primal Chaos, Zhao Fang is definitely the first one.

Even if it is a peerless talent from some holy places, it can’t do this one step.

‘This fellow’s natural talent, is this evildoer? ”Or to say that he is the reincarnation of a certain Sir? ‘5-Star Ancestral God, purple charm and others heart stunned.

The first for a moment.

For this God who was previously scorned by them, a trace of curiosity has arisen.

“hehe, Luck is good.” Zhao Fang smiled, then looked at the Star Hall, and the old man in the robe, secretly shocked.

At that time, the two sides met at the beginning of the wu world.

Zhao Fang doesn’t know the true strength of 邋遢old man at all.

Only know that he is strong!

Time passes, when Zhao Fang climbs to God Lord Realm, the 邋遢old man who is deep and unmeasurable in front of him is not as imaginary as a prisoner.

‘9-Star Ancestral God? ‘邋遢old man cultivation base did not surprise Zhao Fang.

He even thinks that this is taken for granted!

“Here, is the palace of senior?”

Zhao Fang looked at all around and smiled gently.

“Okay. Come, come back to the Stars Main Hall.”

邋遢Old Daoist laughed and took Zhao Fang into the Star Main Hall.

Purple charm is completely paralyzed.

In her memory, the Star Main Hall has always been the teacher’s place of Taboo.

Don’t talk about outsiders, even her apprentice, there are very few opportunities to go in.

Not to mention being invited to visit!

What surprised him even more was that Zhao Fang accepted the invitation calmly, and he was not flattered at all. It seems that this is a normal thing for him.

‘This fellow who knows what it means to enter the Stars Main Hall? ‘The purple charm is messy.

In the Star Main Hall, it is not a temple of conventional civil architecture, but a heaven and earth built by the power of countless stars.

The abnormality is not true, it looks like it is beautiful, extremely shocking.

Especially the astounding star power, for the wu who specializes in star power, it is called Culture Holy Land.

“how is it?”

邋遢Old Daoist smiled.

Zhao Fang was initially shocked by the weather in the Star Main Hall.

But it soon calmed down.

After all, the star power is so strong and strong, and for him, it is just that.

He does not cultivate Starpower, and the temptation of Starpower to him can be almost ignored.

Zhao Fang’s plain reaction, falling in the eyes of Old Daoist, his smile is more intense.

Falling in the purple charm of the eye, purple charm reveals a trace unpleasant.

‘This fellow, Strength is flat, what qualification is proud. ‘At this time.

Wearing a broken Dao Old Daoist, looking at Zhao Fang said: “I haven’t introduced myself for so long, the Old Daoist is a star, but also the star ancestor.”

“Take the star ancestors?”

Zhao Fang chewed it and said, “Zhao Fang.”

“Well. I know this, the girl of Nihuang told me.”

Picking up the star Taozu smiled.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang expression, “Senior knows where she is now?”

“Of course I know. However, I am sorry to tell you that she is not in the colorful Primal Chaos world, and Clone who stayed there for the same time, for some reason, returned to the body.”

Pick up the star road.


“That is Ni Chang.”

“so that’s how it is, where can the junior find her?”

“With your current Strength, even if you find it, you can’t take it away. It adds a sense of sadness.” The star-dwelling ancestor is meaningful.

Zhao Fang startled, immediately blinking, staring at the star-dwelling ancestor: “Senior is not a holy place?”

“How do you say?” Star An Older, a smile and awkward, came a trace of interest.

“This Main Hall is abundance to move unhindered. It is not like the common god country, or the country-level influence. It can’t do this one step completely.”

When I heard this, the purple charm was coldly snorted, and the charming face showed a trace of self-satisfaction.

It seems to be saying that it is a bit of a eye for you.

Picking up the star ancestors smiles: “What do you think, the holy place from Old Daoist?”

“My Initial Entry Primal Chaos, the ten holy places, only touched the Confucius Gate, Immemorial Star, Wanlong Nest, and a few people in the early days.”

Wen Yan, the star An Older, was amused.

“Common people, you may not encounter a sacred younger generation in your whole life. You fellow, just came to Primal Chaos, and you met four, but it is still not satisfied.”

Zhao Fang smiled and said: “There is a strong star here, it seems to be…”

After waiting for Zhao Fang, the old star An Ancestor waved and interrupted. “Wrong, not the Immemorial star.”

“No?” Zhao Fang is stunned.

What he just guessed is the Immemorial star.

“It’s somewhat related to the Immemorial Star, but it’s not from the Immemorial Star, but the Holy Land!”

Picking star ancestors indifferently said.


Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

Wan did not expect that 邋遢Old Daoist, actually came to shake the holy land.

“Ni Chang called senior a Uncle Master, so to speak…”

“Yes. She is now shaking the Holy Land, it is the Saintess who shakes the light.”


I don’t know why because Zhao Shan and Mu Qingxuan have experienced it, Zhao Fang is very sensitive to these two words.

“Zhao Fang, have you heard of Myriad Region Great War?”

The star Taoist ancestors suddenly asked.

“No.” Zhao Fang shook his head.

Wen Yan, picking up the star ancestor’s eyes and passing a trace of fine mans, said: “You are in the Primal Chaos, the universe, can have a foundation?”


“In this case, the meeting is the fate, how does Old Daoist give you a good job?”


Purple charm is now ready to react, it seems to know what the teacher wants to say, want to stop.

Zhao Fang seems to have heard the strangeness of the purple enchanting voice, with a thick face and a laugh: “This way, not very good.”

Having said that, he himself is staring at the star ancestor.

“You fellow, you really never lose.”

The old star, An Ancestor, laughed and looked awkward. “Speaking, Old Daoist has received several disciplines since he left the Holy Land, but he didn’t make a difference.”

“Today, you and I will meet again, it is God’s will, to achieve you and my master and disciple story.”

Picking up the star ancestor must be said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang finally understands what the so-called chance of picking up the star Old Ancestor.

“Cough…senior, it doesn’t matter, my cultivation is special, I don’t mean to be a teacher for the time being, so thank you for your kindness…”

Zhao Fang refused.

He even refused!

The purple charm was smashed.

To know.

If this is for the rest of the universe, even the universe Country Lord, after learning the news, will be to wild with joy, Zhao Fang actually expressionless rejection.

Is this fellow still a human?

What is he thinking about?

Purple charm thinks that you will have one more Junior Brother.

However, I did not expect that Zhao Fang would actually refuse.

Give up this big chance!

But immediately.

Purple charm is extremely unpleasant, coldly staring at Zhao Fang, “a good arrogant fellow, I am cherishing your natural talent, want to cultivate carefully, you are so arrogant, empty-minded!”

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