The first thousand six hundred and twenty-six chapters are single-handedly suppressed!

Purple charm is completely angry.

No one dares to refuse, or can refuse the invitation of their own teacher.

In particular, this object of rejection is only an 6-Star god.

This makes her extremely unacceptable!

Zhao Fang frowned, blinking at the view of the expression of the star ancestor, the same expressionless.

Picking up the star Dazu seriously looked at Zhao Fang’s eyes and immediately smiled. “No, Old Daoist just said this casually. If you have a better teacher, Old Daoist will be happy for you!”

“many thanks picking stars senior understanding!”

Zhao Fang thanked him.

Aside from the purple charm, Master knows that Master is an extremely proud person. After being rejected, he will definitely not start to talk to the apprentice.

But at the same time, she also showed unusual anger at Zhao Fang.

My own teacher father from the start to talk, actually refused to be rejected by the other side’s eyes.

Purple charm feels that this is not only Zhao Fang’s self-satisfaction, arrogance, more, but also the contempt of his own master.


Purple charm one step out, look cold and stare at Zhao Fang.

“Arogant’s fellow, you think that my master is who, his old man is willing to accept you as a disciple, is your great creation, in the universe, I don’t know how many people want to be my discipline’s discipline.”

“You dare to refuse, I have to look at it, what qualification do you have, dare to refuse!”

Purple charm said, the eyes of the cold flame climbed, the whole person emits out an extremely powerful aura.

5-Star Ancestral God !

The cultivation base is not high.

But aura is more terrifying than common 5-Star Ancestral God!

“Roll over the battle!”

Purple charm said coldly.

Zhao Fang looks at the star-deep statue, this Old Man, even his eyes closed, a look of invisible.

Zhao Fang immediately understood his mind.

Helpless smile.

“In this case, I will give you some advice!”

Wen Yan, purple charm Liu Mei inverted, charming face with frost, said coldly: “Grandma does not bully you, I will suppress Realm to 6-Star God Lord Lord Realm.”

Zhao Fang doesn’t matter: “There is no need for this, and the ending is always destined.”

Purple charm said with a laugh: “You are some self-knowledge now.”

Zhao Fang shook his head. “I am not talking about myself, it is you! You will be defeated! Whether it is 6-Star or 5-Star Ancestral God, you can’t change this reality.”

this time.

Even the eye-catching star is closed, and it is also slightly frowned.

In his impression.

Zhao Fang is a young man who knows how to advance and retreat.

How can it become so arrogant complacent.

‘Do you say that this is the disadvantage that the Strength Upgrade is too fast, causing lack of heart? ‘When I think about it.

Purple charm has taken action.

Her aspect looks awkward, but it does not deceive.

At the time of the fight, the Strength used is completely 6-Star.

This is so.

The power of the purple charm is also surpassed by the general 6-Star god, even comparable to the level of 7-Star.

5-Star Ancestral God, as well as several other purple charm followers, sneered at this scene.

‘Even if you suppress the cultivation base, you are impossible to be the opponent of the purple charm Junior Sister! ‘On the occasion of their singing of Zhao Fang.

In the face of the purple charm, Zhao Fang just waved out.

“What does he want to do? It won’t be thought that with a single palm, you can catch the attack of the Purple Sister Junior Sister!”

“It’s really an arrogant’s unknown so-called fellow!”

“This kind of fellow, why do you need the purple charm Junior Sister to do it yourself? I can lift it by Ouyang Ping!”

5-Star Ancestral God Ouyang Ping, eyes cold.


The next scene.

It is greatly unexpected to everyone.

Zhao Fang was faintly swayed, and the purple charm slammed into a viid.

Directly missed!

However, the purple charm does not have any irritability, annoyed look, but a serious face, as if Zhao Fang is standing in front of her.

“how can it like like this?”

Ouyang Ping and others are embarrassed.

Even the eyes that have been closing their eyes are respected, and their eyes are slightly stunned.

“Space Divine Skill ?”

That’s right.

Zhao Fang is the Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.

“It seems that the charm of the child has to suffer.” Stars star muttered.

as predicted.

The second move, the purple charm will be suppressed by Zhao Fang alone!

However, the purple charm is a direct disciple, which is not like the same.

She also noticed the clues.

Directly with the power of surpass God Lord Level, assist Divine treasure, free from the shackles of Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.

When she clear headed over, she appeared in the eyes a trace solemn.

“I have said it for a long time, let you use all your strength, you don’t listen. The result…”

The lazy voice is introduced into the purple charm ear.

Purple charm charming face gloomy like water.

She has never been a little Zhao Fang.

A fellow that can be recruited by the teacher to start to talk, is it a general?

Even with the use of 6-Star, it is also a respect for Zhao Fang.

In the battle, she never stopped!

This is so.

Still being played by the other party!

“I am ignoring you. Since you let me break out, don’t regret it!”

The words fall.

Purple charm imposing manner Fully open, no reservation!

“This is right. If you want to fight, you must have a good time. Of course, with beauty, I prefer to fight with them in a special place.”

Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

“Special place?”

Purple charm startled.

Soon, from the smile of Zhao Fang’s enchanting charm, she vaguely thought of something, charming face immediately chilly.

“Shameless Pervert, come to accept death!”

Under the wrath of the purple charm, holding a colorful long sword, the sword is mighty, can split the Starry Sky, and stunned to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang smiled. “It seems that you are not stupid, it is too reckless.”


Purple charm startled.

next moment.

At the moment of its proximity to Zhao Fang, an inexplicable Crisis feeling suddenly shrouded her face, disappearing in the air and appearing again in a strange space.

It is Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth!

Different from the previous ones.

This time, Zhao Fang showed his goal to Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.

Even the 5-Star Ancestral God, the purple charm, can be trapped for a second.

Time although short, but for Zhao Fang, it is adequate enough.

“God Slayer Spear !”

Zhao Fang holds the God Slayer and shoots like a dragon.

The ~ purple charm suddenly screamed, spurting in the mouth, and he did not hesitate to self-mutilate, from the Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.

“I want to kill you!”

The purple charm was played repeatedly, and the anger reached the limit.

Directly use heaven and earth to traverse Zhao Fang with the power of Ancestral God.

This is a kind of very rogue play.

at least.

In the history of the universe, there has never been a god who can compare Ancestral God Powerhouse in heaven and earth.

Purple charm can be picked up as a discipline, and natural talent is not weak.

Her inner and earth grade, aspect is not a royal product, but it is also a very rare king.

Can crush most of the inner and earth.

Purple charm believes that even Zhao Fang is no exception.


In the face of the offensive under the purple charm, Zhao Fang is a smile.

“Beneath heaven and earth?”

The words fall.

One side is innocent and majestic, and it contains an amazing weather. It is even more amazing than heaven and earth in the purple charm. It appears in Zhao Fang behind.


After picking up the heaven and earth, I immediately opened my eyes in shock and exclaimed!

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